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Sps Photo (W/O Lighting)


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Those two pictures pointed by scarab, were the same photo, same time/date stamp... taken by a Nikon D70, without flash, it went thru' Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows. I can't tell what level of enhancement were done to it, but more can be retrieve if you care(all this info came from the photo info tag)... but the point is, both pics came from the same... i.e. one is definitely doctored.

I think we all know that, one would not even need to see the info tags to have a feel its done.  I find Alan has an odd way of expressing things, in a manner that would often provoke a response, because apart for keeping to the point, he goes off in a tangent... and gets personal with it.  I know, because somehow he irks me with the way he writes.

And, now (after some many many months), I realized, he is not alone in this, we all are, me too esp those who give advise to others, its just the extend and way its done... I have given wrong advise on this board and sometimes after realizing, its already done. Can we just live and let live, this hobby is too big to be contained by a single way/person or expression.  I feel terrible for him for he did  :pinch:  and we want :cry: , ...what done can't be undone and its not gonna change the way he expresses himself, so rather than lose a reefing brother, who shares the same crazy passion we do, why don't we welcome him for who he is. :peace:  :peace: to all.

I fully agree with you Madmac, I have often find Alan's post to be slightly aggressive and unfriendly. Maybe this is just his unique character.

With my limited knowledge in photo editing software, I am sure most will also agree, Alan is not the only one with suspicious looking photos.

But unfortunately Alan is the only one that got caught red handed, maybe because of his relationship in general with the majority of the reefers here is not as good as the rest or maybe his challenge by starting this thread is not approriate

Anyway, since this thread is started with request to have photos unaltered and without direct lightings, why don't we continue in this spirit and post photos of sps with lighting rather than pushing Alan to the wall?

There is no point of peeling the skins of the onion hoping to get something other than another layer of skins. We will just end up with tears in our eyes. Why don't we just gave him a break and hope that he will learn a lesson not to be so arrogant next time.

I am sure none of us are perfect. :peace::peace::peace:

PS: I would love to post my 2 pieces of chocolate bars but afraid it will only serve as stumbling blocks. :paiseh:

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Just a piece of information...... even if you use PS to crop your pics.... it will be tagged too.... in terms of that, can't really tell if the pix is altered unless the original is available for comparision.... which sadly is the case here.

I agree wif madmac and joseph.... live and let live.... just a hobby after all. I apologise if my posts here are too "Di Seow".


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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Hi guys... think we should have a closure on this issue.. no point keep digging in on a fresh wound... the more we dig.. the painful it gets... both for him and for the rest of the reefer here... esp so when we know we are going no where further... and worst when things get ugly and messy... it will turn out to be another bad chapter in src... so.. let have peace and keep on enjoying our reefing...

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More Info from Tags:

F/3.5 Focal Length : 18.0mm

Date/Time: 2005-09-10T10:04.47+08.00

File was processed with Photoshop CS2 on 2005-09-14T16:22:22+08.00

8 mins before posting the pic on 16:30

Meaning to say, it was with intention to decieve.... why must he do that??? Thought he say his zeovit working very well for him... if his corals colours aint good, why try to convince others that it is... wan face ah?? now lost everything....

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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I fully agree with you Madmac, I have often find Alan's post to be slightly aggressive and unfriendly. Maybe this is just his unique character.

With my limited knowledge in photo editing software, I am sure most will also agree, Alan is not the only one with suspicious looking photos.

But unfortunately Alan is the only one that got caught red handed, maybe because of his relationship in general with the majority of the reefers here is not as good as the rest or maybe his challenge by starting this thread is not approriate

Anyway, since this thread is started with request to have photos unaltered and without direct lightings, why don't we continue in this spirit and post photos of sps with lighting rather than pushing Alan to the wall?

There is no point of peeling the skins of the onion hoping to get something other than another layer of skins. We will just end up with tears in our eyes. Why don't we just gave him a break and hope that he will learn a lesson not to be so arrogant next time.

I am sure none of us are perfect. :peace::peace::peace:

PS: I would love to post my 2 pieces of chocolate bars but afraid it will only serve as stumbling blocks. :paiseh:


like you have suggested... I tink it's the reefers' way to send the message to him that we do not condone to such despicable behaviour with the intention to decieve and yet try to show off and act as though he is a very good reefer....

I find that he is always talking big and always refer to others as newbies like as though he is very experienced, and when others ask him for advice, he is so inpatient in sharing his "experience"...

Wat kind of person is that? wanna act like pro, talk so big, no results still wanna cheat and show-off....

*Pengz* :(

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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like you have suggested... I tink it's the reefers' way to send the message to him that we do not condone to such despicable behaviour with the intention to decieve and yet try to show off and act as though he is a very good reefer....

I find that he is always talking big and always refer to others as newbies like as though he is very experienced, and when others ask him for advice, he is so inpatient in sharing his "experience"...

Wat kind of person is that? wanna act like pro, talk so big, no results still wanna cheat and show-off....

*Pengz* :(

Now we know just the kind of character he is. It's his face he is losing after all. Why don't we be gracious and stop flinging shit into the room with the fan on.....after all the person in question is questionably full with shit. :P


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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Is 'face' = Reputation,self-worthyness,self-respect,credibility?

Im not too sure what it exactly means when ppl say 'save face' etc etc.

I assume that's a rhetorical question. :lol:

I guess we all wanted him to return to SRC too don't you? ;) We have much to learn from him.

Only way is be gacious and let him "go down the stage" so to speak.


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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Now we know just the kind of character he is. It's his face he is losing after all. Why don't we be gracious and stop flinging shit into the room with the fan on.....after all the person in question is questionably full with shit. :P

Wahahaha... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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madmac and Gouldian,

We are not pushing him away from SRC. We welcome him with open arms to continue to post. Nobody is telling him to stop posting. We have no right to stop anyone from posting. Please do continue to post as we have been asking him again and again. Please post....

But please post with some integrity. Come back and answer some of the queries that has been addressed here. You are not getting out of this shit you created lightly..

The manner that the thread has been started, do you really think it's a genuine attempt to get reefers here to show their SPS photos without lighting? I don't think so. I don't think SPS are even nice to look at without light anyway. So what's the point? Let me tell you......It is just to set a platform to show off the photoshopped photo he has prepared and tell us how colourful his corals are supposedly without any lights and enhancement...Bad mistake.

Anyway since I'm the one who started this issue by comparing the photos, I say now, my intention is and have always been, to drive home the fact that,

'Why do we need to be better than the next reefer?'

My reef is my reef, your reef is your reef. It will be different. Your method is different from mine. Your husbandry is different as well. Your needs and expectations...only you yourself know.

If you see something you like, strive and work for it. Everyone's tank is heaven to oneself. Why? Because you built it with your hard work and imagination. You pour your heart and soul into it. Stand by it and watch it grow and transform. You will no doubt get full satisfaction from it.

Don't ever stoop so low as to cheat to show something which you do not own just to show you are a better, if not the best, reefer. We don't need people coming in and belittle other reefers and boast about what they have achieved or what equiment they owned. We are not in a competition here. We are here to share, learn and enjoy the hobby.

We don't need to be better than the next reefer.

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To be frank, this top view picture taken 'w/out lighting', as defined by the starter of this thread, is actually quite 'natural' looking colour wise except for a few corals that look a little bleached.

The other photoshopped(?) picture is another matter altogether.

Question I have is, what is that on the sand bed? Could it be diatoms or cyano?


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fully agree with you Madmac, I have often find Alan's post to be slightly aggressive and unfriendly. Maybe this is just his unique character.

With my limited knowledge in photo editing software, I am sure most will also agree, Alan is not the only one with suspicious looking photos.

But unfortunately Alan is the only one that got caught red handed, maybe because of his relationship in general with the majority of the reefers here is not as good as the rest or maybe his challenge by starting this thread is not approriate...


already over 20 pages. . :o

time to rest and relax for a while.

u all must be take a short break.. the thread starter and others need to recharge and then con't to read or respond to this thread.


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already over 20 pages. . :o

time to rest and relax for a while.

u all must be take a short break.. the thread starter and others need to recharge and then con't to read or respond to this thread.


u always try to divert people's attention using these ###### photos hor?? <_<

But I like! :yeah::yeah::yeah:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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'Why do we need to be better than the next reefer?'

My reef is my reef, your reef is your reef. It will be different. Your method is different from mine. Your husbandry is different as well. Your needs and expectations...only you yourself know.

If you see something you like, strive and work for it. Everyone's tank is heaven to oneself. Why? Because you built it with your hard work and imagination. You pour your heart and soul into it. Stand by it and watch it grow and transform. You will no doubt get full satisfaction from it.

Don't ever stoop so low as to cheat to show something which you do not own just to show you are a better, if not the best, reefer. We don't need people coming in and belittle other reefers and boast about what they have achieved or what equiment they owned. We are not in a competition here. We are here to share, learn and enjoy the hobby.

We don't need to be better than the next reefer.

I like this statement. :rolleyes:

Now seems like miss his posts. :(

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