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Cleaner Shrimp


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Always wanted to ask this question. Can somebody tell me how to release cleaner shrimp into the tank?

I ever have a few cases whereby the cleaner shrimp dies after being released into the main tank in a few mins.

Pls correct me if i am wrong. Is this due to the pressure in the tank when the cleaner shrimp descends too quickly thus cuasing the shell to crack or some other reasons.

Many thanks.

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I dun think so.. But i have heard that because of the height they drop down from would break their shell..not pressure. I believe thats what Henry told me years back..

Theortically release them as close to the bottom as possible. Maybe put them in a cup then release them at the bottom..

As I said.. theoretically.. I have a 2ft height tank. I just release all my shrimps from the top and let them swim down.. no harm as yet.. 1 cleaner and 2 ###### and 3 harlequins.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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How did you acclimatize the shrimps before releasing? What I did for new LS was:

1) Wash the exterior of the plastic bag first and then wiped dry.

2) Remove the rubber bands and float the bag in your diaplay tank and maybe attached with a clip/peg so as to prevent it from floating away.

3) Add in your tank water into the bag, a little at a time at 10mins intervals.

4) keep adding until the volume of the water added is about equal to the original amount in the bag.

5) Use a plastic flour sieve to catch the shrimp/fish gently and then scoop it out and release into the main tank.

6) So folks may like to do so into a partition of the sump first and until really stable then transfer using the sieve again later to the main diaplay tank and yet others use QTs. Using the normal fish net may cause unnecessary damage to the LS in the transfer process.

Hope this helps. Cheers

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How did you acclimatize the shrimps before releasing? What I did for new LS was:

1) Wash the exterior of the plastic bag first and then wiped dry.

2) Remove the rubber bands and float the bag in your diaplay tank and maybe attached with a clip/peg so as to prevent it from floating away.

3) Add in your tank water into the bag, a little at a time at 10mins intervals.

4) keep adding until the volume of the water added is about equal to the original amount in the bag.

5) Use a plastic flour sieve to catch the shrimp/fish gently and then scoop it out and release into the main tank.

6) So folks may like to do so into a partition of the sump first and until really stable then transfer using the sieve again later to the main diaplay tank and yet others use QTs. Using the normal fish net may cause unnecessary damage to the LS in the transfer process.

Hope this helps. Cheers

Thanks yours, that is what i normally do for my livestock.

Fishes are generally ok, i only got problems with cleaner shrimps most of the time. Just want to know where i go wrong or maybe i got bad karma with shrimps.

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Test your salinity with a refractometer to be sure. Shrimps are very susceptible to salinity shock, especially at higher than normal salinity levels. Even acclimatising does not guarantee that shrimps will be able to adapt to higher than normal salinity levels.

Always something more important than fish.


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have u done copper treatment in your tank?

do u have very high no3?

i am suspecting these 2 since its bad karma with shrimps and not just cleaner shrimps per se

Tank is 3 weeks new 3x2x2 with only 3 tangs in it and no corals. So cant be high NO3.

Will go back and check on my sg again. last checked was at 1.025.

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HMRz, shrimps are very very sensitive to Sg levels. Acclimatising them certainly helps to prevent death. Is your tank temperature very warm and are your tangs haressing the shrimps? After acclimatising, i'll just tip the bag over and let them swim slowly into the tank. No deaths so far. :)

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HMRz, shrimps are very very sensitive to Sg levels. Acclimatising them certainly helps to prevent death. Is your tank temperature very warm and are your tangs haressing the shrimps? After acclimatising, i'll just tip the bag over and let them swim slowly into the tank. No deaths so far. :)

Tangs not harressing the shrimp. One min i saw it among the rocks next min when i turnaround to observe it again i see it falling off the rocks and RIP.

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Your tank is 3 weeks old? I think your tank is too young and not stable yet. Better wait for a few more weeks as shrimps are very sensitive.

Also, like the other bros mentioned, shrimps being an invertibrate is very sensitive to salinity shock. The longer you can acclimitize the shrimp the better. It is best to put it on drip for several hours before releasing to the tank.

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You may want to lower your SG. I kept mine at 1.021-1.023. I do not keep corals. Also, refrain from relasing the LFS water into your tank, I had some bad experience before. Bon chance.

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You may want to lower your SG. I kept mine at 1.021-1.023. I do not keep corals. Also, refrain from relasing the LFS water into your tank, I had some bad experience before. Bon chance.

no need to lower SG lah.. I have all my shrimps living in 1.025 -1.029 SG.. no harm. 1.025 is my standard SG.. rises when I forget to topup water :P .

Heat isn't an issue also.. I have temp reaching 30+ before and still no signs of damage to all my shrimps.

It might be copper in your tank also. Do you pour water from the bags into your tank? Usually LFS water contain copper.. its not advisable to use that water.

Also your ich or parasite treatment must be reef safe. Should not contain copper.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Please be careful when you measure SG. Use either a refractometer or digital probe. I am using Digilab. Before this I was using only a hydrometer and this is not very accurate. Just some thoughts that is all.

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yep, like the above guys mentioned, acclimatize the shrimp slowly over an hour or two (drip water), then slowly let the shrimp swim out.

Letting the shrimp drop down the depth of the tank and having the pressure crack its shell.. ??? this is unlikely, becuz the shrimp can swim and maintain at a level its comfortable with. it swims down by itself becuz it can take the pressure.

Absolutely no copper treatments for ur tank ya? or else most (if not all) invertebrates will up lorry.

SG wise, 1.023 - 1.025 is nice. it can fluctuate of course, but as long as its a fluctuation over a slow period, the shrimp would be able to adapt to the changes. but if its a sudden change, it will harm the shrimp. and like other bros say, they're using 1.021, some having 1.029 also.... SG is not really much of an issue.

if ur tank is only 3 weeks old, then perhaps the water hasn't stabalised yet. try the shrimp again later. Good luck there~

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