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Which Handphone to upgrade to?


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I'm sure there are many handphone buffs within the saltwater aquarist community.

Just wondering if any would give some advice on my options for handphone upgrades.

I prefer clamshell design as its much cooler B).

Not Nokia (please), hate being in mainstream :P

Generally have the hots for e700_b.gif


and x430_b.gif

Any comments guys? :)

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my vote is wif the Samsung S200. Though it's a old model it has high value, it's under the Cat400 (compared with X430) and it's very functional too. A complete set comes with 2 batts, 1 desktop charger, 1 travel charger and a PC-hp transfer kit (mainly the CD-ROM to install the prog & the transfer cable.) This transfer kit allows you to transfer sms, address book, wallpapers, mms ringtones to you phone via you com. Bought my recently (1 wk ago) for $480 (b4 trade-in) no contract. hope this helps. ;)

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flubberina, we should shop together, need your highly persuasive skills to get a few extras :D

I use to own a A100, except for the short battery life, its an excellent phone.

IMO, Samsung makes the best 'clamshells', LG has a great looking one too 5400_b.gif

wolfie, I can make do without lame handphone cameras, but MMS would be a nice-to-have

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You meant you heard the latest about me swopping to a golden number without incurring charges and lengthening my contract? :o:shock:

Wah!!! I didn't know news can travel so fast in SRC... :lol::lol::lol:

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So when you going to get a new phone?? I am going to get mine too.. within these couple of days...


I waiting for the Nokia 7200 to come out before deciding on the 6220 model or so but the Panasonic 3G one quite attractive. Saw my student using it... :P

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I own a LG phone.The twisting clam shell one. Dun like it at all, cant do mass SMS....., cant check the sms I dun want and delete them later, must either delete all or delete one by one....first opp. I get, I'll trade in that phone :o

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what about this ? sonyz2002.jpgsonyz2001.jpg

or this sonyz6004.JPGsonyz600.jpg Z600

u get the E700, dont get x430 no IR or blue tooth and the v200 is too old ;)


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Forget the sony ericsson...it was my first hp..totally bad experience..had problems with it within the first 5-6 months already. Gave me high blood pressure all the time trying to get the darn buttons to work. Finally got so mad at it I threw it somewhere around my house....now replaced with a simple nokia model that functions better.

Always something more important than fish.


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I'm using a T68i now, rather happy with until lately, its been screwing up a bit. Software is a little twitchy and I experience long hangs.

Not that I'm bashing Sony Ericcson, but I hope they can debug their software fast. I like the Z600 but it is kind of bulky. Pants are getting tighter now if you know what I mean. Not that I mind a bulge in my pants though :D

I'm going back to Samsung, will give the v200 a look, anyone like to give any real advice? ;)

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Wow..Rumor..besides us sharing the same interest for gobies...my first hp was also a sony ericsson T68i! One of the first few phones with bluetooth...And I still got the lousy attached camera with it...to think last time paid around $598 for that crappy piece of equipment.....now trade in not even worth a cent. <_< And it has not even been 1 year! :angry:

Always something more important than fish.


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Check out Xphone by O2 - www.myxphone.com. All you will ever need! MP3, VGA Camera + movie clips, MS SmartPhone OS, Outlook etc. Can be cranky at times (Microsoft....so what's new) but overall great product so far as my wife is using it. S$756 nett so price is ok but you will need to charge very oftens as the phone "bottoms up" on battery power.

I am using Treo 600, less attrative in terms of design and features (low resolution screen) but much appreciate the battery strengh and stable Palm OS. Pricey though at S$1288 retail.

For info, clam phones generally have much shorter life spans due to the design (the hinge design causes the most problems) and is one of the reasons why Nokia has been "slow" in introducing them. The new clam-shell model is more a "no choice but to follow the crowd" strategy to win back those who "defected" to Panasonic, Samsung and LG.

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Blackberry can also be a curse.... because its "live", the expectation is there for you to reply immediately. I am "torturing" some of my associates in the US this way. I come in fresh from 9 am and send them updates that need their immediate attention and get their replies though its close to midnight over there... :rolleyes:

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IMO PDA phones are a big no no.. I mean because its 2 in one, you will rely on one damn device. Once one is down, the other goes as well.. leaving you with nothing when sent for repairs.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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For info, clam phones generally have much shorter life spans due to the design (the hinge design causes the most problems) and is one of the reasons why Nokia has been "slow" in introducing them. The new clam-shell model is more a "no choice but to follow the crowd" strategy to win back those who "defected" to Panasonic, Samsung and LG.

Wanna hear another conspiracy, I believe the Handphone Oligopoly split the market so each can share a fair portion. They trade places every now and then to get tongues wagging and perhaps make it seem like competition ;)

A cellular phone is a phone is a phone, and it should remain a phone.

Give me satellite phone coverage, excellent clarity and battery that runs for months, perhaps throw in some nice aesthetics and colour screen and I'll buy it without questions.

My take, they have the technology but why put it out in the market when they can make more money? They have tires that can last 10 years you know...

Fuel, I also keep a monster under my bed, feed it lizards sometimes :heh:

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