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My First Marine Tank


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  • SRC Member

Tank info-

Size- 3ft 1.5ft 1.5ft




Age of tank- 3+week

Tank fishes- *Xmas Present

1 Royal Gramma

4 Tiger Anthias

3 Percula Clown

1 Blue Yellow Damsel

*2 Bicolour-Angel

*1 Clown Wrasse

*1 Dragon Wrasse

*1 Yellow with a Black Spot Butterfly [dono name]

*1 Keyhole Angel



back to studies and reefing again..

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wow 3 weeks + u add so many stuff liao?

ehh reborn LR suck lah .. lucky nv buy much.. look at urs .. all bushy bushy .. lolz look like refugium tank

wahahahaha kidding lah .. what abt ur other livestock from?

anyway me still with nuthing nt intend to do it so soon .. cos my friend told me that his dad gona open a marine shop soon.

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i think u r adding the fishes too many and too fast. u'll hv to monitor closely yr ammonia, no2 and no3 level. they will spike real soooon.... ;)

Forget it. He won't listen. I bet he's a troll. With all that angels, keeping corals will only provide food for them


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It's people like him that gives the hobby a bad name. He didn't list that humbug damsel in the fish list, that makes it 16 fishes in a 3' tank.


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Wah kao! So many fishes. What filtration are you using???? Yr sand so big size. Impossible DSB right. Anyway, with DSB also useless. Cos the wrasses going to eat all the life in it.

My new tank also 3ft x 1.5 x 1.3. 3 wks also, but i still going to wait for another month or so.

Anyway, u are not the first I seen that commited such mistake. Maybe u can start to sell some of the fishes to offload yr losses to minimium. Give yr tank more time to stablise.


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my tank is already overloaded in many people's opinion already

I have about 12 fishes in my 3 feet by 2 by 2 feet with other corals

NOt to pour cold water, but get ready to fail though.........

Most of the reefers here are giving you good advice which will help in the long run

but you chose to stock your tank over the max limit in JUST 3 WEEKS??


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lol shit.. some of my fish given from my uncle so.. i cant say no cos its very rude. actually i limited my max fish to round 10 but due to my uncles 1 it bcame another 5. i saw my angel tasting the polyp but they jus pui, guess it taste v bad man. eh tanzy wat u mean by saying me giving the hobby a bad name? i don mind pple saying other thing, i know ur an experienced hobbyist but i don think its nice to say tt huh.


back to studies and reefing again..

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cool guys .... take it easy ..... but i just like to point out that patience is the NAME of the game in marine world and to have so many fishes in such a short time is a disaster waiting to happen !!! Tanzy is just giving his opinion , so you just have to take it with a pinch of salt .... we are all here to help/ learn from one another ....


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Just stating a fact. We as a whole are getting blamed for reef destruction and fish depletion by the media driven public. We need to show people that fish and coral actually survive and do well in our tanks and not prove them right by our fishes dropping dead.

I don't think it's nice to add so many fish at once to 3' tank too. Deal with it.


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Good idea Norman. I think I got a bit worked up too. Didn't have too good a day.

Anyway, a bottle of Seachem Prime or AmQuel will help neutralise the ammonia and nitrite for the time being until the fish can be moved.


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i was also shocked by the amount of fish given by my uncle. my uncle even wanted to give 6 DAMNsel of the same species. imagine. i din even want so many fish but those are given as present. so its too bad


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We're all moving in the right directions now; involved in a tank saving effort.

SRC-EMS = Singapore Reef Club Emergency Medical Service? .... :P:P

Feelings aside, and in line with Tanzy's effort of trying to change general public opinion, we'll try to find [d]3v|L's fishes / corals some place to tide over.

So what say we Reefers?

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Quoted from Reefkeeping's Tank of the Month Dec'02

Martin Lakin's Personal Notation

Last week I watched on television a documentary about people who collected butterflies. They were collecting enormous quantities of dead butterflies, securing them to boards with steel pins. Unfortunately, many of the specimens in their collections are now extinct, possibly due to over-collection back in the Victorian age (which they explained was an incredibly popular pastime), or possibly due to the destruction of their natural habitat. This made me think about how people will view us, as reefkeepers, in 100 or so years from now. It is my belief that reefkeeping is vitally important, since one day we may be in a position where reef animals can only be kept in artificial conditions due to the destruction of their natural habitat. And, in the meantime, we need to learn as much as we can about the animals themselves and how to recreate the conditions they need to thrive.

I also feel that it is reefkeepers who are making many of the breakthroughs on recreating the optimum artificial environments, and this area is not necessarily the sole remit of public aquariums and other such institutions. In fact, hobbyists are passing our experiences on to these organizations that are able to teach members of the public the value of the coral reefs.

I consider that it is the people who set up 'death tanks,' or do things at a whim, who are a danger to the good name of the majority of reefkeepers. These are the people who set up tanks with little research, and see their set up as little more than a 'pretty thing at the edge of their living room.' It may start off looking attractive, but after replacing the dead and dying stock a few times due to incorrect equipment, inappropriate livestock, rushing ahead and not allowing things to mature properly, it soon becomes an expensive, and all too often, an algae infested mess. I feel that retailers should stress the responsibility their customers have to the creatures in their charge, and not see it as an opportunity to make a quick buck. Although saying that, there are many retailers working very hard to insure sound guidance for their customers and who have high ethical standards.

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Although saying that, there are many retailers working very hard to insure sound guidance for their customers and who have high ethical standards.

I guess there is certain truth to this statement to a certain extent.... :) but I personally believe there is much room for improvement for the retailers to impart sound guidance and practice ethical standards :P

As for Mr Devil's tank...hehehe :blink: ....3wks of cycling definitely not enough lar...unless you are damned lucky...lucky enuf for all your fish to withstand the atrocious environment in your tank B) you are left with only 2 options...

1st...like wat NormanH suggest...put in some of the reefers' quarantine tank :wacko: jus for a couple of weeks more or so...you will get it back man....dun worry :D 2nd option is to give back your uncle....hehehe :P i guess you will say it's a rude gesture...but you must explain to him lor :angry: if not you will kena left,right,up,down centre again from some of us ;)

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no choice tt was present i thought of culing some of them but i couldnt bear to do it. i cannot reject the present even more cos its givenby my uncle. anyway my uncle is setting up a marine tank..lol. maybe i will give him back. he told me he will mix alot of fish inside like lionfish diff kind.. o man i wish him luck..


back to studies and reefing again..

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