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Brain coral won't open nicely...


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  • SRC Member

Hi,My Brain coral won't open nicely,but I don't know what is the reason...

Here are my tank stats:

Fish:Ocellaris clownfish

Filamented Flasher Wrasse

BlueLine Angel :unsure:

Flame angel :unsure:

yasha goby

Yellow watchman goby

sapphire Damsels...two of them.

Algae Blenny

Inverts:Tiger Pistol Shrimps, two

Striped pistol Shrimp

4 Nausirrius Snails

Coral:Hammer coral

Hairy Mushrooms

Starburst polyps

Green star polyps



Brain:the one im tailking about.

Oh,forgot about two more bubble anemones and a tube anemone...

AND a picture...


steak pls

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  • SRC Member

then shld not be the water paras unless there was addition of livestock or a decrease in frequency of wc or any other things that affects water paras. maybe you can try to shift it back where it was? might be the lighting or wave or any fish disturbing it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi,My Brain coral won't open nicely,but I don't know what is the reason...

Here are my tank stats:

Fish:Ocellaris clownfish

Filamented Flasher Wrasse

BlueLine Angel :unsure:

Flame angel :unsure:

yasha goby

Yellow watchman goby

sapphire Damsels...two of them.

Algae Blenny

Inverts:Tiger Pistol Shrimps, two

Striped pistol Shrimp

4 Nausirrius Snails

Coral:Hammer coral

Hairy Mushrooms

Starburst polyps

Green star polyps



Brain:the one im tailking about.

Oh,forgot about two more bubble anemones and a tube anemone...

AND a picture...


Angels love fleshly LPS like brain corals. They may have been nipping. Also, while I can't see your pic and placement clearly, your tube anemones and leather corals can sting if too close

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  • 3 months later...

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