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  • SRC Member

Hi all. My Tank has been running for abt 5 mths now and I was thinking of removing my bio-balls and ceremic rings from my sump tank. Have been told that it will result in a nitrate factory.Think that's why my nitrate has been in the higher ranges recently.(this was taken when my tank was still cycling.have since removed the coral chips from the sump.)

Can anyone give me some advice as to how I should go about doing it as I don't want to upset everything and end up in a tank crash.And will my nitrate be reduced after the change??Of course I plan to do a water change as well. Maybe 20%?

My tank is a 2ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft and my sump is a 2ft by 1ft by 1ft modified sump.

Advice will be greatly appreciated. :thanks:


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You might as well remove the coral chips and ceramic rings as well

Don't think it will really upset your water parameters but once you remove, do water changes using DI water and look for a method to reduce nitrates ;)

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  • SRC Member
You might as well remove the coral chips and ceramic rings as well

Don't think it will really upset your water parameters but once you remove, do water changes using DI water and look for a method to reduce nitrates ;)

Thanks bro..I want to remove everything.Now only left with the bio balls and ceramic rings. BUT can I do a water change with NSW and how much do you reccomend I change? :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

u can shut of the return-pump, remove the balls and chips and rings,

do a full water change in the sump and make sure to siphon out the dirt

left behind. Once ok, start the return pump.

Shuting down the return pump is to ensure that the dirt that are

disturb during the removal dun get suck back to main tank :P


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  • SRC Member


I would advise you remove them by staging, not in 1 round.

Else you lose the power to process ammonia and nitrite.

Remove some part of each of particular 1 (depend on your choice), run the tests 2 - 3 days later, monitor, and repeat again.

If all of them removed, you rely on your existing LR + sand for the ammonia and nitrite consumption?

No replacement?

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  • SRC Member

if you have enough LR in ya main tank...shouldn't be a problem.

I have done that & it didn't affect both fishes & corals. But still monitor ya water parameters closely.

And ya should carry out about 10% water change every week if possible. ;)

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  • SRC Member


I believe when we initially put in these bio rings or balls whatever, they are zero in those bacteria. So we put in bunch of them (usually more lah, unless you so pok-kai, put 10 - 20 only, so cham :P )

Later, those bacteria will grow up to a max, and its probably it grow more than we needed, so its best start to remove them.

But since we dunno how much should be remove, so we do it in gracefully approach.

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  • SRC Member

:thanks: guys for all your suggestions. was out of town the last couple days .just got back.. guess i'll start by removing my bio balls first..

But I do have lots of live rocks.. Hope they are enough to prevent any drastic drop in my parameters. :unsure:

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  • SRC Member
if you have enough LR in ya main tank...shouldn't be a problem.

I have done that & it didn't affect both fishes & corals. But still monitor ya water parameters closely.

And ya should carry out about 10% water change every week if possible. ;)

I do change my water regularly.But nitrate still on the high side.. Guess the only reason for that is my bio balls and the ceremic rings.

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