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Everything posted by thc

  1. Oh! i hide behind the monitor am I??......Well, i really am!...so that makes me a unsrupulous Keyboard Hero... Free drinks, ermm, ithink better not lah. Don't wanna to be seen sitting with you, or else others will think we are in the same cohort. Although my pay is little, i still can pay for my drinks.... Thank for your offer....Mr DE
  2. Mr DE, First of all, i don't think you know me well enough to address me as Daniel, a Mr in front of my name would be more appropriate. Jus like i address you as Mr DE, that’s basic manners. Now let’s talk about the charts. Thank you for agreeing my point with me on the inaccurate charts. But I can’t understand why you are using it to promote your sales since it is inaccurate. Fortunately, discovery of the discrepancy was early. Why not do the tests in Singapore you ask! And why don’t I volunteer to do a test? Firstly, test or no test it isn’t my problem, it’s yours! At a higher premium, I’d choose a tested tube rather than a testing tube. Volunteer to test the tubes I will, if the money is gonna end up in my pocket. But it isn’t and I wouldn’t want to be brand in the same cohort with you. As for the ATI thing, I’m not gonna brush away the responsibility by hiding facts. Yes I do have problem getting the tubes, but I didn’t give up. I’m always trying my best to get the best ATI tubes until now. I do know many reefers had placed orders but no deposit was collected from them, for I’d rather take the risk alone than to drag along others. My persistence should be paying off real soon. I’m not interested in the reefing society overseas. Furthermore, there are too many heavily edited pictures posted although some are genuine. Locally, we have many very successful tank. If selling the tubes aren’t gonna make your pocket deeper, wat will?? You are selling them at such high price, almost equivalent/equivalent to the ATI and D&D. I wouldn’t need to reveal how much you are earning openly, do I? There wasn’t an issue at all. At least not before someone discovered the discrepancy. Reefers jus wanna know why the charts have some much different. The relative intensity is very inaccurate. Did I condemn the tube?? I really can’t remember doing that! And lastly, have you tested the tubes on your tank???? I don’t think so….Not using it and wanna sell it??!! Wat a joke.. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day..yah??!
  3. Soon,,really soon...meanwhile, you'll have to wait....i'll pm you in the other forum when i have news.....
  4. You feel sad when you see such remarks! COM’ on, the product hasn’t been tested and that is precisely why this was brought up because you claimed it is 20% stronger than ATI. To add –on, the charts provided in your site shows different value in the relative intensity, which coincidentally is about 20% stronger than the ATI. Anyway the ATI chart presented is also inaccurate. Do you think it is still trust worthy? To me, you are presenting false facts to reefers and if I understand the charts correctly, the T5s will appear more yellowish when compared with ATI and Deltec. Wat makes you think that the ATI is not available in the US and EU market?? It is in fact too high in demand for their local market and there isn’t enough for overseas. You may have to swallow your words soon. Reefers who are in the hobby long enough knows that besides ATI there is D&D, Aqualight, Aquamedicis. And they also know that LSs are sensitive to the quality, color and spectrum of the tubes used. Don’t blame others when you wanna make a “killing”, but failed. BTW, i have received a reply from Mr Rex Ng……..
  5. Osram, Vossloh, tridonic and elbiru can be use to fire the tubes... some uses the icecap ballast to drive their T5s
  6. Yah lor ..instead of answering....go around trying to get others to sympathise you and worst still get other non-related people involve.... For that kind of price, i'd rather get the D & D tubes if ATI isin't coming. Mr Rex Ng, am still waiting for your answer lei...
  7. He locked the graph leow..Fear not i have aleady saved a copy of it....we can continue to discuss this if reefers are interested....if you wants to see the graph...jus PM me hor....
  8. you can contact rex ng to have the answer...Am still waiting for his reply....
  9. You welcome and it's also my Pleasure to help....
  10. Let me have the honour, The Y axis in both charts shows the relative intensity. One chart is in units of 100s while the other is in 200s. The first charts shows the green spectrum in the 800 region while the second chart depicts close to 1K. For the red spectrum, the first chart is around 450/500 while the second chart is around 650. Pls note that the charts are taken from Mr DE's site and not produced by me. I merely explain the differences in both charts. Hope this helps..... Cheers Btw, in case you are not aware do check this thread out for another good tube arriving our land soon..ATI T5
  11. the other chart, taken from Mr DE's site
  12. let me help...chart is from faunamarin...can be found in Mr DE site also, but this is clearer
  13. Singapore have meh??? Someone say Narva no more making tubes for ATI leow lei...... Didn't know Narva produces tubes for ATI??.....Maybe i email Narva and ATI to verify this..... Anyway, PM you leow.....ATI is the best...
  14. Sorry, will not post again...anyway UPZ for you..and Happy Chinese New Year
  15. Wah so interesting ah.... Very good at pretending lei....don't know this fella have double nick!!??
  16. Huh vulgarity haizzz you lack self control....
  17. Can i join in the fun.....not the "unhealthy part" but the chit chatting only...may bring along a friend..
  18. Wah, $50 for a one month old bulb...That's a very good deal!!! Is it still available.....i'm very keen...
  19. "Gong Gong Kate Sat Sat" in Hokkien
  20. Han nor han nor.......if not no one will read leow...I've tried to stay clear as long as i could leow.....but last night i couldn't resist any longer.. Sorry hor BH don't leave lah......without you we wouldn't be amazed by your impervious spirit of GGKSS...
  21. Man!! you have one hell of a thick fur......point finger some more... And i think you didn't go thru a thinking process before posting...in another words you must be sitting on your brain when you post.... Like Reefaholic mentioned...with jus 6 post and new membership, you know so much???? Pls use your brain before posting lah......Reefer's Brains are up there in the head not like yours in the buttock..... Changing the brand of the tubes and OEM to others wouldn't help hor.....
  22. Ok now that i've indicate my interest of being a MOD...i'll hand in my resignation also....bye
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