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My Slice of Nature (Part 3)


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Just some random snaps of things done over the past days. 


Much dreaded task of removing the return pump for cleaning.

Took the opportunity to add piping in the sump & overflow. 

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Finally got the 2nd return pump installed to have some redundancy in the system.

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Made an 'overflow' container for the calcium reactor effluent. 

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Calcium levels seem to be falling a little low probably because of the additional huge clams i'm hosting for a fellow reefer. Mg & KH are OK.

'Manual' dose .....

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On 7/3/2017 at 9:27 AM, he said:


Need to throw away the used bacto ball ? I thought that we can continue using it until it fully melted in the tank

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


Pic of the bacto reef balls in a mesh cup (since Feb) - all still there.

I do notice increased skimmate after adding the balls, very much like adding Microbacter7

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12 hours ago, he said:

Do u observe if it melt completely ?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

Nope...it did not melt. All the balls are still there & of the same size. Newer ones of clearer coloration than old ones.

So i think its best NOT to drop them into the sump but put them in a bag or mesh container instead.

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Some folks asked me separately about controlling PO4 levels. For me, i swear by Rowaphos. Able to maintain in the 0.03ppm range quite consistently.

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It runs in a TLF reactor (2"-3" height of rowaphos in the reactor) with a tap to control the flow. If PO4 levels are high, the flow is tuned up & vice versa. To 'maintain', it runs at this flow rate. Flow is pointed at the glass to minimize water noise.





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Not reefing related. I got this grow light set from IKEA & measured PAR....in case you are curious.

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Anyway, IKEA sells the grow light on its own. 10W PAR 30 / E27 thread for S$22. Can be useful for chaeto or DIY ATS.


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Yeah... think it’s very suitable for growing chaeto. Spread of the Par30 is slightly less than Par38 but it’s good enough. And quality of Ikea products should be more trustworthy than unknown sources.

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4 hours ago, surfedelic said:

Coming back to the reefing scene after 5 years. Very inspiring read. May I know what cam did u use for your Apex ? Is there a list of specific models ? And do u have any plan to automate the water changing part ?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

I'm using DLink 5222L cam. It's a 2yr old model. 

I don't link a webcam to my Apex app. Reason is that the web cam video stream will consume a lot of mobile data if one is not on wifi. More often you may open the apex app to look at parameters/status and not needing to view live footage.

I live in an apartment & don't have the space for automatic water change setup. However, water change is not too troublesome. Mostly un-attended activity.

  • Collect RODI water  in a big 120L blue drum, 5hrs.
  • Mix the salt in with a pump (2000L/hr pump) 1hr. 
  • Siphon dirty water out with a long hose to the toilet. Pump water back in via the pump. 30 min.
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On 10/6/2017 at 6:39 PM, Marble1977 said:

Amaze by the patient and discipline u had in looking after your tank.

No wonder can maintain till so nice.:yeah:


On 10/4/2017 at 11:54 AM, Nagase said:



Thanks :)

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Friend's clam in my tank did this for several hours this morning. Some say its spawning.

No reaction from the other 'young' clams in my tank though.


As suggested by a fellow reefer,  I tuned the skimmer to skim a little wetter to handle the additional organic matter. All is good so far.



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7 hours ago, SubzeroLT said:

Friend's clam in my tank did this for several hours this morning. Some say its spawning.

No reaction from the other 'young' clams in my tank though.


As suggested by a fellow reefer,  I tuned the skimmer to skim a little wetter to handle the additional organic matter. All is good so far.



Like watching national Geog video.:lol:

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I have 2 check valves to prevent back flow of water from the calcium reactor back to the CO2 solenoid. The regulator will burn if water enters it.

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Check valve 1 - Normal to have some water there

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But i just noticed today that Check Valve 2 also had some water in it. Not a good sign.

This means the check valve 1 was breached which allowed water to reach Check Valve 2. Time to change it & look for better quality parts.

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I have 2 check valves to prevent back flow of water from the calcium reactor back to the CO2 solenoid. The regulator will burn if water enters it.
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Check valve 1 - Normal to have some water there
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But i just noticed today that Check Valve 2 also had some water in it. Not a good sign.
This means the check valve 1 was breached which allowed water to reach Check Valve 2. Time to change it & look for better quality parts.
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Very good tip that I learn from you as well.. I didn't know that my old soleniod was spoil due to the back flow of water, now I have two check valve to prevent water flow like you .

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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Pics from today.



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Yellow pocci (left) & Tri Color pocci

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Had to cut off an entire colony of forest fire digi on the right to make space for the growing anemone

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Forest fire digi under very high flow

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Similar source but under low flow

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Candy cane

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While dosing kalk is probably a much cheaper option to increase pH, i'm quite curious about the consistency & running cost of the CO2 scrubber. Best thing to do is to get one going & try it first hand.

DIY a CO2 scrubber with soda lime. Connected to intake of the skimmer. 

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Added a MP60 wavemaker. The corals are loving the broad flow it provides

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Thanks Shri & Larry for giving me some chaeto recently. Started a chaeto reactor. Updates to come.

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1 hour ago, he said:

Where did u find the reacror for the soda lime ?

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

That's the un-used secondary chamber of my Skimz calcium reactor (changed it to a full sized secondary chamber instead).


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