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Shun's 1st marine tank - JBJ 28g nano HQI


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eh bro pardon me but issnt tht coral jsut a simple lobo phyilla ??????????

erm.. i duno if u guys r realli very specific on e species..

but u can sure say its e lobo family..

n then bro every coral nids to feed one lehz..

if u dun believe i can show u..

just a matter of what u feed then n whether e environment give thems a chance to eat a nt..

but with e commando fish i tink diff lahz..

cus e lobo eat damnnnnn slow..

definately slower than tarchy brain coral but still will feed lahz..

but dun over feed it orhz..

u will crash e coral stomach,reali reali nice lobo colours r diff to retain...

but ur still okie.. :rolleyes:

haha tis commando fish neber snatch food frm my corals de leh hehe i target feed another lobo of mine n its ok...hmm maybe can try feeding it wif my ikan bilis lol

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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Hmm so strange, how come i am quoted such a high price? :(

tink it depends on where u gt it frm ba...some places will sell at a veri premium price, bt for the same piece, the price will be so much cheaper at another place

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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eh bro pardon me but issnt tht coral jsut a simple lobo phyilla ??????????

erm.. i duno if u guys r realli very specific on e species..

but u can sure say its e lobo family..

n then bro every coral nids to feed one lehz..

if u dun believe i can show u..

just a matter of what u feed then n whether e environment give thems a chance to eat a nt..

but with e commando fish i tink diff lahz..

cus e lobo eat damnnnnn slow..

definately slower than tarchy brain coral but still will feed lahz..

but dun over feed it orhz..

u will crash e coral stomach,reali reali nice lobo colours r diff to retain...

but ur still okie.. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Agree with you bro ambystom82. Imo, there's no real right or wrong in a hobby. Is really up to individual. Some prefer to go more details and learn more on the specific coral species but not all do. :unsure:

And yes of cos that all corals need to be feed. Juz imo, when in nature, almost all corals gets it's food and nutrients through the flow of the current in the ocean. I dun think there would be a fish meat or prawn dropping on it mouth regularly. And I dun think I say that dun need to feed the corals lah. What I mean is that just leave the coral alone for awhile and not to stress it further.

As it should be able to get it's nutrients from the water itself.

But again like what I've say there is no right or wrong. So if one feels that whatever way works for you, of cos go ahead and continue with what you are doing as long as all your fishes and corals are happy. :rolleyes:

Pardon me if I have mislead you. :bow: :bow:

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wow... all type so long lolx..


i tink u b pretty sianz of e bottom left zoos very soon lolx..

y keep so big colony siaz ?

ya! i oso dun wanna kip such a big colony...bt i like the color lor...tats the size when i bought it...so no choice lor...gonna frag to reduce at least half the size...bt wanna wait till it bcums veri stable in my tank 1st b4 fragging lor...

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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another new addition...


Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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haa, tht new addition looks familiar..

glad tht most of the polyps are opening already =)

haha yup yup hehe actually all the polyps are oreadi opened...its juz tat when i took the pic, my algae blenny went to disturb it, so some of the polyps closed up :)

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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haha yup yup hehe actually all the polyps are oreadi opened...its juz tat when i took the pic, my algae blenny went to disturb it, so some of the polyps closed up :)

he is jealous lahz..

eh dun bully my commando fish lahz..

e size ikan billis liao u still feed it ikan billis -____-!!!

i very sad lehz

nw left 2 cant pair up..

my fiercer one by rite shld pair with ur 1 de..

but u buy liao they no chance par tor... lolx..

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he is jealous lahz..

eh dun bully my commando fish lahz..

e size ikan billis liao u still feed it ikan billis -____-!!!

i very sad lehz

nw left 2 cant pair up..

my fiercer one by rite shld pair with ur 1 de..

but u buy liao they no chance par tor... lolx..

haha u gif me the other one then i pair it up wif my commando lor lol

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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waaa liddat more seh 1 small fish inside 1 2ft tank... -___-!!!

later if cannot pair up will b disaterous one lehz..

haha den wait til my new tank to come lor haha if can managed to pair dem up, i will haf 2 couples in my tank! lol

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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which is the other couple ? :rolleyes:

my true percs lor....

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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take pic of ur true percs lehz..

i help u c if they preparing to mate liao a nt.. :rolleyes:

haha din managed to take a veri gd shot...usually at nite both will slp inside 2gether, n daytime, the female will guard the hammer whereas the male will explore around...bt most of the time both will be 2gether near the hammer...










Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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eh bro e bigger one is e female lehz..

if u wan to get them to spawn

u must feed them on regualr hrs of e day

cannot keep changing liddat e fish wun feel secure..

then when they vigourously rubbing their body against their home it cannot b moved

if can b moved they will try to removed it...

dun worry if they kill ur hammer they will still hang ard there unless u remove it..

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eh bro e bigger one is e female lehz..

if u wan to get them to spawn

u must feed them on regualr hrs of e day

cannot keep changing liddat e fish wun feel secure..

then when they vigourously rubbing their body against their home it cannot b moved

if can b moved they will try to removed it...

dun worry if they kill ur hammer they will still hang ard there unless u remove it..

oh..muz feed dem regular hrs har? hmm used to feed dem at nite ard 8+ 9+ everydae...bt tryin to reduce feeding to once every 2 days at nite lor...

hmm their hm definitely cant be moved...cos oreadi epoxy the hammer n glue to the rock oreadi...

haha my hammer ba beh toh one leh...kena bua everydae stil growing big big...show u the latest size of the hammer...it is bigger than my palm wif fingers lor...in fact it is too big for my liking lor...


Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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is tht a red lobo at e bottom red hand of e pic ?

ya...red/blue...like the color...bt it wasnt doing well when i gt it..so hopefully i can nurse it back to health..

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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latest 2 new addition...a zoa and a ric



Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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hw come place e corals so close to e glass ?

cos nt much space already on the sand..den i wanna gif dem some space btwn each other to prevent stinging n chemical warfare...so no choice lor...

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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