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Everything posted by minsmarine

  1. It might related to religion, but please try to keep religion out of discussion. As far as I can think of Purpose of Life is SUFFERING. Why, most of the times, u suffer. There are times that you enjoy, happy, but compare to the time you suffer, U suffer more. Any other points ? PS. Not discussion of Religion and SERIOUS discussion in this thread Please.
  2. U mean some1 here pretending to be a girl, when he is a middle age man with kids ? or he is DOUBLE ? I think Lizard is DOUBLE Patrick is TRIPLE Weisoon is QUTTRO me , ofcourse lar, still @ this age, SINGLE
  3. 99% of us lar. Cause we r proud to be a Singaporean
  4. 1st I don't know - how old is your tank. - what is your configuration. - what r the other chemical running. - what r the LS keeping. so very difficult to answer your question. If someone can answer your question stright, than the person become a PhD in reefing. And I don't know how much/ u r running rowa. Is that 1L all in FR or throw in all to the sump. Mushroom need so called Dirty Water. No mushroom survise in my tank ( give a way to other and become 10x bigger ). So u need to feed more info to give you some advise. There are so many parameter and different tank has their own unique signature, so hope you won't give up
  5. Played all above for 20+ years , so qualified to be ?
  6. Oh yea, BTW its not we don't talk serious here as well Some of the threads we started r serious threads. And we did talk seriously. So u need to know which r serious and which r not. If u ask me, I am in midlle of Middle Age Crisis Ppl known me notice what I am going thought But I still manage to talk rubbish, why ? I know what is Serious and what is not
  7. Posture is very important try to stand and your eyes is at the center of monitor ur hands r not resting on the keyboard. about 1 hand length away from monitor. Rest your back ( lower back ) to the chair.
  8. Haa ha no offened. Not only two of us, there are some other senior reefers also, if you read all. Anyway, we are frineds in outstide world as well. And you might notice, we talk everything rot, rubbish. Why ? Because we are mature enough to seprate between Serious and Rubbish. We talk serious in other subforums ( like SPS, member tank ) no joke there at all, but we talk rubbish here. Because this is place to wind down. In life, we need to know when to SERIOUS and when NOT TO. We DID respond a lot to HER Threads. Why I guess you would able to find answer when u reach to our stage. BTW, I won't consider all her threads as spamming. It's a lot better than "Can I run my skimmer 4-8 hrs a day" "Timer of Chiller" which thread r out of town. Cheer
  9. Patrick correction My VIP # is 0 remember # start from 0, not 1 So mime is #0 your is #1 fair
  10. So now we can talk rot anything, since we have official acknowledgement So what shall we talk, May be I should start thread like "How ###### is JE ?" what do u guy think
  11. I really hope so. Otherwise, SRC will become only BUY/SELL forum.
  12. Whatever her motives was, she entertained quite well for the past a few day, that I had to admit
  13. For me, Kopitian is place for Kopi and talk rock act rubbish otherwise this place should be called Reefing Acadamy. Anyway, what ever done cant be undo. So let look forward and learn the mistake. Cheer up man, Well, yes I miss her.
  14. Kopitian reflects how many active person on SRC. But this 2 days , so quiet. Like aftermatch.
  15. I remember one of my friend said "My wife loves me so much, so she doesn't ask me to do a lot" "she will decide all the minor decision making and ONLY MAJOR DECISION, she will ask me to decide" See how lovely woman are : Ah by the way, So I asked him, what r the major decsion he had made I was shocked by his answer. Since 15 years ago, There WAS NO MAJOR DECISON TO MADE YET. Happy Reefing
  16. Lizerd44 ( a man ) Who is extra short, thin ( thinner than YT ), with short temper, shot sited , short memory and no job. Another word, he is a blood sucker. PS. My reliable informer told me that he just started work as "Delivery Man"
  17. Ah hammmm A man with a heart. His heart is as big as 2' tank, can keep 100 over fishes.
  18. Ok, now I am wonder Where Is She ? Since she became famous overnight, She might be weighting to appear or not. Without her, now Kopitian is boring We miss you ..... :{
  19. patrick, u bad man i throw out my supper , because of u lar, said I am like a tom cruise haa haaa Joke of the LIFE.................. I have only one thing same like tom cruise. . . . don't be dirty minded again. I mean SMILE.
  20. u r right, because u r tall me short like a guy from the hell
  21. What can I say ? I think you should say, the person became a saint. Not a god. If we have so many god here, than how to worship. Everyday and the whole day, we end up just worship. Our reef will sufer, cause we are worshiping too much If there was a god here, I will worship that "please make my browny SPSs turned in to the colors and grow that no1 can match with me"
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