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Everything posted by RAV-65

  1. Pm me the price for ARM? me keen too...
  2. Actually already got bro come down to try to troubleshoot liao... dat's why discovered the salinity....
  3. Could be introduced via other corals...
  4. Tank Update: The STN didn't stop.... :( However, manage to discover today that my SG is too high... tested it to find it at 1.028! Once again I overlooked and made such a newbie mistake... was overconfident as I measured it about 3 weeks ago and it was 1.024... Learned another lesson today... Immdiately did a 5 percent water change, followed by another 5 percent 12 hours later.... Hopefully the STN would finally stop, and of my SPS are clearly stressed...
  5. 4get to add yesterday.... alot of nice orange montipora digitata at Harlequin... Heard they just launched a promotion for the SPS corals, good value for $$$, not the brown ones... so those who are into SPS better cheong... saw yesterday alot of nice staghorns and other SPS...
  6. I dun tink so if you aim the return accross the tank...
  7. Another thing... as most cars in Singapore are insured by NTUC... I heard there are cases whereby, when two cars, both insured under NTUC meet an accident... NTUC decides that both sides are in fault... in the end, both sides lose their NCD... dunno if its true... anyone can confirm this rumour I heard??? If its true, the NTUC insurance, though it may be cheaper, is not a good idea...
  8. I tink I post here lah... if not everyone start PM-ing me... I told the Harlequin people that there's alot of people looking for zoos lately and they say they wun be changing their price becoz of that... it'll be at $35 per colony... some colonies have 30-40 polyps...
  9. I'll have to say BMW... But maybe a 4 year old one...
  10. Bro... the colour of ur car and the taxi??? Like I said... some people are more visual... so they may remember the accident of a ###### colour altis and a ###### colour taxi...
  11. Hi bro... I tink for your case, u'll realise that having a stronger return pump would do you alot of good coz I guess ur return pump is now really way too low... If i were you, I wouldn't tee off to the FR but run individual pumps for it, but if conserve electricity is very high in priority to you, u can always tee off...
  12. Not to mention all the nice pink zoos! Have actually posted this in another thread, but just in case anyone misses it, coz there's a huge zoos craze now... All the zoo lovers, if u still haven't got any pink zoos, better dun miss this, they got pretty intense pink ones too and the price is very reasonable...
  13. Yup... was there today at Harlequin after work and saw lots of very nice pink zoos, some even are intense pink, so tempted to buy another one, but decided not to as my tank already have a colony.... Price is very reasonable at $35!!! :yeah: So all the zoo lovers out there better get ur colony before its all gone...
  14. Congrats bro... glad you got wat u wanted...
  15. Suggest u call the finance to check the full settlement amount... Den go to LTA/one-motoring website to check your scrap value... normally u can sell the car for a few k above the scrap value...
  16. Huh?? ur red green one lonely mah... I'm looking for a partner for it...
  17. Got Pinkish centre with green skirt... but only under STRONG actinics...
  18. Huh? every car I drive, I use one hand to do U-turn leh... Maybe I used to do coz the 1st car I drive no power-steering...
  19. Juz came back from Reborn.... got new shipment of zoos in....
  20. Aiyoh... haven't even get a chance to re-bid.... Anyway, I tink $160 is a very good price liao... I was still tinking real hard if I shouldcounter-bid... Good sale bro!
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