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Everything posted by Guinness

  1. this was not the only forum affected...... traffic was practically at a standstill earlier.... thought i got a virus or something...... ___________ Yep, back to norm liao
  2. buying a boat is easy..... Cheaper than a car in most cases. Parking and maintenance is the killer.
  3. Their survival rate is not good in captivity (so i have heard), Yes, they will die when food runs out. Thats why i suggested you borrow or adopt one .... Their numbers may spike but will dwindle after awhile (another hear say....) depends on many factors I suspect.
  4. Maybe ya need one of these...... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...2&hl=nudibranch Maybe u could borrow one.... give it a buffet meal! Yum!
  5. The co system is a multifaceted system where any thousands of creatures or by-product of a creature sustains the life of another. You could liken it to plants and nitrate. But that would be perhaps an over simplification. Various inverts will feed off the water which contains countless micro organisms. From simple and small bacteria to giant planktons (giant being a relative term here). This is why there are so many supplements and boosters out in the market and why water change is suggested to replenish the depleted resources in the water.
  6. Guinness

    Gear motor

    Sungei Rd area is a hotbed for strange machine parts. Besides the flea market, there are several shops behind the food court which have a load os machinery parts. U might get lucky.
  7. 6 months would be a safe bet. Blue Actinics....... subjective lah.... I leave them for a year but I am sure others will advise a 6 monthly change too.
  8. Is it my eyes or is the tank slanted and about to fall off the cabinate.???? Nice .... Good deal!
  9. I hate losing lifestock like that. I once transfered a small fish from one tank to another ..... only to watch it being gobbled up ..... Haiz....
  10. I think you guys are missing the point..... Don't forget, that is your house and in your room.... you HAVE to go back..... eventually.....
  11. When possible I choose 1) mermaid : To increase coin fallout 2) Jellyfish : To help collect the fallout 3) Snail (to back up the jellyfish) or Crab (to help against the rocket launcher alien) Enjoy.....
  12. Insaniquarium You think maintaining your reef is easy? Try this game out!
  13. Depends on how long your chiller was out of commission. If it's just an overnight thing, I don't think the clam would die. It would certainly not be happy and it's condition will start to deteriote. Other considerations will include tank mates or possibly parasites.
  14. you can try feeding small brine shrimps or other small sized food . daphnias or cyclops might do. Will be hard to keep in captivity as they are roamers in the wild. If it dies, remove ASAP. Gotta watch out if it will sting your fish that swim too close. They do not like strong surface currents... just enough to supply some food.
  15. Urgent! ___________ I have a fish which suddenly seemed to develop a swim bladder control problem and seem to be suffering from an inability to control buoyoncy. Anyone with and quick fix tips? Preferably tonite One of my fav too...
  16. Considering global time zones I would say it's nothing. Also I have not been keeping track..... I keep an open mind.
  17. Hahahahah..... well all her other roles (in movies) that I remember are characters of questionable repute..... kinda suits the role then huh?
  18. Movie was awesome. Regardless of your faith (or lack of), the film is highly recommended! Powerful and graphic !
  19. Sim Lim. Prices are very sticky though.... anywhere else where prices can be lower?
  20. I have a radio set, it has 2x 3inch speakers on the side. The buttons are round and on the top left corner of the unit, There is a radio frequency dial which is manually operated on the right side of the unit. The whole unit is grey with red piping trim. ......... Pls ID......
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