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John Deroe Kenedy

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Everything posted by John Deroe Kenedy

  1. Nabei CB! Sumone stole my new Macbeth Shoe and Nike Slippers. *expletive* left with 1 old pair of vans shoes...

  2. Really meh? Coz everywhere i go, its $125... Even DE Lightings selling at $125... Looking for used 6045..
  3. Looking for tunze 6045 wavemaker.. Pm me
  4. u can order that bottled water at fairprice website.. 1 carton of 12s 1.5L is $5.90.. Delivery charge $10 for $60 spent or below $7 for above $60.. If u need like 40 bottles = 4 cartons (48) I will be like $34.40 Its a better money spent rather then trying to get Algae off by buying addictives.... If u wanna save alot of money... Maybe at the moment u use DI Bottle water, save up some cash n get a RO/DI unit...
  5. is it my eyesight.. or is that bleaching.. If u dont have RO/DI system, buy Life Distilled Water at NTUC... 2 x1.5L bottles = 95cens For ur algae issue, Its becoz of u using tap water with just seachem prime. I dont really think that cleaners do much work. They are controllers but they are slow. GBPo4, i dont really know how it works, i tried using it in my nano last time, but my tank still have massive algae growth. . I would highly recommend u to buy a FR to run RowaPhos which u can hang it outside of the IOS. FR+Rowaphos really helps, it removes Po4 n preventing Algae to consume them. I got mine free of algae within 1 week. If u dun want to have an FR, just use it in the filter bag provided, and dump it at a high flow place. But i still suggest using a FR coz rowaphos does better in a reactor.
  6. This 3 elements have been giving me headaches.. I wanted to start adding SPS to my tank, but with this issue, its not anything time soon, maybe a few just to test out.. Regarding my Alk, Calcium and Mag issues. I found something funny, maybe my knowledge of this 3 elements are minimal. I'm trying to get ALK-10dkh, Calcium - 450, Magnesium. But there's always a problem every single week. My Alk and Magnesium always depletes buy my Calcium didnt. Instead my calcium level keeps on raising even tho i did not add any addictives.. But currently, only magnesium depletes.. Week 1 Alk - 8 dKH Cal - 460ppm Mag - 1260ppm Week 1 day 3 (aftter adding Alk n Magnesium Addictives) Alk - 10ppm Cal - 450ppm Mag - 1350ppm Week 2 Same a Week 1 day 3 Current Week Alk - 10dKh Cal - 464ppm Mag - 1260ppm What the relation between Cal n Mag? Does Calcium raise when Mag depletes?
  7. Anyone wants Egg Tarts n Blueberry Cheese tarts for free? Sila amek dkt umah aku sendiri. Jelak kite satu family tiap2 minggu bawak balik tarts. Macam nk buang pon ada. Menyemak simpan dalam fridge..

  8. Thread Close.... Upgraded tank... Nano doesnt satisfy me... Big Tank Satisfy me alot..
  9. This is very urgent, My ball valve controlling the water flow from sump to DP tank is broken. I went to c328, Jurong Point Hardware shops all dun have ball valve. Urgently needed one..
  10. Cb.. hate it when people yawn in the train n nt covering their mouth.. the stink affects the whole cabin.

  11. Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right I swear I'm right, swear I knew it all along and I am flawed but I am cleaning up so well, I am seeing in me now The things you swore you saw yourself.

  12. Argh.. TK boleh tdo.....

  13. ouh.. sorry i thought i saw 9002.. haha.. and calculated wrongly... ok like i said, for bio reactor i dunno much about nitrate reducing... I just use Prodibio Digest to reduce my Nitrate level which is really usefull.. For Po4, Run Rowaphos in a FR... I did mine that way and my cyano was gone less than a week.
  14. For ready made tank I'm not that sure.. becoz the size u want is less than 2ft.. Custom u have to ask, im not that sure too..
  15. Cyano needs Nitrate n Po4 to grow.. Since ur cyano is already present, most probably u wont be able to detect Po4 as Cyano is consuming it.. They best way that i know which i am using right now, is to run Po4 Media In a reactor.. And sorry to announce this but ur Skimmer is under rated. Its a good skimmer but its for nano tank up to 200L and ure tank is about 800+ litres. Regard Bio Pellet i dont know much as I'm not using 1... Ure first mission is to get a Bigger Capacity Skimmer rated for you tank.. Do researh before buying it.. Know the product first.
  16. Movie Marathon With all "Almost" the same tittle. - Hantu Air, Hantu Gangster, Hantu Kapcai

  17. u can try iwarna. i think i saw there once... I THINK
  18. Oh God, So Dark, Crazy Heavy Rain

  19. Yay... while doing water change today... Ball valve broke...
  20. Big regular water change isnt cost effective for big tanks... for low demand tank, yes, regular water change is effective, maybe about 10%-20% water change.. but for mid - high demand tank, u need to do more volume of water change to replenish the elements which i think its really not cost effective. Even for mid-high demands tank, weekly water change of 10%, it still not enough to replenish the lost elements. i rather do manual dosing.. very much affordable as im dosing Randy's 2 part solution and trace elements...
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