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Terry's 3x3x2 Tank


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Really admire your stocklist, the fishes u like are so different from what majority of pple like. Very unique taste and because of that u should understand why most pple will not be able to appreciate your tank or give positive feedbacks.

Some fishes that i dun quite understand:

1. Why u keep a coral beauty? Is it a unique coloration one or it has always been one of your favourite dwarf angel?

2. There are only flasher wrasse, how come u dun like fairy wrasse like most pple do? For example common ones like flame, rhomboid, hooded all these will greatly brighten up your tank a lot more compared to the flashers u have now.

get 10flameback and 10 flame angel WAHAHAHAHAHA

3. Isn't bartletts nicer than dispar, lori and randall? Why u dun keep bartletts instead since they're hardier and nicer. It isn't like dispar, lori or randalls are rare, they're all as common as bartletts, any special reasons u chose them or u simply like them more over bartletts?

get flavo anthais X100 ^^surely got alot of ppl view your tank LOL

4. Clownfish u dun like picasso? Pearl-eye clarki is nice, but black clown is errgh.... Not say not nice but a bit boring isn't it now w domino and midnight or even misbar black clown coming out. Even misbar latz are more interesting than black clown dun u agree?

digi i like black clown also lol >.<

Haha not to challenge your choice of fishes but jux curious to know why u get all these fishes because u're in this hobby for so many years, probably longer than me, so thought your choice of fishes will be geared towards something more special or rare or at least something that most pple agree to be nice.

You and your weird ideas!!!

Edited by Terryz_

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why everyone keep saying coradion won't last long? i don't know about melanopus and chrysozonus but altivelis is ok mah? most website say very easy.

I have only got 2-3 feedback about Melanopus and all are not good.. It seems no one kept Chrysozonus before... Altivelis is quite rare too, this genus is too unpopular with reefers...

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it's unpopular because number 1, they are butterflies.

any butterflyfish will instantly be unpopular already. even expensive and well known ones like tinkeri, declivis are so unpopular here. coradion will be right at the bottom list.

especially altivelis since it's so rare and only from australia. so it's like really, i can bet you almost no one kept before.

but they're very beautiful and like i've said many many times.

it's a SHAME none of these fishes are given a chance in the industry just because people have the misconception about butterflyfish. like longnose butterfly, pyramid, prognathodes etc.

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kk 50 flavo

hmmm cureent got 7flameback le left flame angel only ma lol

Still siao and it is so EX!!! Randell cheaper and nice also..

You still dare say...

Edited by Terryz_

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it's unpopular because number 1, they are butterflies.

any butterflyfish will instantly be unpopular already. even expensive and well known ones like tinkeri, declivis are so unpopular here. coradion will be right at the bottom list.

especially altivelis since it's so rare and only from australia. so it's like really, i can bet you almost no one kept before.

but they're very beautiful and like i've said many many times.

it's a SHAME none of these fishes are given a chance in the industry just because people have the misconception about butterflyfish. like longnose butterfly, pyramid, prognathodes etc.

Ya lor..

It is a shame really.. But again my taste is different... =P

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I am so tempted to try keep crinoid after seeing that there are reefers in RC who managed to keep them for TWO YEARS!!!

Should I?

no! MASS member leh! stop keeping all these impossible stuff haha lol

one success for 2 years doesn't mean anything. for every 1 that survives till 2 years, millions more are dying lol. besides 2 years is not very very successful. these guys can give for decades in the wild. just that no one manage to keep so long.

from a hobbyist point of view, 2 years is long. from nature's perspective, 2 years is nothing.

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no! MASS member leh! stop keeping all these impossible stuff haha lol

one success for 2 years doesn't mean anything. for every 1 that survives till 2 years, millions more are dying lol. besides 2 years is not very very successful. these guys can give for decades in the wild. just that no one manage to keep so long.

from a hobbyist point of view, 2 years is long. from nature's perspective, 2 years is nothing.

It is the same as golden, venustus, multibar and colini angels and also bandit angels... :whistle :whistle

These have other problem other than feeding whereas for Crinoid their main problem is lack of frequent feeding in captivity..

With the given conditions and frequent feeding throughout the day, I believe it can be done to keep them like other corals or fishes...

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It is the same as golden, venustus, multibar and colini angels and also bandit angels... :whistle :whistle

These have other problem other than feeding whereas for Crinoid their main problem is lack of frequent feeding in captivity..

With the given conditions and frequent feeding throughout the day, I believe it can be done to keep them like other corals or fishes...

getting a multibar soon pei you try ^^

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Just a additional note.. I am not encouraging reefer to go for crinoid but it is worth a try if you have the right condition and requirement for it... It is better than letting the poor crinoid die and wither at the LFS if you can give it the TLC...

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Just a additional note.. I am not encouraging reefer to go for crinoid but it is worth a try if you have the right condition and requirement for it... It is better than letting the poor crinoid die and wither at the LFS if you can give it the TLC...

WELL SAID! :score:

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Ya.. but not everytime also have.. and they are quite big... Multibar is quite easy to keep lar.. it is the venustus that is difficult..

i meant venustus.... dun like multibar -,-

so long as venustus eat means should be save hor?

either way tml i feel like buying 5 flame angel LOL if got 1inch one since got 120 coming in =.= shit bad feeling

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i meant venustus.... dun like multibar -,-

so long as venustus eat means should be save hor?

either way tml i feel like buying 5 flame angel LOL if got 1inch one since got 120 coming in =.= shit bad feeling

I wouldnt say they will survive if they eat... See if they are getting fatter anot.. if eat but still getting skinny, it might be due to internal parasite or inproper catching method...

Pls dun add so many angels liao.. Save some spaces for the rare fishes...

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