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Tunze Protein Skimmer 9010


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Hi Guys,

I am just starting this thread to feature the above Tunze Skimmer. I will be getting the pump on this Thursday and hoped to do a review of it for the benefit of all.

My tank specs are as follows


5x2x2.5ft - mixed reef tank

Present skimmer - Weipro 2012, 2015 with Hailea Ozoniser and ORP controller

Tunze Turbelle 6100 with multi controller

Full Sump - biological, chemical and mechanical filtration

Resun FR 500 - Phos remover with 500 ml rowaphos

Aquamedic 400 Denitrator

Life Stock;

Tank is heavily stocked - 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Kole Tang, 1 Indian Ocean Fox Face, 14 green Chromis, 1 Fire clown, 1 moon wrasse, 3 cleaner shrimp, 2 dispar anthias, 2 tiger anthias, 1 sandshifter, 1 scooter blenny, 3 firefish

Corals include 3 elegance, 2 touch, 3 pratas, 1 green anemone, 1 jewel, 2 red gono, 1 green, 1 red cyarinna.

Tank Parameter

Age of tank - about 2 months

SG - 1.021

KH 11

NH4 - nil

NO2 - nil

NO3 - 9

CA - 410

Temp - 24.8

My thinking on skimmers;

I like my present weipros - they are hardworking, produce decent light green and at times brown skimmate. However my sense on the issue is that my biological filtration is doing most of the work (look at NO3 figures above) and as my stocking increases, I will need the skimmer to do more to get rid of DOC. I hope it can complement the bio filtartion so that in the long term I can get undetectable Nitrates (goal).

My research on alternative skimmers; (Deltec, Aquamedic, Beckett, Tunze)

At first I am set on the Deltec APF600. It was selling for $830 at equanature.com. Looking at the reviews by weileong and gang, I got the sense that this is the workhorse that I needed. I like the candy floss bobbles and kopi-o skimmate. This is my choice skimmer for the last 4 months. However, I needed the skimmer to find into my 2nd chamber in my sump and in this area, i only have space for 16cm (L), 63 cm (H) and 44 cm (L). The Deltec is 16 cm wide, hence it will have problems fitting into this compartment. I do not like the idea of putting the skimmer in my last chamber direct into the main tank coz I foresee I may run into micro bubbles and all those problems + I would like the skimmer effluent to run into my 3rd chamber in my sump and this consists of a five inch DSB. So the Deltec will have problmes fitting in

( to be continued in my next post)


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My second choice skimmer is the Aquamedic Turboflotor 1000, I have read dozens of reviews on this and am impressed with the low wattage, high air water ratio and skimmate quality. However it too was not able to fit into my second chamber as it has a footprint of 33 cm X 16 cm. And of course there isthe other issue of cost. The skimmer sells for about $750 a piece in Singapore, (with an 2000 Ocean Runner Needle wheel pump) , whereas in US, UK websites it retails for $170-$190 US per piece (minus shipment)

My third choice skimmer is really the becketts. My biggest problem like the other two is the size and wattage of the beckett pumps. I need everything (inlcuding chiller) to be housed in my cabinet. Aesthetic reasons count a lot in my household. I am sure there are many smaller becketts like RM 24 " that could fit in, but the problem is really the bulkhead connecting the pump, Its too big and with the MD40 or RIo, would take up a lot of space.

So finally I come to the Tunze. Before I explain the coice, it is important to look at the specs first..


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How the Skimmers stack up

--------Deltec APF600 / Beckett Rm 24"/Aquamedic 1000/Tunze 9010

Watt-----------21W-------MD55 - 170W-----OR2500 38W-----21W

Air output-----500l/h-----not sure-----------not sure----------650 l/h

Water Output-800 l/h----not sure-----------not sure----------1200 l/h

Bubbles-------excellent--excellent----------good--------------not seen

Skimmate----good-------excellent----------good--------------not seen


As you can see, this seacrh for a skimmer has gotten me in a bind. A rabid fan of Tunze I am plunging into it as I have faith in the quality of products made by this German company. I have not seen the bubbles nor skimmate of the skimmer unlike the beckett and the rest. Also more importantly, with a footprint of L125 X W113 x H418 mm, it fits in my second chamber to a tee. One thing that impresses me of the tunze skimmer is the high water / air ratio. It outperforms the Deltec!!. Finally the issue of cost makes the Tunze a clear winner.

The above comparison is NOT a fair one coz I have not seen the actual skimmate and NO3 reduction in my tank. I have committed myself to the Tunze and when it comes would try to do an accurate assessment of the skimmer, to the best of my ability. I will run the Tunze to the max and report my findings. This thread is not meant to denounce the other great skimmers which I fully respect in terms of build quality and performance, but it is aimed at giving our reefing community more choices and more performance with less bucks wasted down the drain ( I hope).

So till we wait for the skimmer to arrive from Reefdepot, stay tuned I will give a blow by blow account of this piece of German engineering. Also correct me on the info or any tech spec that I quoted above than is incorrect. Your feedback can really help in making this review exhaustive and useful. Thank You.

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i had the previous version....must say its acutally quite good.....i have no expereience with the current version, but based on my expereience on the previous version....

1) you need to watch the water level. it must be high and stable enough

2) very little micro-bubbles generated

3) can get a bit nosiy if not probaby secure

4) Much compact and smaller form factor when compared to beckette

5) collection cup is actually quite big and easy to remove, making maintainence the most easiest so far.

6) pump is built in

7) cleaning the pump can be quite a hassle thought

8) my personal preferences was to set it to wet skimming

9) Tunze is one of the most reliable brand around

- something really subjective.....i still prefer my becket....:P

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Thank you Eudaceous for offering to share with us your choice and your review.

I am keen on seeing what the Tunze can do, will await your updates.

Cheers ;):D

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My plan of action

1) So a full parameter check and test

2) Take out two Weipro 2012, 2015

3) Will be running Tunze on Ozenoe set at 25 mg

4) Read Manual on Operating instructions

5) Fire up and see

6) Take as many pics as I can along the way

- below is my tank. My sump area is below and remember, I like to have all equipments neatly in the cabinet


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My Full sump

1) First chamber - eurowool, Coral chips (10kg) Biohomme 3 kg

2) 2nd chamber to put in skimmer 16 cm wide, 63 cm height

3) 3 chamber - DSB to strip nitrate with a low flowrate accross

4) Last chamber return to main tank - teeoff to UV, Chiller, FR

5) Tank maintained at 1.022 SG and 24.5 degrees


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My other Tunze purchases - excellent wavemaker and ORP is 312. I hope with a better skimmer ORP can go up to 390. Anyway my ORP (Milwakee) is set to cut off the Ozoniser at 375. I have read, that Beckett skimmers and Deltecs can skimm very well and one should see an increase in ORP readings. Well lets hope


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Below are the parts and kits. Good joints and solid plastics, beat the hell out of Macro. At least 3 mm all around. Also the Cup is big. Anywa the 9010 differs from 9015 only in terms of collection cup size. Pump, Suction , Air intake are all similar & its is about $150 lesser.


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After removing my weipro in my second chamber. There are 2 ways to fasten the 9010. 1) By the wall of your tank. These has to be fasten on the two rail tracks provided.Meant for people who do not have a sump. One thing to note is that the wter level must be of a certain height.

2) By sitting on the sump floor but you must use the L shaped foam nozzle provided to ensure proper air intake.


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Ok now this is the way to to set up for in sump operation. Notice the blue foam..I think it acts as a baffle for micro bubbles. There is an adaptor to ensure that the right air/water mixture gets into the 9010. PLease ensure this is done. Again the ENglish manual is clear and detailed enough for you to piece the Tunze together. Also more importantly if you adopt the in sump mode your water level need not be as high as the skimmer indicates. (Good for me coz in the sump my water level is not as high)


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