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Help!!! Think I got hit with some fish disease


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All my fishes have died after one year one operation. Think there is some disease out break. The fishes started to loose interest in food, then develope some slimy stuff on the body. Their fins became shabby and then their gills too. Dont seems to have white spot on their body, but they breath very heavily. Soon one by one died.

After all gone, I did a 50% water change, then let then tank sit for abt 1 1/2 week. Two days ago, I added one small clown, but I seeing the same things happening again. What going on? How can I treat them. I read abt the symtoms on the net, which was discribed as slimy skin disease (Brookynella hostillis). But they say that the disease can only live a few days without host. I stopped for 1 1/2 weeks but still coming back. They also mentioned abt using copper to treat, but I have intention to keep some soft coral in future. Help!!!!

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Is your tank completely empty of fishes, invertebrates, and corals? Please describe what you have in your tank. Measurement of water parameters will also help us a lot to narrow down the problem. Also, did anyone spray insecticides near or above your tank or using cleaning agent?

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I only have a PH test kit which read 8.3. Only live rock. Ehiem canister filter with original filter inside, clean it a few weeks ago. System was running for a year before it broke down. Only feed with dry food.

But it all only slowly started when my dad bought a wrasse and butterfly from dunno where. Guess the disease must have been from them.

Anyway, now all gone. I want to know how to kill any virus still in the system without redoing every thing again.

Can I jus let the system sit for a month? Read somewhere that the virus cannot survive long without a host.

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