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The Amazing Dissapearing Firefishes


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

I had 2 orange firefishes which I presumed were dead as I didn't see them for several days, both day and night, even during feeding times... So my dad went out to get 2 more to replace the MIA pair...

Then suddenly today after I fired up my new lights all 4 reappeared the moment the lights came on... Strange...

Does this happen to you guys?


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  • SRC Member
IMo fire fish are so shy that even non aggressive but fast moving fish may stress them alot... suggest they go with shy and slow moving tank mates like sun burts anthias

yes I agree... ever since my tank got more populated.. both my firefishes has been hiding more... sometimes seeing them only once a week..

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Sorry bros, beginner like me really could not understand.

Isn't it a must that we should remove those dead fishes? And also find the cause of death? U mean we can happily just let it MIA and presume that they are dead, then just add some more to replace and not even bothering about what actually happened to them? Instead just buy, put in, try and see?

Because I had ever been commented sinfully and badly for putting a dollar Clownfish into my new tank too early. So, isn't a Firefish more valuable than a Clownfish? Hence, shouldn't we find out more and prepare the right home for them before even consider bringing 1 home?

No offense, just feeling very confused now. :(

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  • SRC Member

of course...dead fish neccessary to remove but sometimes, we dun even noe if the fish is dead until we dun see it for eons...usually nothing happens if yr tank water is big and tank properly cycled so decomposition toxins r removed fully and quickly

sometimes, we try adding the fish again simply cos maybe the first fish was already sick to begin with or it wasn't properly acclimitised to we try again lor

u got scolded for adding clownfish too early cos that's like 99% death rate

we buy the fish again and try our best to make sure it survives so its really a different thing with adding the clown and seriously, all fish r life...PRICELESS...no such thing as fire more valuable...only more expensive

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  • SRC Member

well.. I have searched for them high and low, observed the tank for several days and nights at a go... no news that they are still alive, feeding time also never come out, so presume that they died... maybe jumped out of tank only to be found months later (had this experience before in my FW tank).

As for removing them, well if you can't find them how are you going to remove them?? If they REALLY died you'll probably never find their body, would have been eaten by the worms, crabs, other fishes etc... some more firefish so small want to find the carcass also difficult...

please do not think that I buy fishes to "test the water" of my tank coz I made sure that the water conditions are more than adequate before purchasing them..

besides, i'm not the only one who has firefishes going MIA on them...

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  • SRC Member


i read and my experience with them is they hide for up to 2weeks then they'll start coming out for food....by then they'll be damn thin

and during the hiding period...they dun care for food...they'll jus hide

so dun worry if its jus a few daes

then, during the week they come out for food, they only come out during feeding time

after that...after a full 3 weeks from the time u bought them willl they start venturing out and not afraid of humans

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  • 2 weeks later...

U all really triggers me, cannot tahan and bought 1 from R*b*** $4 and tried. Eating very well and never miss a meal so far. Always appear during feeding time, else will disappear for the rest of the day. Have done a search and it's actually hiding under the rocks!

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Ehliem Wet & Dry 2223

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Coralife UV

Resun 650 chiller

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