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Lettuce or Pang Cai... which is betta?


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  • SRC Member

hi all...

just wondering which has more nutrition? the 'pang cai' or the english lettuce (those type used in burgers)...

which one r u all using for ur tangs?

and do u blench them?

i do feed the lettuce occasionally, but just curious to noe which is more nutritious? might switch products if the pang cai turns out betta :P

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  • SRC Member

nuri better hahaha :P

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  • SRC Member

dun feed them nuri... (dun know wat is it too :P )

Try nori, it is a better food

but my YT dun seem to like big piece nori with clip leh... onli eat them when i cut them into realli small pieces... sianz.... so nori onli goes with my everyday routine food... i need stg that can be clip n suspended in water occasionally for a constant chewing experience le... ;)

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I have tried pang chai, nori...etc

But I still find pellets the best :lol:

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haha... with soup?

no , along with watching TV ...duno why , it seems nice, i just feel that it seems like seaweed ,the taste is just not that strong.. i bought for $3, i ate the whole packet after seeing the fish show no interest in it. :P may try pang cai

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  • SRC Member

Fish dont admire this kind of food, i admire for it instead..

heard that fishes eat nori , can regain colouration, i eat nori, my skin can folurish too :P:off:

reali ... hehe then i got to try too :P

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  • SRC Member

i think i read some where that lettuce and 'pang cai' not good for fish . those vegetables might contain some pesticide or harmful chemical. the nutrition level not not high too.

Nori is the best. If your tang does not feed on nori, u can try to add garlic to it.

Tangs do feed on macro algae... eg grape and etc... though it is expensive but is nutrition and it is their natural food.

juz my thoughts....

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  • SRC Member
i think i read some where that lettuce and 'pang cai' not good for fish . those vegetables might contain some pesticide or harmful chemical. the nutrition level not not high too.

Nori is the best. If your tang does not feed on nori, u can try to add garlic to it.

Tangs do feed on macro algae... eg grape and etc... though it is expensive but is nutrition and it is their natural food.

juz my thoughts....

stevem eat the nori for urself for better complexion :)

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  • SRC Member

when i just got my YT, it only eat nori and nothing else.. so when i run out of nori it just refuse to eat other food which other fishes was enjoying.. then later i stop feeding nori to the tank for 1 week. Out of hunger, my YT start eating any fish food that goes into the tank... :lol:

now YT fat fat.. :lol:

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