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Everything posted by bane

  1. Saw somebody managed to ID his soapfish here - can somebody help me with this eel? I was told its a Richardson's moray but Richardson actually has a few morays named after him.
  2. Any eel is under consideration - feeding on frozen would be a plus.
  3. There are 2 species of "freshwater moray eels" when in actuality they are brackish and survive better in a marine tank over time. They are Gymnothorax Polyuranodon (the one with spots and name is Freshwater Moray Eel) and G. Tile (the brownish one with tiny yellow dots and name is Indian Mud Moray). G.Tile is available at Seaview Jalan Kayu so question is has anybody seen G.Poly ??
  4. Thanks Fuel for responding - unfortunately 1.2 K is not a price I can afford to pay for an eel ! Jun005- what triggers and eels are you keeping ? Feeding only once a week ? I didn't think triggers can go so long without becoming destructive... I have a chiller and sand size is normal , thanks for the advice.
  5. I have an auto feeder.... But let's just say there r other reasons. Moray keepers please respond !
  6. Fellow reefers - seeking advice on a change from my current soft coral reef tank into a Moray-only with live rock tank. Reasons are simple - i travel too often and have no time to maintain a reef tank. A Moray only tank means no coral so easier to maintain and also no need for daily feedings. The tank is 4x2x2 and I have all properly sized equipment - LED lights, skimmer, nitrate reactor, UV... Some questions on tank issues: 1) How often do you guys feed your morays? is twice a week okay? 2) anybody know the price of : Hawaiian/Japanese Dragon Moray Honeycomb Moray Fang tooth Moray - recent first time import by Irwana White mouth Moray 3) what other fish can be considered? I personally love triggers but they need to fed a little too often.
  7. Clown Triggers ? I was at ah beng on Sunday as well. Did I really miss them ? Damn
  8. Small clown triggers... haven't seen them for a while..
  9. Does anybody have LCK 201 number ? Keen on the Garibaldi but wanna be sure they still have some.
  10. Anybody know what arrived at AM? Was just there a few day ago so wanna check before heading down
  11. Thanks Jyoon. AM has bicolor angels, square shoulder anthias, small blue tangs and other misc fish. T95 has kole tangs, long nose hawkfish, Picasso triggers, cardinals (pyjama and some blue eyed I believe).
  12. No updates from LCK nor CF ? wondering if they will have new stock given proximity to CNY
  13. Looking for purple tangs also but a girabaldi which is not common so hoping fellow reefers can help keep an eye out.
  14. Does anybody know how much the striped burrfish cost? Messaged Jeff from Irwana but no reply...
  15. Does any body have Fuel mobile number? cannot seem to PM him.
  16. Fuel - cannot seem to PM you - how much will the burrfish cost?
  17. What's interesting are the small watanabei female angels... 1.5 inchers.... seldom see them that small.
  18. Does anybody know where to get XL size NP reducing bio pellets? Henry and AM only have the small ones currently.
  19. Thanks for really hoping a pair of gold skunks. Hopefully somebody can shed light on how to pair
  20. I want to get a pair but they are always sold singularly, anybody have experience pairing them ?
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