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how to scrub algae from live rock

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Can anyone tell me how u usually scrub off the algae from the live rock? Do you scrub it off using the toothbrush in the tank or take out the liverock and put the liverock in a bucket full of seawater or ?

For i hear people mentioned that scrub the algae from the rock would remove the diatom... therefore may i know what is the right method? For currently my tank is overrun by green algae or the tank wall and rock as well. As I read from the forum, we must reduce the food and lighting as well. May i know what you all mean by reducing the lighting? Off the light of the tank for few days or reduce the number of hours of the lighting? If off the lighting for a few days, would it affect the livestock

Please advise. thanks.

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  • SRC Member

Manual removal is only interim solution. Control the algal nutrient sources if you want lasting relief. If you still want manual control, you should take out the said rock, manually pull algae off, scrub with brush, rinse well, then put back in tank. Don't do it inside tank as you'll just help to spread the algae.

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Thanks for the quick reply. May I know what is the difference between manually pull of the algae and scrub with brush? Which method should I practice?

As for the lighting, must I totally off the lighting or reduce the hr of turning on the lighting? If totally turning off the lighting for days would it affect the fish n corals? Please advise thanks

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  • SRC Member

Manually pull off big branches, brush off remaining stubs. Do note that some algae sticks to the rock pretty well.

Reduce lighting may help but is only part of the equation. Furthermore, corals need the light. Fishes look better with lights but they dont need it to live. You should target the other parts of the equation like nitrate, phosphate, silicate.

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"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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pull out is a tiring chore and algae like bryopsis or hair algae doesn't come off rocks easily. the only thing is that you minimise the detached strands being blown around the tank.

brushing (if you're able to get them off) means an algae-storm as the strands will all come lose and be blown everywhere

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  • SRC Member

Manually pull off big branches, brush off remaining stubs. Do note that some algae sticks to the rock pretty well.

Reduce lighting may help but is only part of the equation. Furthermore, corals need the light. Fishes look better with lights but they dont need it to live. You should target the other parts of the equation like nitrate, phosphate, silicate.

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Do take note of my first post - if you choose to remove manually, take out the rock and do it then rinse in a bucket of saltwater to remove algae traces before putting back into tank.

But the ultimate solution is to control the tank nutrients.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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oh i had the same prob, i fill a small container with water, pull out the hair algae and put it in the container. The 'algae storm' would be cleared by the mechanical filter just replace the pads often....LOl

for diatoms, i like using toothbrush...many choices and brands to choose from,colgate...###### b :off: but i control algae with chemical filtration.

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if you're trying to get rid of algae the best way to cut off their supply, manual removal won't help in the long run. get phosphate removers? or use hermit crabs or other critters that eat them to control their numbers. sometimes a little bit of algae is good.

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sorry i am just curious on this algae thingy, currently since there is existing algae on example my live rock and wavemaker. if i add in those phosphate remover such as Rowaphor and etc... would the algae just die by itself or it would come/drop out from the liver rock automatically? Please advise. Thanks. Sorry me newbie on this algae thing.

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  • SRC Member

if the algae is phosphate triggered then yes. as your phosphate levels fall the algae will wither off themselves and die so you won't need to do anything. however you need to make sure your silicates are also in control for this to happen. if you're topping up water with RO/DI or distilled water then it shouldn't be a problem.

if you're talking about more problematic algae like bryopsis that are not based on phosphates then you'd have to find other ways of elimination.

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