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Sea rabbit?


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hi all,

went to my friend's hse today to look at his tank and saw a few colourful slug-like creastures that has some "hair" at one end....

According to him, they are sea rabbits... can anyone confirm?

Questions is:

1) Are these "sea rabbits" safe?

2) Would they damage corals?

3) wat do they eat?


Vincent Ho

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Hi all,

thanxs tanzy!! will be reading up... i tried to do a search on the rabbit, but only one thread came up... :)


they dun hop, when they move, they stretch themselves and curl up again... damn cute, and colourful too... I tink i will be getting some myself.... :D

Vincent Ho

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some ppl will call them rabbit or piggy. they are comsuming the sponges coral if i am not wrong.

they are safe if u have not much sponges. basically they are feeding in algae, they are quite hard to keep, i shud say. acclimatation is very important...

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i try to get a pic, but that would mean i need to go his place again, anyway, the creature is pretty colourful, one is yellow with spots and the other is white with black spots... are nudibraches like dat?

Vincent Ho :thanks:

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And many of them feast on coral polyps & sponges exclusively. Only a few are known to eat algae and the most common is the lettuce nudibranch which is a uniform green or brown.

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i saw some very nice slugs at CF yesterday....very tempted to buy..

heard that they feed on sponges...

any disaster looming ahead if they die in my sump or ref??

dun wish to get a time bomb..like a black sea cucumber...

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From what I've known so far, the more showy and colourfull nudibranchs are, the more specialized their feeding will be (eg sponges, polyps, flatworms or other stinging organisms) Those that feed on algae usually are less striking (with exception of the lettuce nudibranch ?) The sea hares are one example of algae eating nudibranchs like the speckled sea hare below which will squirt out violet ink when stressed or disturbed.

Imagine your tank being filled with potassium permanganate solution..... :blink::blink::sick::ooh:


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  • SRC Member
i saw some very nice slugs at CF yesterday....very tempted to buy..

heard that they feed on sponges...

any disaster looming ahead if they die in my sump or ref??

dun wish to get a time bomb..like a black sea cucumber...

I saw quite a few at a LFS in Yishun.. tempted to buy it.. one example of LFS owners not knowing their stuff? one of them told me they eat coral food... duhz... when I heard that I can't believe it.. :lol:

whats with your Black Sea Cuke? .. I tot many recommened cukes for maintaining sand bed..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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o ic

i hv 7 of these chaps in my tank. It came with the big chunk of blue sponge i bgt. Nedless to say, no more blue sponge left. 7 fat slugs runnign ard busy mating n laying eggs haha. too bad my fishes dont eat the eggs. They did not touch my ornage sponge at all tahts funny.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
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Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
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