Reef Photography Tips & Tricks
Ever wonder how in the world people is taking those amazing photography of their reef tank and corals on those social media? Today, I am going to share some tips & tricks about taking photographs of your reef tank, which you can learn about easily. As part of this hobby, taking beautiful and nice corals […]Read More
Custom Tank or ready-made?
Hi everyone, today I’ll be sharing my own unique short experience about building a custom tank compared to a ready make tank, and hopefully, it will help someone decide on their next project. To be frank, I would strongly advise to only go for a customize tank build, if you have experience with setting up […]Read More
Setting Up a Quarantine Tank for a marine aquarium
A very much debated topic among the hobbyist during the setting up of a marine tank if there is really a need for setting up a quarantine tank? How important is it for keeping a successful marine reef aquarium? Perhaps for a freshwater tank, the setting up of a Quarantine tank may not be 100% […]Read More
How to keep your aquarium cool during an Emergency ?
Living in a tropical country like in Singapore, there will chances that we encounter some issue with the temperature of our tank rising either due to a chiller break down, power failure or pump failure. In a marine tank environment, an escalating water temperature if it does not handle fast enough, it could be devastating […]Read More
How to lower phosphate in your aquarium
How to lower phosphate in your aquarium is something that you are going to ask at some point or the other when you are setting up a marine aquarium or even when you are already running a marine tank for a period of time reason being Phosphate P04 level is one of the key important […]Read More