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How to register SRC Forum Mobile. (IOS)

How to register SRC Forum Mobile. (IOS)

Hey Guys! Today I will be writing down a tutorial guide on how to register on Singapore Reef Club Forum and also how to use Tapatalk to access the forum on your mobile as an app. Firstly that is few thing we need to understand. SRC Forum is a standalone forum that require an account […]Read More

Behind the scene of coral importation EP:1 (How do we get our corals)

Behind the scene of coral importation EP:1 (How do we get our corals)

As a hobbyist, we might always be wondering where and how coral is collected and imported into Singapore, landed in one of the local live fish shop (LFS) before it eventually ended up in our fish tank. We would like to take this opportunity to thanks coral fanatic that is willing to share with us […]Read More

Promo in December 2020

Promo in December 2020

YES! Year end sales is here hurray! We have collated all the promotions that are happening for you! This month, besides 12.12 sales, there will also be Christmas sales going on for the month of gifting. So let’s check it out below! (Not in any order) If you are looking to set up a marine […]Read More
