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NKF's administration brought to public scrutiny


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  • SRC Member

well, not surprising she's in the board.

She was ex-employee, contractor(with mr d as one of her investor in her company) then sits in the BOD.

Watch your thoughts’ they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

--Frank Outlaw

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  • SRC Member

Think its time for Gov to step in.


"THE National Kidney Foundation (NKF) spends more than 80 per cent of its funds on its beneficiaries, which is within the guidelines set for charities, said Minister Lim Hng Kiang (Prime Minister's Office)."


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  • SRC Member

ha ... so much for bigger share of pie ... so that all other charitable organisation can do what NKF is doing? ... gold plated taps, 1st class air tickets $25k salary ...?

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Just now walk past some electrical store and heard something abt resign liao leh... All the uncles there talking abt it leh.. Maybe hear wrongly

I dun think he'll resign ... he've got quite a number of supporters ... I dun wanna mention names ... u all should know ...

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  • SRC Member

From the petition;

15766. sandy Let me tell u a sad story .. my neighbour - a 65 yrs old lady. she is a cleaner, her pay is 600 per month. and she donated $30 per month to NKF. When she heard the news, she is CRYING now. I am going to stop her from crying.. and she keep mumbering -- Black hearted animals !

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At the time of writing this... more than 18,000 signatures, applause to the Singaporeans who have stood up, and wanted our voices heard, no doubt the petition would continue to raise in numbers, hopefully this will have enough weight to get the idiot to just do the right thing and stop clinging onto his $25k/mth salary and twelve months bonus...

Hooray to all Singaporeans!! :bow::bow::bow::bow:

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The National Kidney Foundation says it's very unfortunate that the public has vandalised the exterior of their headquarters.

Its deputy director of communications Michelle Ang.

What we have done over 36 years, people seem to have forgotten. The case, you know as you have heard is a one-side case. We haven't gotten to tell the full story. It was only half a story. We will try to give people answers. we will give people answers if they want them

The public can call or email the charity organisation.

Miss Ang also urged Singaporeans not to have this kind of knee jerk reaction.

She added NKF will present their side of the story in due course.

No time frame has been given but NKF says discussions are underway.

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I tink no story can atone for someone taking 12 months bonus during years of economic recession... no story can atone for the extravagance on stupid unneccessary stuffs!

They should from now, account how the money is spent, and we definitely want the CEO and the entire BOD out....

We want the NKF to be run by people who r honest and who really have the interests of kidney patients in their heart and not $$$ in the pocket!! :angry::angry::angry:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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wow bro RAV-65,

again (as usual) i am late in this thread ...

i have no heart to joke on this thread. i sincerely hope all is well for your sister and family.

ever since i reefed 7 months, i realised everything i dosed has a good side and a bad side. too much of it, LS dies; too little, LS also dies. but, to find that right dosage requires both patience and commitment to the hobby. (i learned all these partially from you too :) )

you see:

our dear mr. D started by using someone else's pot of gold to start his business (the initial 4 dyalysis centres). through his own passion and effort, he later expanded this pot of gold to many pots of gold (21 centres around the island). he was very happy over the result. he felt that every new pot of gold since built by him is his to take. he claims everything under the sun. he wanted to fully enjoy his fruits of labour. (this same thing happened in my friend's company too)

but, unfortunately, because the first pot of gold was not his to begin with, mr. D can never claim ownership. that's where the problem lies. sigh ...

herein lies the distinction:

an entreprenuer must first painstakingly build his first pot of gold. some even exhaust their entire life doing it. e.g., popular's daddy bookshop in bras basah; it was only his sons that took popular to the next higher plane, but the first pot of gold was his dad's, so no one can fault them (his sons) when they all drive juguars to work.

an employee on the other hand can never claim any ownership rights to the organisation that he serves. he draws only a salary.

therefore, what goes round comes round.

the greeder the employee is, the faster and steeper his fall.

so my friend Vincent, don't add any more dyoxin into your body (by being stressed up).

let's cheong more lFS ... loh

every dog has his day.

(i.e., all man will be hit by his karma, it is only a matter of time ... )

watch my lips ...



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Hey lizard bro!!

Thanxs for your kind wishes, especially those for my sis, we have since been able to live our lives, even without ANY help from NKF... hence my extreme unhappiness for a stupid group of people who have made the choice, to help only a small group of people who have kidney failures, instead of widening their scope of assistance to more people, and letting the reserves grow to astronomical proportions.... do we need that much reserves?? If they were honest to the public all the while, and in the process of helping more people, they have a reserve that's dwindling, I'm sure even more Singaporeans would help....

But indeed the reserves were made to "look small"... so that Singaporeans would help anyway... nevermind if we already have problems making ends meet, there are those in NKF who needs it more than us! Their lives are at stake! The family is suffering, the children are crying, the tap's need changing, the $25k pay check needs clearance!

All said, it doesn't matter who started NKF, it doesn't matter who runs it now, but whoever who's doing it have always got to remember, this is the PEOPLE's money, not for any other reason besides for the PEOPLE who suffer! This is a charity for Christ's sake!!! How can anyone profiteer from it?! How can any one exploit their "entitlement", how can any Board of Directors approve of such "entitlement"????

Does our money got towards such wastage and extravagance?!!

The success of NKF have also meant that the smaller charities have a smaller bite of the pie! how many times can the less well to do afford to donate??? There are donation drives every 1-2 months, just when we've cleared our hefty phone bills due to last month's donations, here comes another... wat? from NKF again?!

How many charities can we support even when we all want to??!?! We have our lives to live too?! Isn't it only right for us to know that the money is well spent?! NKF having not revealed their expenses over the past few years despite immense pressure to do so only shows that there are snakes in the organisation now that the truth is spilled....

I was pretty surprised to learn that someone very close to me is still sitting on the fence...

Her reasoning? There are people who still need help through NKF....

If you're also one of them, the truth is out, there's enough reserves to last them 30 years! And for us to all stop our donations, they have a good 30 years to clean up their act! If they happen to take faster than 30 years, den there will never be a shortage of funds to help the needy kidney patients! Anyway, they only help 2000 patients, surely they dun need $262million to do that! :(


People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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every dog has his day.

(i.e., all man will be hit by his karma, it is only a matter of time ... )

Hahahaha.... for anyone who ever have the bad luck to ever run into this Durai, better keep your distance, you never know when lightning would strike, you wouldn't want to be too close when it does!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Hahahaha.... for anyone who ever have the bad luck to ever run into this Durai, better keep your distance, you never know when lightning would strike, you wouldn't want to be too close when it does!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


looking for me :P i am flying off to Iran within the next hour. :(:cry::cry2:

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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  • SRC Member

Once again, we have hit the headlines of international newspapers :lol:


Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

1. As a CEO of multi million organization getting 25K a months is really penut.

It's TRUE and it's a market rate. I was a director of 2-3 million $ company I get paid 150K per ann.

But there is a catch, it's not a COMPANY, even though NKF registered as a company in 2001. It fund is raise by PUBLIC while the company need to work harder to think how to do business, cut cost in difficult time.

I didn't get 12 months bonus, I swear to god, I DIDN"T EVEN GET 13th month cause I made less profit.

2. Private Car's Road Tax, Insurance paid by PUBLIC MONEY.

Geez it's it too much. You already earned enough for living and you are working for so far you said yourself "FOR PUBLIC".

However, I really admire him because he didn't claim for the condom that he used while entertaining the VIPs. Or May Be He Did Claim. ( True Story, one of my GM claimed for condom b4 , so I know ).

3. 21 Million building.

If I were CEO of NKF, I would rather spent that 21M to reach out for those are in need. I would have sit in the office space of less than 10m2 to save money for those who need.

4. Flying on First Class.

Nothing wrong with that provided, ok let see.

I travelled on First Class ( SIA ) on some occation, by using KrisFlyer Milage ( mean FREE TICKET LAR ), since I travelled so much on business class , of course I have enough milage to claim for FIRST CLASS.

So nothing wrong, cause it's mime.

However, to use SIA's listed price to get and take other airline Geez, come on boy. Do you guy know how much different. LOT.

So this is for now from point of view from DIRECTOR of SMALL COMPANY.

I DIDN"T GET BONUS eventhougt I managed to run the company from RED TO BLUE.

13th Month was so luxry that I get PAID MYSELF ONLY ONCE IN PAST 4 YEARS.


If someone who could grant me a wish for tonigh,

I wish,

I had power to sent those b****** to HELL SPEEDY.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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If someone who could grant me a wish for tonigh,

I wish,

I had power to sent those b****** to HELL SPEEDY.


Granted, those who belong to HELL would return to HELL... :P

Remind me of a game we use to play in this Kopi Tiam Thread, just that this time round the wish would come true.... :D :D :D

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member

Channal News Asia's NKF threads are cleaned out.

So wonder when will be SRC Turn.

Mods : You can use one of these reason.

HD crushed.

Not enough memory.

Power Fail.

Someone not happy.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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