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Everything posted by pospeh

  1. I would not advise you to get a Radium Saki combination for your 3 footer. The colors of the two bulbs are distinctly different, and you are going to have a blue tank on one side and a yellow-green tank on the other side. It might be possible to position both bulbs in a single line behind each other and not have the banding problem, but you need at least a 2.5 feet wide tank to accomodate this. A 20K MH light would put out more par than a T5. BTW, are you planning to keep SPS corals? If you are not, you should not have to worry about these things.
  2. Irrespective of the cost per ounce of fries reasons, fast food restaruants love to push up-sizes on fries and drinks on customers because that is where they make the vast majority of their profits. Selling burgers alone is really not that profitable.
  3. I am using the stuff. I got it from the US. It is basically borates/carbonates/bicarbonate salts (part A) and calcium chloride (part . It works as advertised. It will maintain (or increase) your calcium and alkalnity levels without getting the balance out of whack and cause calcium precipitation. There are several equivalent products that are available locally. The Kent brand can be bought from SL. I've also seen corallife brand being sold at OP.
  4. Oh really, wow, how do they process the stuff, and is it for their spines?
  5. nothing eats coraline algae. It would be like eating limestone.
  6. Hey congratulations. Its always nice to have new natural additions to a tank.
  7. I think all marine packs are basically the same. It is the camera that makes the differance. Preferably, you would need a camera with good range of manual settings (exposure, color adjustments, RAW format, etc), not the fully automatic ones since the light levels are so different several feet down. As far as I know, the P8 is a fully automated camera, unlike the Canon G-series or some of the Olympus. Having said that, your P8 will definitely take better picture than the disposable cameras. They should come out with decent pictures. Plus I think it is a good compromise between a casual camera you can use for your regulars needs and the specialized needs of underwater photography.
  8. As far as I know, nothing eats diatoms. Astreas, Nassarius, cerith snails are all very good at clearing algae. Trochus are also very good workers, but their disadvantage is their big size as they tend to topple rockworks.
  9. WOW AT, a year from now, you will have to end up giving up 50% of your stock and do a major aquascaping. But its a good chore.
  10. Jazz, your information on PR is all wrong. Fiji branching lr is $16/kg. Its still expensive, but hell of a lot cheaper than $60/kg. Also they have at least 50 SPS corals in good condition in all colors, not white corals you mentioned in another stock report thread.
  11. I am using the 120 model. The workmanship is top grade. The assembly is made of heavy duty clear acrylic, not the cheap thin PVC plastic. Very easy to set up and skims very well. You cant go wrong with it.
  12. phosphates in your water are fueling the growth of the algae. The light is just a catalyst. It is rather difficult to get phosphates out of your system. The quickest way is probably a phosphate absorbing filter media like rowaphos.
  13. Fishes will still be well after 2 weeks or more without active feeding. IMO, feeders are unreliable and a waste of money. As to family, unless they live in the same house as you and have seen your feeding regime, I wouldn' t trust them either. They are likely to dump the whole package in because the fishes "seems to like it", and pollute your tank.
  14. yes, they do have gold-plated toilet seats. But that kind of decadence is not for me. For that kind of money, I rather spend it on a villa.
  15. Nice growth, on a T5, even. If you like to watch things grow, go for a planted tank.
  16. Geez, sorry to hear that Victor. It was a nice tank you had. This is not the first time something like this have happened. Maybe everyone should think about not keeping cukes in a tank with powerheads.
  17. Clowns are hermaphydetic (?), meaning they can change ###### during their lifetime. The transsexual katooeys then get physically bigger by becoming a female.
  18. They are similar to clams in that they have a symbiotic relationship with algae whose functino is to convert sunlight into sugars. So you do not feed them like normal gorgonians. Just give them plenty of light.
  19. I also doubt that anyone can make a real profit from selling frags, aquacultured livestorck, unless you are doing it on a factory-size scale. The expense behind growing them (lights, chiller, setup,supplement, and most importantly, your time, etc) most likely outweighs the dollar value of the sales. It is really a labor of love, not for profit.
  20. There is hope for you yet bwilly. I am pleasantly surprised by your thoughfulness and intution (not that i ever doubted you in the first place)
  21. Ian, stop hiding, show your real stuff. It looks great!!
  22. Well, I tend to think that if you are selling used goods (and only 1), it should be OK (i.e. not a commercial posting). And you did state in the heading that you are selling the C100 (or c300) model, and not a full range of resun products. Nemoclown, I am sorry that you got caught in the cross-fire, but lately, there has been alot of controversy here over commercial guys who pose as genuine owners in the pasar malam section.
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