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Everything posted by euphoria

  1. Feed it regularly, and you'll be amazed. Mine was just the size of a tiny rock, but after feeding the bubble has doubled in size although the rock has remain the same.
  2. Agree...normally the true pecs for sale are only wearing black vest, with orange shirt.
  3. Barracuda...i like the yellow colour ..hmm...
  4. True Pec hard to find? The ones with black suit are hard to find...but not the regular true pecs.. CF got plenty of these types:
  5. Erm....new reefer welcomed? Saturday morning can squeeze time for the wholesome activity
  6. A classic beauty....hmm...3 ft too small
  7. Ha ha...Deep Blue, the mickey mouse head is a good job. very clean 'cut'.
  8. ha ha...it the polyps of Black Sun Coral...its actually a little greenish in colour. no pics though after cyclops, it opens up much more. thanks to all the info here and its funny, they seemed to hate the lights, rather than simply not needing them. the polyps open immediately after the lights off
  9. i agree! only when i dump in cyclops , can i see all my black sun polyps open. usually only 2 or 3 buds...
  10. bought a blue frag with green mouth from ML There is a rock full nice blue frags and purple mouths...who bought it? never leave one for me!
  11. Thanks! Lighting was my only concern. The water parameters are all good Water is changed every week, even before any detectable nitrates are noticed. So anyone? he he
  12. Hmm...if T5's are acceptable for SPS, I'm really tempted I've got space on top of those rocks to spare and they are very very near my lights. Do anyone have a small SPS frag to spare, for me to try out. Saw the tiny staghorns at PR, very tempted leh...but so afraid that I might kill that $50 branch. The rest of the colonies seemed too big for my tank. So...anyone kind souls? Jim
  13. Was there this afternoon....the 'nassarius' looks good and big. The shape also the same as my nassarius. But they do not have the 'breathing' tube....are they really nassarius?
  14. erm...i thought you mentioned in your earlier post that you were skimmy brown liquid? "i cant get the black liquid...its juz brown liquid...argh!"
  15. While enjoying the view of tiny crawling copepods in my tank, i notice a white ant-like creature amoung them. This fellow is much bigger than the copepods..about half a cm long. Who is he? could he be a 'giant' copepod?
  16. didn't do much. i think the whole idea is to keep the porite coral alive, so its near my T5s and lots of calcium. so far so good
  17. got it at the shop in tanjong katong..erm...liquid design
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