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Why MODS don't give pple chance to explain??


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  • SRC Member
Angelluv, I think it's very unfair for you to accuse me like that!

I'm totally new to this place here and I have not sold anything yet before!

So why do you say I sold fish to your friend?

I'm so appalled there's people here who behave in a childish manner, makes me wonder they're mature enough to be in this reef-keeping hobby?

To the others who stood up for me, thanks!!

there is once 2 reefer of the same person, using 2 account.. and like u.. selling clown fish. and sell and sell is still the same type of clown fish.. and they are here to cheat reefer about their pair of true percula.. ya.. plz listen to wad other ppl try to sae.. ;)

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To all brothers and sisters here. I make myself clear once and for all. I'm new and not a clone as some had claimed.

I'm getting rid of my spare fishes to make way for a clown trigger.

JnLmarin stands for Jason Liaw in marine hobby that's all!

Hi bro...

thanxs for explaining... why dun you just PM the Mods to explain the situation.... that your nick is wat your nick is... den maybe they'll understand, like I said, ur nick does sound like one from a LFS.....

I cant tell much more besides this, so either the Mods have made an honest mistake, or you're lying.... but there must be some grounds on which AT made such a swift action to close your thread.

Best would be that you explain to them in PM 1st of all.... it could after all be just a minor glitch... I see that you're pretty worked up due to the accusations hurled on you, and if you feel that you've been dealt in a injustice way, go put wat's wrong back right...

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there is once 2 reefer of the same person, using 2 account.. and like u.. selling clown fish. and sell and sell is still the same type of clown fish.. and they are here to cheat reefer about their pair of true percula.. ya.. plz listen to wad other ppl try to sae.. ;)

yes! i agree that pple nowadays are caution on these issues. There's one reefer did PM me on selling true perculas. He's so called a dealer in this clown fishes. Luckily, i did not purchase anything from him cos, LOTS of senior reefers PM me on his crude manners and tatics...should exposed this type of reefers. Sad to see that even an hobby can meant so much headache! <_<

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Hi bro...

thanxs for explaining... why dun you just PM the Mods to explain the situation.... that your nick is wat your nick is... den maybe they'll understand, like I said, ur nick does sound like one from a LFS.....

I cant tell much more besides this, so either the Mods have made an honest mistake, or you're lying.... but there must be some grounds on which AT made such a swift action to close your thread.

Best would be that you explain to them in PM 1st of all.... it could after all be just a minor glitch... I see that you're pretty worked up due to the accusations hurled on you, and if you feel that you've been dealt in a injustice way, go put wat's wrong back right...

;) yes bro rav, i do agree on this issues. if you done nothing wrong..why must you be so "kan cheong"? just pm the mods. And i believe that mods would not condem somone without any reasons.... ;)

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both using same ip ?? thus AT closed the thread? ? or .. ??

got gd reason or not. who is right or wrong >don't need to be angry? pm the mods - deep blue , rodian< who is very busy now. etc etc . explain to them. ..

no point shouting here and there. ;)

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  • SRC Member

aiya....then say so la...really sorry, but your last post does really looks like a commerical post....factors that makes us wonder.....

1) your nick sounds so marine shop like

2) bearly join us for 2 days and you start selling stuff....newbie normally ask questions instead of selling like a pro....

3) the style of posting looks very much like what LFS will do when posting their sale here

4) recently someone posted sales of VERY similar set of clown fishes - so very hard for the bros here to see the conincident....

anyway, if you are really who you say you are welcome to the club.....:D

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I've already PM the mod Achilles Tang. Don't worry.

I did a search on yahoo and found this forum, cos trying to sell away my fishes to LFS without much luck. I was willing to trade with them you see.

I'm new to this forum doesn't mean that I'm new to this hobby. Joined to sell that's all.

I'm sorry if my nick sounds LFS-like. Got inspiration from Topic Marin so I called myself JnL for Jason Liaw. To be honest with you, I read thru the forum b4 posting, so maybe influenced by how they post.

I believe the swift action taken by mod is due to some back-stabbers. But at least give me a chance to explain or prove who I really am rite? I was so shock and taken aback when I just joined and so many people here are flaming and whipping me like this was a public trial without any defence lawyers!

I understand there's a reefer in the past who tried to cheat from what you people said, but why put his reputation to my name?!?!?!

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  • SRC Member

hehehehe....welcome to the club....i think the swift action by the mod is due to the fact that your post was really like a commerical post (i think if we cast a poll now, most bro here your say that post looks very very commercial).....not becuase of some backstabbing....

give our mod credit la....they wouldn't shut people out because of subjective view of some others..... <_< but they will move rather quickly if there is an impression of the violation of the rules here....

Just a tip for you when selling ls, provide information like how long you have kept them, what are they trained to eat, number of fish you are selling...etc, at least it would make the posting more of a hobbist selling then a LFS.....;)

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Hi Jason, I am glad you have things cleared up

However, you must understand that different people look at things and interpret things differently so it might have been a misunderstanding.

Hope you have a great time here from now onwards :)

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To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

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hi jnl,

Hope that things could clarify!

But there's some findings...

last week, i did pm a person by the nick of jonlim on the true perculas. but i did not purchased from him lah cos above my budget. What i realised that just now, when scrolling and deleting my inbox messages, realised there somthing common in both of you and him! Are you the same persons? Im kinda of confused now man!!

please enlighten me this old uncle.

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  • SRC Member
They will move rather quickly if there is an impression of the violation of the rules here....

indeed, 120% agrees with u, tineng. shift and fast. :lol:

hopes that u k resolve your issue soon etc. may be due to some reason - same ip, style etc etc or purely a mistake. so cheerup and no worries. ;)

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  • SRC Member
hiya...post partial pic of ur IC(especially the name) to prove and dispel all doubts once and for all then! :P

aiya.....no need for this kind of proof la....dun think SRC have degraded to this level.....

I would give a benefit of doubt for this case, because it was much easier for him to just get another new account then to try defend himself here....

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guys, i realised something..hope that its not my lao hua...

(a) 2 weeks back, a guy name jonlim pm me. proclaim himself as dealer in clownfish. Casue i wanna get cheap clown esp true percular cos i find it nicer than normal clown. emailed me some pics, but due to that time, my stupid son dun like so dun buy.have his contact no and PMs

(B) now, a guy name Jnlmarin...a normal reefer who had clown fish for sales..and my bloody irriting son want clownfish..so pm him...talk talk pm pm ...then pass me his contact no.

Then i check inbox, clear inbox...read all mails again. Cos, im lazy to read. realised Jonlim and Jnlmarin is the same person!! why i am syaing that cos....their HANDPHONE NUMBER is the same....

So today, i learn abt...."clone"....now i know why modds said closed....

BUT im sure i not lao hua, cos i asked my 100% eyesight wife to see.......she said "yah! how come in forums also so headache one?!"

hope no one flame me ...

If you wanna know the numbers...let me know...i will post here.

As for the evidences, i have save it already....if you want...let me know!

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  • SRC Member

haha... :lol: if what Metan stated is accurate.

no wonder u agree that it is a lucrative business. at least use different ip, hp num. be mor pro. ... indeed like wat others have said. hope you-JnLmarin have a great time here from now onwards in src. ;) anyone, want to guide JnLmarin around ~src. he is a newbie in this forum. :lol:

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Pm between me and jonlim.

contact number at bottom.

next posting...Jnlmarin number....

just to clarify im not a cheater who frame people!

hi, can at least let me noe whether u still getting from me?



i don;t care what you doing...but, at least their fishes are with them for 1 year etc etc....yours only few weeks...so compared prices, theirs is better...compared stability, theirs are more stable...for yours...50/50.

Am i right?


anyway bro, i've been reefing 3 yrs. but never touched corals b4.. just started on a zoo..

my setup at home just a FOWLR

and when u say tat other reefers' prices are much cheaper, i certainly hope u not using tat as a bargaining stand

I noe tat no commercial sales allowed, was warned b4.. that's why i now only approach pple thru pm.. alot of other reefers do tat too


you mentioned 3 years of reefing? friend? I saw your thread and it seems that you are very new like me man!

Anyway, i been getting pics from others reefers and theirs are much cheaper and better than yours. Morever, some bros mentioned to me to aware of pple from here. So i taking precautions before making the choices.

I read the rules and regulations, they mentioned that no commerical sales allowed in here and man friend, you doing these. Im old liao and don't bother much! But if your stuffs is good and price is cheaper than some LFS that i seen. Then, only I will purchase from you....

happy reefing!


haha yeah

direct them all to me.. or u can tell me their nicks then i approach them

anyway try to let me noe faster k?

dun like to drag n wait..


shit! my PM been directed to some reefers and now asking abt the clown fishes. friend, will asked them to pm you instead.

My mailbox now is full..damn it!

anway, will let you know. I been receiving PM from some reefers.


yup i notice it's been directed to others too.. dunno why??

i've been reefing for 3yrs already.. but just started sales recently thru this forum.. so not very experienced in this trade yet.. (Selling)

why not u check out the prices from LFS and then let me noe how much they selling singlely and mating pairs? I'm always willing to offer a lower price if it's found tat i'm selling at higher price than the LFS

Hope to have deal done with u



thanks. received it.

Are you very familar in here?

How come my pm been directed to some people? Anayway, think that the server not that good as expected.

Lets come back to the deal.I saw the pictures.Look nice! But with your prices, i think i go and check out with the sponsor. Cause they are coming in with stocks! How long have you been reefing?

Ok, thanks!




did u receive my email? email from rachelle??


oh...sorry, in that case, send me photos what you had. so i can choose from there!




Firstly, wad i can tell u is tat more black portion in front and back side tail is very rare, difficult to find.

Secondly, 4 inch true percula is a monster which i never see b4 in any LFS as well.. and one thing i'm sure 100% confirm.. for a 4inch percula, they look more like ocellaris as in the black bands.. not much diff.. their black portion just disappears when they're larger in size.. all my 3inches are like tat

the diff btw fish from philippines and batam is the different in the current passing thru their seas.. the cold current in philippines are the ones perculas like better and as such, they grow up nicer too!!

Sorry, as i said, i dun have a 4inch monster and never seen one anywhere b4 in so long i've dealt in clownfishes. Maybe u'll like to lower ur expectation.. cos those conditions u dished out are 90% impossible to be met by anyone

hope to be doing a deal with u


Hi JOn,

thanks for the prompt replied.

Anyway, Im looking for true percular with more black portion in the front and back side tail. Sizes likewise will be approx 4inch cause i'm having a 4 footer tank.

Do you have pics similar from what I mentioned? Let me choose from it and tell me more abt your clown since its from what you mentioned philipines? Any diiff from these 2 countries? What i known of is one nearer , the other furthur!

do let me know as soon as possible and let me know once you email the exact pics over to my acc.

xie xie


i emailed u using my gf's email.. rachelle..

i only selling clownfishes at the moment, tat's wad i mean by specialise

one pair $30.. my clowns from philippines not batam.. batam quality poorer

of cos u interested i can negotiate, no worries


hi jonline,

thank you very much!

When you going to email me? Some reefers will be posting their clowns first later. So you deal with clown fish? what do you mean you are specialising in clownfishes? me don't get you.

And what you cost?

let me know. "xie xie"


my email down

i emailed u using gf's email



hi bro!!

glad to noe u looking for clowns.. cos i'm free lance dealer specialising in clownfishes!!!

sms me at 9828411X.


can u send me some pics before calling and sms you.

my email is metamorphosis_dar@yahoo.com.sg


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Sad......what is becoming .....nice place to chit chat explore the hobby and gather knowledge and yet there are people out to make it rich

That whats make the world,,,,cest la vie

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PM between me and Jnlmarin.

Look at the similarities....contact number.....So these are my evidences....luckily must thanks bro angleluv for his pm to make me realised! thanks bro!!!!

haha realised alot of dads buy nemos for the sons too.

ok u let me noe asap lah. I'll be waiting for ur call.

Can sms me at 9828411X



aiyah...tok u do delievery...... ok, let me check with my sons....if they are keen on "nemo" thing again, will let you know. How shall address you and any contact no which i can call u if im intersted!


lor ah soo is where? haha

i mean delivery as in to mrt stations not to doorstep!! haha

no car.. take mrt one.. support public transport!! Bedok stadium there.. main rd btw bedok mrt station n tanah merah mrt station.

I selling NO2, NO3, Calcium, Phosphate test kits. Atman 105 pump. Jebo 1000 pump too.

So far only other clownfishes as well.

I have other pairs but i dun have the pictures. anyway any pair is the same cos their black colour will eventually spread.


hahhaha! KS pattern...

2 inches is about 5 cm right? hope im right!

bedok which area? and if u going to deliever to lor ah soo. what the charges?and do you have other pairs?

what other stuffs you selling too? do let me know...im new lah....so not sure abt these clowns....but read some info on these liao...


wow wow wow, so many questions!! haha

This pair 4 weeks already.. but no eggs yet

no fighting of cos

Price $28. Collect at Bedok. If other places may charge transport fee for delivery see how.

Feeding on frozen brine shrimp and Formula2 pellets. Size around 2 inches.

Condition healthy and good. Free of disease.

The will be the exact ones to be sold so exactly same.

Wad other info u want??



How long is these pair? Any fighting going on?

Whats the prices for these? Collection place?

Feeding now? Size? And free from ich and other parasites? How the overall conditions? See the pics and get exactky the same?

Please provide more info on these as Im interested in obtainting if details were released.




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im done with it....sorry pal...got to be frank..cos i dun wanna to be a victm...and i dun wanan pple to become a victm...

god bless you!

happy reefing....and dun bother me....dun beat me up...im old...and cannot stand beatings....

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