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All Corals for Sales


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  • SRC Member

All the below corals are up for sales.

I just finished stock-taking and pic taken last night and am in process of sorting them.

Please bring own bags, pail...whatever to pack as I have more than 30 pieces of known corals in tank !! You can guesstimate from the pic. Tank is 5'x2'x2.5'

Enclosed are tank pics as preview to arouse your interests :evil::yeah: Details will follow by this late afternoon (as I have couple of meetings to look for a job) after I back from meetings. Collection of corals can be tonight or over this weekend in AMK street 11. PM me if you need further info. Response will be after later afternoon today.

All corals are fed daily with cylopeeze and weekly with phyto (Aquz Supreme blend) and those corals high taste, weekly market prawns :yeah:

Pic of left side of tank :


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  • SRC Member

so the fishes not for sale yet lah?.. i eyeing the sohal.. haha.. sohal, haha.. get it?:blink: (lame!)

Anywayz, up for you sale bro.. looking forward to the sale of your LS! And also hope you get the job you looking for! :D:peace:

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  • SRC Member

Given all the fishes, LS to the buyer of the tankset. Firstly can't bear to separate them, all very happy together :lol: . Secondly, not possible to catch them until all the LRs are out of tank. Lastly, don't want to stress them between catching them and selling them. :angel:

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  • SRC Member

I had received many PMs since the post above.

Tonight I had a meeting which may last till quite late. I will try to post the pics tonight once I come back. I will revert on collection times when I response to you, probably tomorow afternoon, depends on my meetings for a job.


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  • SRC Member

Sorry for the delay. Back home pass midnight.

I will post most of the respective pics (sorry mod, but I will advise you to delete this thread asap once most are sold) according to 'Item #' corrsponding to the prices listed. Item # may not be in running sequence. Details, if any, will be on pic. Pics taken with 10KK MHs.

I am selling at/below costs which I bought at least 8 months ago, mainly from reefers here. All corals are healthy and grown much and most are 6inches and above when expanded.

Collection location will be in AMK Street 11, opposite Blk 255.


1. I will honor reservations which I acknowledge back via PM as firm committment to purchase/sell. PM me any queries and all queries should be make before you request reservation as I will be posting most pics. Pls understand as I will be foregoing opportunity to sell to walk-in reefers who offered to buy your reserved item.

2. Reservations are to be accompanied by contact number. Item # is key reference.

3. In event of multiple interests in same piece of coral, the buyer of total higher purchase value will be given the priority, unless I had committed by PM to you first.

4. Pls bring your own containers when collecting.

5. I reserve the right to final decision of sales.

Item # Coral/Price

1. Orange yumas on large LR - $30/-

2. Green yumas on LR - $40/-

4. Branching octo - $35/-

5. Pink-tip touch - $20/-

6. Pearl bubble (dark green w pink base) - $35/-

7. Pearl bubble (light green) - $30/-

8. Pearl bubble (green/brown) - $25/-

9. Hammer green-tip (about 8 mouths) - $20/-

10. Hammer green-tip (14 mouths) - $35/-

11. Hammer green-tip (14 mouths) - $35/-

12. Hammer pink-tip (3 big heads) - $30/-

13. Green hairy mushy (3 frags each 20cent size) - $20/-

14. Green hairy mushy (>10 frags on nice large LR) - $45/-

15. Mushy + FD on LR - $15/-

16. Cauliflower (around 12 buds) - $5/-

17. Sun coral - $18/-

18. Yellow Ric + stars + mushy on nice LR - $30/-

19. Small polyp coral - $30/-

20. Leather (fan shape) - $15/-

21. Leather (polyps) - $25/-

22. Leather (ferns shape) - $20/-

23. Elecphant Ear - $30/-

24. Orange spong - $2/-

25. Leather (ferns-shape braches) - $10/-

26. Bright pure yellow Ric (10cent size expanded) - $18/-

27. Buttons + greencenter mushy - $5/-

28. Greenish mushy rock - $5/-

29. Leather (fingers) - $10/-

30. Buttons + purple mushy - $15/-

31. FD + mushies on LR - $10/-

32. Orange yuma on LR - $5/-

33. Stars corals (about 3 inches in length) - $5/-

Pls PM me any reservations/queries to keep thread clean and short as I will be posting lots of pics here !!

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