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Everything posted by K_Gokiburi

  1. I use a large sized UV to kill cyano and dino in mine, but has to be plumbed closed loop with DT and not in sump.
  2. Chiller and UV. Will redo the UV mounting again to make it neater. Refugium
  3. Pipes are run out to the service yard where the pump will also be located. Have already implemented this for the chiller.
  4. Gunk pulled out by skimmer. The rock was previously from another tank and had been sitting dry for a few years so had a lot of dead stuff on it.
  5. I broke a tank once when the rock wall collapsed
  6. Putting the rock work together with some old live rock and Aquaforest Stone Fix. Don't think I have enough, will probably need to get more.
  7. Yup, that’s correct. Though technically the piping was laid first and the cabinet was built around it.
  8. I wanted the chiller venting into the service yard and not the living room, so had the contractor create two openings so that I could run my piping outside. A total of 4 insulated pipes will run to the service yard - 2 for chiller, 2 for UV. UV will be run closed loop from the DT, have had good results combating ick and velvet when plumbed this way.
  9. Starting a new build after getting my own place. Tank: Red Sea Reefer XXL 625 Return Pump: Reef Octopus Varios 6 Planned but not purchased yet Wave Maker: Vortech MP40 x 2 Chiller: TECO TK1000 Skimmer: NYOS Quantum 160 Lighting: ReefLED 160s x 2 Will also be repurposing my old Radion Gen 3 as the refugium light. Tank Arrival The Qian Hu guys were really professional, kudos to them for making sure the tank was levelled and aligned. Tank came with the V3 sump and support brace.
  10. Hi guys, Am looking to buy some chaeto, would prefer to deal west side. Thanks!
  11. Thanks Bunster Just lazy to post haha The MI's my little miracle baby. Got it last June from Wong Loy Kee for dirt cheap, but it was in bad shape (skinny, pale and missing its streamer). Now it's the boss of my tank.
  12. As of July 2015 Om Nom Nom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JFyHUEpjqg
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