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Australia Aracana Ornate Box fish

Australia Aracana Ornate Box fish

The Aracana Ornate Boxfish is an endemic species of fish found on the southern half of Australia. In the wild, this fish can grow up to a maximum length of 15 cm and can often be mistaken by reefer from their close cousins which is the striped cowfish.

Aracana Ornate Boxfish are sexual dimorphic specices, as males fish have yellow or blue line spots, whereas the female boxfish has a plainer colour with orange-brown strips.

Male Aracana Ornate Boxfish

Photo credit ; Fishes of Australia LogoThe above photo shows the Male Aracana Ornate Boxfish

feMale Aracana Ornate Boxfish
Photo Credit;

The above photo show a Female Aracana Ornate Box fish

A video of the female Aracana Ornate Boxfish from recent New trio Fishery shipment.

Like all boxfish, the Aracana Ornate boxfish can be a challenge to keep and is not reef safe. This fish is not recommended for beginner and care should be taken when keeping it with other species of fish as stresses from the fish may release toxin from the skin killing other fishes in the tank.

Larry Ng

Larry Ng (aka Harlequinmania )- Blogger, chef editor of SRC, and experience reef keeper, with over twenty years in the marine aquarium hobby. His love and crazy for marine life and fish keeping since a young age has turned his passion into a lifelong hobby. His personal 1000 gallon tank, and setup has been featured on the magazine and video.
