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Tank set up Resources

6 essential steps to acclimate your newly bought livestock into your aquarium safely

6 essential steps to acclimate your newly bought livestock into your aquarium safely

How to acclimate marine livestock into your aquarium is a question for which you will definitely be seeking an answer if you have plans on setting up a marine tank. But why do you need to acclimate marine life? Think of it in this way…you are living happily in a climate that is very warm […]Read More

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ) for Newbie setting up their first marine tank

Frequently Asked question ( FAQ) for Newbie setting up their first marine tank

I have heard a lot of people saying that it is expensive to set up a marine tank is that true? Setting up a marine aquarium do require more equipment and knowledge in maintaining the water condition, however with the advancement of the technology and very affordable products from china. It is no longer a […]Read More

Best types of algae for your refugium system.

Best types of algae for your refugium system.

Best types of algae for your refugium system. When we talk about a refugium tank, it usually involves part of the system connected to the main tank sharing the same tank water which many hobbyists grow beneficial algae to remove excess nutrient from the water acting as an additional form of filtration. So what is […]Read More

Battling with nuisance Algae in our marine aquarium

Battling with nuisance Algae in our marine aquarium

Algae and “That Other Slimy Stuff” There are many types of algae. There are also a few organisms that look like algae but not all are algae at all. In a healthy aquarium, the algae will be green, and if left alone, will grow hair-like in appearance. Algae that is red or brown may indicate a water […]Read More
