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how to choose a jack russel puppy


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bring ur gal to my place and i'll show her my dog.

see if she likes him.

if you want, i know of someone who has 2 boston puppies wanting to let go.


Bern, Gui Lui?????? ;)

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Every pet requires a fair amount of grooming, training and exercise. Feed only good quality food and shower as much attention as you can. It helps in the long run, trust me.

Recommend purchasing from reputable breeders, be it pet or show grade. You'll be assured of conformation to breed standards (show quality), stable temperament and most importantly, good health.

Believe Bro Rumor is very active in the show circles. Totally agree with him on the getting the pet from REPUTABLE Breeders. By that i do not mean that getting pets from just famous petshop nor i mean pets from petshop are of poor quality. There are ppl in Singapore that breeds Show standards pups. Each of them specialised in a particular breed. JRT, MS, etc... You will know what i mean if you have seen how some petshops or farms breed their own stocks. The bitch is basically in the cage for her whole life time. Her job is just to breed.

Someone mention about pups from champions line (Show)are clever or something. Agree with Sis Jas and would like to add that BEING from the champion line, it will ALMOST ensure that your pups are free from DEFECTS. Most of these defects are difficult to detect. Like deaf in one ear, joint probs, undescended testicles..etc. . All these will add to your time and $$ burden. Tempermental behaviour among most other characters are inherit form their parents. If you dun know the parents of the pup, how can you tell if there's any probs? Reputable breeders can show you the history and even the great grand-parents if there's a need to. Not just by cert or tells you that's an Australian breed.

Australian breed doesn't mean anything. Its just like WOW, THATS A SINGAPORE BREED!

I stand in the point where some petshop owners are like some of our LFS owners. They are trying to SELL you things :blink: Dun believe in every words they say. Research and more research is how we learn things. Every dog is different. Every dog will need to bite on things when they are teething (But you can teach what it can bite). Its just like a child as some of the reefers commented. And you dun spend 1 hour per day with your child and expect your child to know all the correct things right? :blink:

Shaving the hair of long haired dogs will reduce the silkyness of the fur. But it will saves you some trouble. Do you wan an ugly dog?

Keeping short haired dogs will mean more shedding and more fur all over the place. Or do you wan to keep sweeping the floor?

Do a search to find forums like doggiesite.com & sgjrt.com among others. You can find more articles and info there. Hope these helps.

Just my 2 cents and hope to share some my experiences :)

Btw i used to keep JRTs :yeah: No regrets.

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If you like watching tv most of the time after you reach home from work I got the perfect suggestion. Sand skin dog (Translated from chinese cause I don't know the English name for it). :lol: Won't be hyperactive like other dogs. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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Hi guys.... i love all yr comments and appreciate all the effort of concern.

Y2F, i appreciate yr time to brought up the nessecities of keeping/choosing a dog and also caring for one which is most important.

I guess, I'll have to read more ( jus like reefing) to understand more about a specific breed, be it care, looks, leisure, behaviour and so on..... ;)

TY all, I'll have go back to my dictionary (web) and also friends around me to get an answer.

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If you like watching tv most of the time after you reach home from work I got the perfect suggestion. Sand skin dog (Translated from chinese cause I don't know the English name for it). :lol: Won't be hyperactive like other dogs. :lol:

sharpei dog.... :lol: the more wrinkles the better.But it can grows to quite big size

YzF speaks what I wanted to say but I m not good in words so only able to limit my thoughts :lol: I wouldnt say all but some of the reputated breeder breed their dogs according to temperament.Somehow the genes would be pass down,not only good genes but bad genes too so have to be careful when doing your selection.

Since you are looking for smaller dogs,checking points are lesser.Smaller dogs has lesser problems compared to bigger dogs.As we,the dogs owner talks about our experiences,you will have to do some read up regarding about the suitable breeds.

Geez! I was like a mute when it comes to reefing but when it comes to dogs...I accumulated my posts quite fast :lol::lol:

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My personal views on the JRT are that these dogs seem to really bond with their owners. They really do have a relationship with their owners and respect them.

Even though that JRT are a crazy hyper breed, it's better than a shi-tzu that sits on the sofa all day, ignoring you.

As for keeping your JRT not so hyper, just buy a tennis ball and play throw-and-fetch untill that hyper dog is totally wear out and tired..

However, I would only recommend this dog if you have a backyard or garden.. Cuz JRT are known to just run and run and run when they are in the "crazy" mood..

I would strongly discourage keeping this dog in a HDB flat.

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I was quoted by a pet shop $1688. But this puppy got a very unique features, it has only one small - (yes, its very small) brown patch around one of its eye, but its local breed. Other JR puppies from the same shop is only selling $800.

My friend told me that jack russell must choose short leg, long leg not nice. Can puppies tell tall or short ?

Dog owners, please comments. Cos thinking of getting one for my daughter.

** I know its a long term commitment **

$1688 is far too much already...

Pet Safari at East Point quoted $1300 with one side brown eye patch (just like the jap dog comic character.. but then its still on the high side..

try farms and see how lor...

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