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is cyclopeeze a complete food


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hi ,

wondering is cyclopeeze a complete food like the ocean nuitriton pellet?

i feed my LS with garlic mysis and frozen brine too.


2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

This is what is stated behind my cyclopeeze bottle:

This vacuum sealed can contains freeze-dried (lyophilized), whole, bio-engineered Cyclo-peeze. This product distinguishes itself as unique in containing the highest known level of foundational carotenoid pigments while manifesting the unprecedented concentrations of "omega-3" fatty acids. Documented, dramatic improvement in aquatic animal coloration, growth rate and disease resistance - can replace artemia."

Its a bio-engineered nutritional organism; growth promoter, color enhancer, immuno-stimulant, artemia nauplii replacement.

From my limited experience, none of my livestocks can resist the taste of cyclopeeze. its like a luxury food. I wun say its a complete food that can replace other foods like ocean nuitriton pellet, formula 1 0r 2, or mysis / brine shrimps..... but its always best to circulate ur types of feeds to the fishes so that they can achieve a wider range of diet, thus more healthy.

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  • SRC Member

hi there bro,

there is only one brand of cyclopeeze, and cyclopeeze themselves are a species of aquacultured salt lake zooplankton if i remember correctly. and their red colour is artificial. that said though, i do think its the very best food we can feed our livestock, as its high in hufa, and looks and probably tastes like the most natural food for most fishes and corals, which is zooplankton like copepods and amphipods. i feed frozen cyclopeeze occasionally, but refrain from dosing so too often as it may be very nutritious, but that also means it will add significantly to your systems bioload and nutrients, especially when alot of it is blown to forbidden corners of the tank and destined to break down before its consumed.

henry at ml sells the frozen version of cyclopeeze,rather than the freeze dried one usually found in cans, and i have found that its easier to keep (doesnt spoil or get clumped up as easily), and is likely more nutritious.

do tell us about your experience if you try the food out ya. will be nice to know if you guys spot any difference before and after.



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Don't buy the wrong one. There is an imitation going around which looks very very similar to the original Cyclopeeze, called Cyclops-Peeze. Damn lame, but I've seen it. It costs around $4.

Btw, I've heard that veggie eaters like Tangs would not do well with cyclopeeze. My contracted ich after I stopped feeding them with seaweed but feeding them with marine flakes.

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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I have seen 2 brands of cyclopeeze in LFS. but i m can only recognise with 1 brand - which cost $12 a can (its the fried dried one).

bro cci[RR]us, my BT eats cyclopeeze amongst a wide range of diet i provide it. and like wat fionafiona and Iantoh mentioned - its an immuno-stimulant and very nutritious food.

Tangs should be fed seaweed thrice weekly - to improve their immunity and reduce aggression. Stopping to feed them seaweed is not advisable, since u already mentioned they're "veggie eaters". More importantly, marine flakes is not equal to cyclopeeze. I just find ur last statement a little misleading. Are u trying to imply that marine flakes = cyclopeeze, and = the causes of ur Tangs contracting Ich?

Well, Tangs (esp. BT) are the MOST susceptible fish to contract Ich (amongst others like lateral line disease, fin erosion, and other skin parasites) ... anyways. Hope ur Tangs survived the ordeal.

Back to the main topic... freeze-dried cyclopeeze are a common find in LFS, but since its bro Iantoh speaking from his own experience, i shall be on my way to Henry's tomolo for some...

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bought the argent cyclop-eeze.

freeze dried. correct ?

their webby

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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More importantly, marine flakes is not equal to cyclopeeze. I just find ur last statement a little misleading. Are u trying to imply that marine flakes = cyclopeeze, and = the causes of ur Tangs contracting Ich?

No, what I'm saying is, cyclopeeze doesn't contain veggies, just like most marine flakes. Since tangs need veggies, feeding solely with cyclopeeze is as bad an idea as feeding solely with cheapo marine flakes - both are lacking in the veggie component. Since cyclopeeze doesn't contain a veggie component, then (only) in this light, I say cyclopeeze is the "same" as my cheapo marine flakes.

Relating back to the topic of "is cyclopeeze a complete food" with respect to fishes like tangs, my answer is no. And I apply the same reason to the question "is cheapo marine flakes a complete food". Again, both lack the veggie component. Hopefully by being long-winded, there is no more misunderstanding. ;)

Quite obviously, if we are not just talking about the lack of veggie, then cyclopeeze is way better (thus not the same).

Since the edit function is disabled after some time of posting a reply, I shall edit my reply here to avoid further misunderstanding:

Btw, I've heard that veggie eaters like Tangs would not do well with just cyclopeeze. Mine contracted ich after I stopped supplementing their diet with seaweed but only fed them with marine flakes.

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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in my opinion, cyclopeeze should not be the sole food that the fishes are fed, instead, treat them to a wide variety

just like humans, if you were to eat chicken rice everyday, i think by the end of one week, you will be 'sian' already, haha

just to share my feedings, i feed the following, depending on my mood

1) frozen brine

2) frozen mysis

3) cyclopeeze(mainly to get my suns to open up)

4) seaweed

5) formula 1/2

6) henry's food(good stuff, but cannot stand the smell after a while)

7) chopped up squid (for dendros and those BIG BIG sun polyps)

8) phytoplankton

currently looking at zooplanktons, are these the same as live rotifers?


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hi guys, i think it depends on what sort of fish youre intending to feed. most marine reef fishes consume zooplankton to some degree, including tangs, but it is true, what my dear bro cirrus said, that it wont be a complete food for most tangs. the blue tang, as far as i know, is the only predominantly zooplanktivorous surgeonfish, with all the other tangs feeding mainly on vegetable matter.

that said, if youre comparing cyclopeeze to frozen brine shrimp and flakes, its probably better, though will probably contribute more to nutrients. frozen mysid shrimp is great too. as bro hondaker mentioned, a variety of foods is best.



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cyclopeeze can be purchase at ML (west) , ReBorn(lavander), Bio-Ocean(near jackson kopitiam) both dry / frozen

i've used that to feed the fries of discus. I would say its pretty good !

Use the frozen ones if possible , the dried ones seems to float on the water surface.

I dont think its a complete food but its of high nutritonal value High in HUFA, best is to feed a variety. IMO

Like humans , we need a variety of food so do the fish.

(cyclo is good, but eating that everyday also sian rite ? How much of cyclo are you gonna throw into the tank to fill 1 fish ?)

I'm not too sure abt the 'Tangs should be fed seaweed thrice weekly - to improve their immunity and reduce aggression.'

My tangs are fed seaweed on a daily basis as much as they like to have, but they are still very aggresive.

The fins would have some injury, torn but wld heal up in a matter of days N they consistanly chase each other around.

They are also fed F1, F2, Omega One, mysis , PE mysis.*they have a better life then me*

But never seem to bother abt the cyclo i throw in...LOL

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all that being said, anyone got any pics of the frozen cyclopeeze to share?

i only know the freeze-dried type, but havent seen the frozen ones around

it would be beneficial to all if some pics were available, so we know which one to get the next time we do grocery shopping for our fishies


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  • SRC Member

ok guys. tell you what. i bought some frozen cyclopeeze from henry a while back, but havent used much of it, so for whoever is interested, youre welcome to come by for a free teaspoonful k. i guess the only ones who would care to try some would be from nearby the west area, but thats my offer ya, so if anyones interested can pm me. i dont have a DC so cant take the pics, but henry packaged it for me nicely in a plastic container, and just looking at his display tanks, you can tell the use of the cyclopeeze, just look at his fishes and sun corals, even the gressingeri gobies and pipefish. all doing great on cyclopeeze, plus his mix.

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well said bro Iantoh / Kona_scab / hondaker / Cirrus

Yep, my general rule is also to feed a variety -- wide range of diet = good health. [Off-topic] Honda, just a reminder, u used to eat Fei-siong noodles straight for 1 week... lol.

And I always treat cyclopeeze as a type of "luxury" food. Its like too nutritious, so i only feed once every 2-3 days. My LS and BT will go crazy over it.

Oh regarding bro cirrus, yep, a little bit of misunderstanding there, which has since been "clear and case close" thanks to your effort composing the detail message. :) guess we sorta on the same tracks - feeding our fishes (Tangs or others LS) solely on just a type of food is not equal to "complete" food. We feed a variety. Cheers ya!

Bro Kona_scab : i read from liveaquaria.com on the part on Tangs -- BTs .... here's an extract :

Although Tangs will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that they are offered plenty of marine based seaweed and algae. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression and improve their overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a lettuce clip, and feed at least 3 times per week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products and are very easy to use.

so i simply sum up to feed veggie / seaweed trice weekly to increase their immunity (thus good health) and reduces aggression.

(did i mention my BT high-5 me when I put my hand into the tank to adjust some rocks? the "whack" was so strong, water splash outta the tank and onto my face... now thats what i call agression..."

ah~ I didn't go Henry this evening, too lazy to go there after work...

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member
Has anyone found a source for frozen cyclopeeze here?

hi hi, as mentioned above, bro Iantoh said Henry 's got sell. You might wanna ring them up to check before making a trip down. cheers~ :)

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nah.. he haven't been carrying it for quite a while. Was there yesterday.. the week before.. 2 weeks before. either that or its always sold out once its in..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
Any shops around clementi selling the frozen type?


Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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