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Everything posted by m12345y

  1. Thanks Jacky & Dr Evil. just to confirm, should the fan blow air in or out? i actually used fan to blow in but not much effect.... i've left my hood doors open these days till i got time to install/re-locate the fans
  2. yes, but two got big openings as large as the fan unit though not directly above the fan. It seems the 2x 110w LED generate more heat than 4x 54w t5 tubes...
  3. oh, mine peak at 45C, is it still ok?
  4. any small YT like 50cents spotted? how much does it cost usually?thanks
  5. now you have both fishes that i regretted to have in my tank, green wrasse & sixline wrasse my sixline is now even chasing my purple queen anthias! AND i WARN you now, later dont go and buy royal dottyback (while you thought you are buying a royal gramma )
  6. why you buy coral Rx? kenna already or just use as precaution
  7. this thread becomes interesting! Personally i DO feel the Pasar Malam becomes a dangerous place especially for newbies...
  8. alright, it seems to be working now, at least can switch on... It seems to trigger only when passing through the set timestamps but does NOT check on timer settings on power up, stupid design if confirmed...
  9. hi jacky, i setup the timers already, but it seems not working accordingly.... is there another setting to trigger the lighting set to read the timer settings? i setup mine as follows: white: on 1400 off 2000 blue: on 1600 off 2359 i entered config mode again by press n hold the timer button and all settings are correctly reflected on the display so i suppose i have setup the timer correctly. but still, both blue n white were lit just now b4 1600.
  10. i suppose it is due to the strong acidic nature of the solution, it could be able to kill any corals (though not tested)
  11. This takes quite some effort indeed! no prob bro... next time we go lfs together?
  12. be careful when injecting the lemon juice and *i think* it will be good to switch all return pumps and wavemakers first, i killed my super sun which is nearby...
  13. jacky, you figured out how to setup the timers? me still running on external timers since the unit does not ship with an instruction manual.
  14. surprisingly my purple queen anthias also doing well so far eating ocean nutrition instant baby bring shrimp and cyclopeeze and are also getting along well with dispar anthias
  15. of course i didnt put in detergent for the filter load, but there is residue from all the past loads
  16. let's see how disciplined you are
  17. nice setup there, using compressor chiller with titanium coil? what's the width? can we have a picture of your sump after you put in all the equipments? thanks.
  18. err....you get those detergent smell? my socks are clean but then contaminated with detergent i think, so got to wash again n again in running water, but the smell remains, next time i think it's still better to just bleach and wash and sun-dry btw, is your skimmer producing as much *kopi* as it used to? mine reduced quite a lot...
  19. now no direct sales from maxspect unless you buy from fish-street etc in which case warranty will be a problem but anyway, price from dr evil not too bad, though no 10% off as seen on fish-street
  20. mine grow from 3cm to the length of your blue tang in just 10month and now is the gangster in my tank. I had tried many times to catch it out, but it always outsmarts me...(and now i felt so guilty of killing him in the night in the sands)
  21. catch the green wrasse OUT or you will regret...well, imho...
  22. that's so called list price, usually there will be 10-25% discount
  23. ah beng == prcific reef ? which area in the map below? last time couldn't find it... i know that iwarna is at A and Pinnacle is at G btw, will airshow affect the traffic conditions from pie/sle to iwarna is the airshow nearby pasir ris farms? are the roads linked? intend to visit ah beng and iwarna but scared if got traffic condition due to the airshow
  24. you put bleach inside washing machine??? will it cause any damage?! i dare not..... moreover, mine is front load, so i dont think it helps that much in terms of rinsing....
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