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Lemon's butterflyfish dominated reef


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  • SRC Member

nice scape bro. might just be a challenge to plug in frags due to less flat surfaces, but can sure turn this into a wonder after adding corals :thumbsup: i like the 'bridge' on top center.

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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  • Senior Reefer

I'm v reluctant to deliver such bad news early in the morning:

Your mitratus as expected is not doing well. It's currently lying on its side on the tank floor and breathing even more heavily. On pushing the fish it'll swim back up and become v active then after a while it'll lay back to its side. From this situation i've to say it's a goner 100%, will not survive pass today. How do u wish for me to handle it's body after it die? Return to u or i dispose of it myself?

The roseafascia colours are v nice, make the lineatus looks drab. Such beautiful fishes hope no accidents will happen on them.

Your rockscape is nice enough already for now, i like simple concept, spacious, not too overpacked. Eventually when u start adding corals and fishes u'll need to shift the rocks around.

it's ok digiman :) can't help it. if it decides to die in your high expert care then too bad for it. just dispose the body bah.

yea hope the roseafascia don't jump or anything hehe. btw will the super long rhomboid tail develop in our tanks? or will it only develop half way or not develop at all. i'm aware that some fishes won't grow or show their natural form unless captured from the wild.

anyway, do they look like this in your tank? deep pink



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  • Senior Reefer

ok thanks everyone for the comments. i agree there are no flat areas. but i don't like flat rocks and i don't like flat areas. although practical, it's very ugly (IMO).

coral placement will be a little challenging, but it's ok. what's life without a little bit of a challenge :)

so the main issue now is coral placement. will try to work on it. if its really too impossible then re-do the scape lor haha

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  • Senior Reefer

Hi LemonLemon,

It is indeed very different when viewed through the lenses. You have to decide your preference, whether to look nicer in pictures or real life. Often when we are doing scaping for planted tanks, we will ensure it look better in photo, so as to take part in ADA competitions etc. If you prefer it to look better in pictures, you may also have to consider the rock placement (zen, 1/3 rules etc), depth of placements, growth/colors of corals etc.

I still find the tank look horrible in your house..... I am sure it will look better in mine... friends.gif

oh thanks for the tips. if i had to choose, i will definitely choose it to be nicer in real life than in pictures.

after all, i will be seeing it everyday. at the end of the day, what's most important if i like it or not. so it's better in real life. if it doesn't show up nice in pictures it's ok. haha. because i get to see it in person and that's alright.

and if you insist it looks better in your house, you are welcome to move it there hahahaha! :friends:

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  • SRC Member

oh thanks for the tips. if i had to choose, i will definitely choose it to be nicer in real life than in pictures.

after all, i will be seeing it everyday. at the end of the day, what's most important if i like it or not. so it's better in real life. if it doesn't show up nice in pictures it's ok. haha. because i get to see it in person and that's alright.

and if you insist it looks better in your house, you are welcome to move it there hahahaha! :friends:

As you mentioned previous, your satisfaction is what matters. welldone.gif

OK, I will get the movers in :P... kidding lah!


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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  • SRC Member

ok just 1 more last pic on the scape. that remind's me... glass v dirty must clean up all the salt drippings.

On your last FTS posted, is it possible to turn/move/rotate the huge bottom to the left to create a 2-3 inch gap with the right side? It might create a deeper depth with a "look through" right at the 1/3 spot.

The right side placement is awesome!


Billy Cheong

70gal, 250w MH (Reeflux 12000K), Tunze Nano Wavebox 6206, Tunze 6045, Tunze 6025, Teco TW4, Rio HF20, Aquabee 3000L, Rio HF17, SM100 Scrubber box (4x24w T5 2700K)

Fish: Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clowns), Nemateleotris magnifica (Firefish), Pterapogon kauderni (Kaudern's Cardinal)

Inverts: Calcinus laevimanus (Hermit Crab), Lysmata amboinensis (Cleaner Shrimp), Sand Dollar

Corals: Capnella (Purple Hairy Finger Leather), Plerogyra sinuosa (Green Bubble Coral), Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral), Dendrophyllia (Supersun Coral), Rhodactis spp. (Hairy Mushroom)

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  • Senior Reefer

On your last FTS posted, is it possible to turn/move/rotate the huge bottom to the left to create a 2-3 inch gap with the right side? It might create a deeper depth with a "look through" right at the 1/3 spot.

The right side placement is awesome!

that's the problem with pictures. this is a perfect example.

there's actually a huge valley space between that large rock and the right side. but the photo does not show this 3D look.

here's a picture of the same spot when looked from slightly to the right. notice how big the space is?

but i think it's better that it looks nice in real life. at least your eyes get a different visual feel as you look at it from different angles. it keeps your eyes moving and draws attention to the entire overall look and scape of the tank. which is so important right?



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ehh, I think you need some flat rocks bro. I find too many high rise buildings in your tank. I mean it is good because you can grow plating sps out from there but alot of times, you have to use epoxy to hold them to the pillars. And usually sps come in colonies, so maybe not so easy for you on the long run (:

Just my 2 cents bro :peace:

bro, if you do not like flat rocks, may i suggest that you slant your pillar-ish rocks to an angel and epoxy them down? I think seriously 90 degrees rock to the bottom of the tank will make it hard to put corals. You put one on the top, if it grows faster than the ones at the bottom, the bottom ones will die. so yeap (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • Senior Reefer

bro, if you do not like flat rocks, may i suggest that you slant your pillar-ish rocks to an angel and epoxy them down? I think seriously 90 degrees rock to the bottom of the tank will make it hard to put corals. You put one on the top, if it grows faster than the ones at the bottom, the bottom ones will die. so yeap (:

lol ok thanks. noted. i get your point.

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  • Senior Reefer

You try lor.. LOL...

that's what i did for my old tank. but it's risky and will crash if you don't do properly.

anyway cycling is nice and fun to watch. all the pods will start blooming soon. and so will the diatoms..........

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that's what i did for my old tank. but it's risky and will crash if you don't do properly.

anyway cycling is nice and fun to watch. all the pods will start blooming soon. and so will the diatoms..........

If you are not careful... Cyano too.. lol...

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  • SRC Member

I remember you went yum over my bacteria covered prawn last time.. others went eeks you went yum... *shake head*


Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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  • Senior Reefer

What is the lenght from the water surface to top of rock?

i've been waiting for someone to ask this

it's actually going to be a problem. because the rocks is very high i think.

it's 6 inches from the highest point. isit going to be a problem? if so then i need to re-scape liao D:

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  • SRC Member

i've been waiting for someone to ask this

it's actually going to be a problem. because the rocks is very high i think.

it's 6 inches from the highest point. isit going to be a problem? if so then i need to re-scape liao D:

for my tank, the left side need to overflow is about 6 inches to surface. I can only place those sps that grow horizontally and always need to trim the vertical one. Still can but dun look nice... make u feel very tight... no space.

dun know how to explain just compare with my tank


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  • Senior Reefer

for my tank, the left side need to overflow is about 6 inches to surface. I can only place those sps that grow horizontally and always need to trim the vertical one.

dun know how to explain just compare with my tank

ooo. ok thanks.

i was worried that the 6 inches will be too shallow and can't keep anything. i was wrong then! lucky got SPS guru here haha.

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