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My New Tank (5'x2'x27")


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  • SRC Member

If the liverocks have always been moist (i.e. never totally dried during the transfer to your tank), then why do you still need the prawns? Save the prawns for frying pan -- not cycling tank. ;)

Leftover from steamboat mah.... :lol::D:lol:

Anyway, here are my parameters...

Added carbonate to increase kH and pH the last two days... seems to work....

Salinity = 1.023

pH = 8.3

kH = 12

Ammonia = 0.25 (Kicking in.... probably becoz of the prawns and die-offs)... will measure again tomorrow to see if it rises....

Nitrite = 0.05

Nitrate = 0

Phospate = 0.25 (Looks like high time to activate my FR as well.... :))

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  • SRC Member

Lesson learnt today...

Never ever ever Never put the outlet pipe from ur tubby auto-top up INTO the water of the sump tank....

Why? Today, I juz manually activate the pump juz to test out and then walk out... after a while, realise that the water had actually automatically siphon back (when the pump was cut off) from the sump into the pail of reservoir water! Good thing, I find out fast otherwise my living room flooded again....

Also, my ammonia level has gone up to 0.5

Looks good, seems like the cycle is kicking in...

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  • SRC Member

nitrite still low.... mmpphhh... maybe I should test for nitrate...

With the low readings, I wonder if it has to do with because I am using terryansimon's live rocks which is already cycled for more than one year in his tank... already has beneficial bacteria???

Anyway, I got a question... I have microbubbles coming out from my outlet pipe to the main tank.....

Gotta get those "sponge" to sandwich between the sump compartments.... what do u call those and where can I get? They are black in colour.... Can anyone help?

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  • SRC Member
Anyway, I got a question...  I have microbubbles coming out from my outlet pipe to the main tank.....

Gotta get those "sponge" to sandwich between the sump compartments.... what do u call those and where can I get?  They are black in colour....  Can anyone help?

The flow through your sump could be too fast and thus the microbubbles. Or it is too small to handle the large volume of passing through.

The black sponge is easily available at most LFS. I bought mine from petmart.

Life is a Cruel Teacher. It punishes you first and then gives you the lesson

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  • SRC Member

The flow through your sump could be too fast and thus the microbubbles. Or it is too small to handle the large volume of passing through.

The black sponge is easily available at most LFS. I bought mine from petmart.

Maybe I try the sponge first...

Yeah, was thinking of the flow rate as well... MAK4 could be "too much".... hahahah...

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i must so u have thought properly on electricial points and blend with rest of the house.

i am interested in use pvc and eggcrate for aqua scape. It was much like AT.

However, my tank would 5ftx2.5ft(W)x27"H) but as a divider.

I understand u had diff in hiding the LR. I was thinking to tie and use epozy on the LR (do it before adding into the tank) what do u think?

I plan to do a reef wall as follows (what do u think)


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  • SRC Member

Looks good but my only concern will be "dead areas" esp the small gap area between the rock wall and the back panel....

For mine, it took me a long period to configure the layout because I am very concern with water flow and movement... which to me is the predominant factor in live rock arrangement...

If u look at my liverock layout, u will notice that the back is not totally covered (yet the PVC and eggcrate are concealed)... and I have a powerhead to drive the water in the caves behind....

And yeah, will be adding two tunzes later....

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Looks good but my only concern will be "dead areas" esp the small gap area between the rock wall and the back panel....

For mine, it took me a long period to configure the layout because I am very concern with water flow and movement... which to me is the predominant factor in live rock arrangement...

If u look at my liverock layout, u will notice that the back is not totally covered (yet the PVC and eggcrate are concealed)... and I have a powerhead to drive the water in the caves behind....

And yeah, will be adding two tunzes later....

thanks will think about it

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  • SRC Member

Juz two days ago I was wondering how come I dun see any copepods swimming in my tank...

Mpphh... and started to wonder if it got anything to do with me using "overcured" rocks from terryansimon.... :lol::D:lol:

And today, one week into my cycling.... they juz appeared out of no where... BOOM!!!! The whole tank is exploded with them.... white little critters.... some swimming and some crawling all over the glass walls.... :lol::D:lol:

One more week, I supposed and I am ready to introduce one or two inhabitants....


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Yup.... will wait another month or more.... no rush.... hahah... ;)

But hands very itchy though.... patient... patient.... :pinch:

Anyway, doubt my cycling has yet reached peak.... wat more complete....

Is there any other beneficial microorganism stuff I can add on my own? Are there such things as planktons in a bottle or something? Or do they propagrate on their own..... :lol::D:lol:

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  • SRC Member

Quite keen in getting a kalkwasser doser or reactor or something....

Not planning SPS so CR is out....

What's the best way to link up the KR or doser in my kind of setup?

I'm not using chiller so there's evaporation and I have a tubby top up with a pail of reservoir fresh water....

Pls advise

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  • SRC Member
Use your water topup reservoir and tubby as feed for your KR.

So when your tubby kick in, it dose kalkwasser instead of freshwater.

errr... how to do that?

Care to show me in schematic sketch drawing?

Er... still pretty confused with this piece of KR equipment here and how to hook it up...

Thanks a million.... :)

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  • SRC Member
I presume it's Le Kalk?

reservoir with tubby pump ---> freshwater via delievery tube ---> input of Le Kalk ----> output of Le Kalk ----> sump.


Where to get Le Kalk?

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Hi, it is very interesting to read thro all the 15 pages of discusion.

Very nice setup and detailed account. :rolleyes:

It would be perfect if you install a chiller, not only it helps to lower the temp, but more importantly to keep it relatively constant and stable for your fishes and coral.

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  • SRC Member
Hi, it is very interesting to read thro all the 15 pages of discusion.

Very nice setup and detailed account. :rolleyes:

It would be perfect if you install a chiller, not only it helps to lower the temp, but more importantly to keep it relatively constant and stable for your fishes and coral.

After much discussion with wifey, yeah... will be picking up the chiller (second hand) from terryansimon.... his mum to be precise (since he is now in Aussieland)....

Teco TW6 (RA680)....

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  • SRC Member

Yeah... yeah... yeah!!! I think it is 25mm thick thick big big one... :D

U back in Singapore?

The ones I have, are the 3/4 inch ones if I am not wrong. :P

Was thinking of you getting from my mum if they fit but I think you need the 1inch ones since it is 25mm? :rolleyes:

Anyway, these are the ones I am talking abt.


let me know via pm... :fear:

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Doing my research now on chillers..... may not be getting the Teco anymore and contemplating on an Artica instead....

Can anyone advise me on which brand is better (heard there is also an OEM version of artica known as Daeil).... So pls honestly give me ur feedback on which chillers to use.... in terms of efficiency, noise and of course power consumption...

Also, what hp is necessary for a tank my size? My sump is only 3' x 1.5' x 1.5' (in water volume) and yeah, the main tank is 5'x2'x27".....

Lastly, what about placement? There is a ceiling fan there to circulate the room where I am putting the chiller... will this be a good spot? Thet most try to leave my windows open as much as I can....

Initially thought of putting it outside but it is a common corridor area with people walking along....


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  • SRC Member

You will need a lot of ventilation if you are going to place the chiller there. If not, it will be a sauna! I have experienced it and thus my chiller is out in the balcony!

Have you done the calculation for the size of chiller required? :)

Artica is a good brand but u need to know if u r going for the commercial model or not. Commercial model will be a lot noisier than the hobbyist but the hobbyist version is up to 1/3hp max.

Alternatively, you can contact cookimonster for his range of Pac-Coo chillers. heard they are good too! ;)

http://www.jbjlighting.com/prod_chiller_comm1.html contains the formula that teaches you on how to size the chiller properly. Very useful! :)

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  • SRC Member
You will need a lot of ventilation if you are going to place the chiller there. If not, it will be a sauna! I have experienced it and thus my chiller is out in the balcony!

Have you done the calculation for the size of chiller required? :)

Artica is a good brand but u need to know if u r going for the commercial model or not. Commercial model will be a lot noisier than the hobbyist but the hobbyist version  is up to 1/3hp max.

Alternatively, you can contact cookimonster for his range of Pac-Coo chillers. heard they are good too! ;)

I thought so too... sigh.... but how loud can the commercial models be?

Logically, the heat issue shouldn't be a problem... cause where the chiller is

1) It is not the living area... it is the dining area.... and logic says if there is someone in, the windows are usually opened... my place is really breezy....

2) On top of this, there are two ceiling fans there.... If no one is in and the room gets hot, then let it be....

3) My windows uses blinds and there are ventilation shafts which are opened 24 hours..... so there is still wind coming in....

Sigh so much consideration... and I understand if ventilation is poor, it affects the performance of the chiller...

Any thoughts on teco?

Seriously, if I stick to fishes only... plus only T5s.... would a chiller really be necessary? and yeah, maybe I am affected by the recent hot spells....

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