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Everything posted by james72

  1. Be careful on the output of your mazzara. If possible, raise up the height. Cheers, James
  2. Pictures please. .... Cheers, James
  3. Can take a look at your sump setup? Cheers, James
  4. Hook up with siowaro, he just custom his 4ft shallow tank with external overflow box for $400 delivered. Cheers, James
  5. I kept my tank nearer to the higher temperature between 80.2f - 81.3f. Speed of growth faster when temperature kept higher. How much is the limit I do not know. However I do notice sps colours tends to show better with the new grown tips as compare to other parts of the body. So maybe we should encourage growth and the colours will come naturally. Cheers, James
  6. Hmmm.....interesting. Mine base n body are purple with green polyps. Slight blue tint on tips at certain angle. So maybe its a purple bonsai Cheers, James
  7. Is there a different between purple bonsai and the tri colour valida? Cheers, James
  8. Agreed on oxygen as byproducts of photosynthesis. But what happen to the dissolve o2 when there is no light and water temperature stays high? Just pondering, how many hours do one keep their lights ON in a day (24hrs)? Cheers, James
  9. Lol.....no, I select for you the ones most suitable to your tank maturity Cheers, James
  10. Nice skimmate, glad you bought the beckett. Btw what pump are you using to drive the beckett injector? Cheers, James
  11. Just my guess and no test. Is it because at high temp 29-30degC, metabolism rate increases, bacterial growth increases, so bioload will increase, Zooaxanthelea increases, everything increase except oxygen never increase, things start dying, nutrients gets high, sps turn brown or stn? Please pardon me for my simple minded theory. Cheers, James
  12. Small or normal growth rate. Definitely not accelerated. Not enough milk lah.....ha ha but dont blame me if crash Personally I dont believe in milk. Cheers, James http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/105744-the-journey-to-the-valley-of-the-reef-by-james/'>
  13. I sponsor u some zoas frags, gsp and simple sps when I think your tank is ready. Cheers, James
  14. Oxygen level drop might be link to carbon dosing causing too much bacteria bloom and depletion of oxygen. That's why we normally route biopellets reactor outlet hose to the skimmer. Cheers, James http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/105744-the-journey-to-the-valley-of-the-reef-by-james/'>
  15. Wow, cool stuffs....how is the performance of the beckett when use with hailea pumps? Pressure good enough to support? Cheers, James
  16. Could it be salinity shock? Did you do slow water mix for acclimatisation to your tank parameters? Cos normally lfs will keep their tank water salinity low to control ich and parasites. If the fishes you bought are quarantined fishes and you have done all the necessary steps to acclimatise it. I guess can only doubt the method how the fish were caught. Cheers, James
  17. Small growth on the digitata? Cheers, James
  18. Swee swee bo zhou zhui.... Cheers, James
  19. Can share the method use for tuning the calcium reactor without pH controller?
  20. Long but not too shallow unless your width is wide so your scape have more dimension. Consider min 18" depth or if possible 20"
  21. Look like some kind of marine bugs......like some type of mantis shrimp Cheers, James
  22. Have the following spare pump for sale, sms me at 91822409 if interested. 1) 3 days old Water blaster 5000 l/h - $150 Cheers, James http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/105744-the-journey-to-the-valley-of-the-reef-by-james/'>
  23. Thanks for the recommendation of the blue gel. Indeed easy to use cos it stick fast, much faster than bsi gel. Plus its $2 each. Cheers, James
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