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XPeriment 626

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Everything posted by XPeriment 626

  1. get a sump. definitely. even if its just a small one. don't be like me as well, get a tank without an outlet hole. that means that all the equipment you want must hang in the tank, not only ugly but also means what you can do is limited. a sump allows you to put all your equipment in, out of sight, and makes maintenance easier. it increases your water volume so that parameters are more stable, and can be where you do nutrient export or keep things that cannot go into your main tank (e.g. non-reef safe things). plus, you don't have to commit to a big sump at the beginning. even a small one will do. the point is, as long as water runs out of your tank into the sump, you can change the size of your sump in future and add more equipment without having to reset your entire tank.
  2. heh just kidding AT! yeah in recent times the email spoofing viruses are very irritating because you never know who really was the infected party who sent you the mail so you can't ask them to clean their PCs. People have told me that I sent them a virused email but I definitely didnt as my email programme is so low-tech (eudora light) that viruses can't take it over!
  3. hard to tell without more details... how big your tank? what 4 fishes? size of the fishes? current tank inhabitants? etc. you could have overstocked too quickly and the toxins built up quicker than your tank can handle...
  4. bro you're the guy with the 2m tank in jogjakarta issit? no wonder your water volume so big! you really should upgrade skimmer. v important.
  5. eee, AT sending viruses to us. Must be for posts like JustinK's playboy calendar
  6. you mean LS not LFS yes? don't think you want to put a whole fish shop into your tank T5s are ok for normal livestock. Lighting is not really an issue for anything but corals and plants.
  7. think you have to put rowas in a bag if it is not in an FR otherwise the stuff will fly all over the place and get trapped in rocks etc. you do not want that because once the rowas gets saturated with phosphates, you have to remove it otherwise it will leach the phosphates back into the water which is worse. because of this, people use FR because rowas in a bag tends to be inefficient in absorbing phosphates (the rowas deeper in the bag do not come into contact with the water) and detritus builds up on the bag which adds to your nitrate problems. The FR keeps water flowing through all the rowas at a steady rate and allows effective and efficient absorption. Don't think you can get 1litre of rowas for $60 unless it is a special discount. For customised FR you might want to enquire with our sponsor Reef Maniacs, they make this. A powerhead is generally needed but you can also T-off from an existing return or something.
  8. hmmm must go check this vpost out. sounds good. amazon shipping quite ex.
  9. where are you getting all these awful pics bro... don't tell me you are the one actually taking them live!!! looks like i won't be drinking 7-Up for a long long time loh...
  10. you can also look at the way the clowns are placed in the LFS. you can generally put a lot of false clowns together in one small tank safely, but you won't find perculas in any number larger than 2 cos they will fight.
  11. not to mention most of the other life in the tank
  12. Though AT once mentioned that there isn't an official SRC tang police
  13. not sure what you're referring to. can post a pic?
  14. I agree. Interesting idea but the result is that you have to maintain the parameters of a large tank (becos the water flows through) while limiting yourself to a very small area for corals. Lighting, temperature, chemicals etc will have to be done as per a large tank which is not worth it for a small reef. 1/2' footprint for skimmer might not be enough for a 4.5' tank as well.
  15. orh ok. that sounds horrible. thanks man!
  16. yeah i think the tomato clown is not advisable with so many other clowns in the tank.
  17. Justin, you are officially no longer my friend. And once I get discharged from the eye clinic I will go over to your house and drown you in your 2' tank.
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: 5' x 22" (w) x 28" (h) tank, 10mm thickness, eurobracing top and bottom 1' long internal overflow box that can contain filter wool and coral chips Internally mounted return pump (around 600 l/h) 5 months old (bought it brand new in mid july, intended for marine use) About 20kg of coral chips optional with tank (free) Reason for sale: Upgraded my tank to new one with an external overflow so I can run a sump for my marine fish Collection: Self-collect near Serangoon Gardens. Anytime starting today. Price: $50! You have to settle your own transport costs though. SMS me at 97901711 if interested.
  19. router is something which allows many computers to use one internet connection. it's basically a home local area networking device.
  20. are you using a router? if you are, that will mask the IPs of your PCs and your firewalls will generally not have to deal with intrusions. a good router is quite decent as a firewall in itself.
  21. I go to aquamarin very often, and i've never seen a royal gramma there. they usually have bicolour dottybacks though.
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