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My 2' x 1.5' x 1.5' tank


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  • SRC Member

Here's my tank after six months. Please give your comments...

2217 Eheim Filter with Surface Skimmer

(Polymer Filter + Charcoal for Chemical Filter)

(Grade 2 coral chips for Biological Filter)

(Cotton Pad + Rowaphos)

Weipro Venturi Skimmer

4" Grade 0 DSB + 1" Grade 1 on DSB top

Liverocks (Can't remember how many kg but occupy about 1/3 of tank)

No chiller but tank is in my air-con room... :)

Water Parameters:

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 5ppm (Constant for very long... thanks to the DSB!)

pH 8.0 (Stilll trying to pump it up to 8.3, any suggestions?)

kH 13

Salinity 1.023


Kent Coralvite (1 teaspoon a week)

Seachem Iodide (1 teaspoon a week)

Seachem Calcium (2 teaspoon a week)


Lots & Lots of Orange, Green Ricordea + Zoos

1 x sun coral

1 x clam


Cleaner Skunk Shrimp

Blood Shrimp

Small Ornamental Crab (Dunno what it's called, the one with "pom pom" instead of claws... bought at $10 from PetShopBoys)

2 x Turbo Snails (one big one small)

Fishes (Mostly small ones)...

2.5" Yellow Tang (He's the biggest in the tank)

1.5" Blue Tang

1" False Clown

1" Banggai (I can't believe initially such size exist in the market)

1" Six line Wrasse

1" Firefish Goby

1" High Fin Goby (Haven't seen him for a while... probably dead..)

The day my nitrate rises, will be the day I know I have to give up my yellow tang... hehe...

Comments please for my humble nano tank...

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  • SRC Member
Where you got the pom pom crab...

Petshopboy at Far East.... but that's almost three months ago...

There were four. I got one and if I am not wrong, fuEl got the other three..

I thought mine was dead until it "resurfaced" two days ago... hard to get a pix of it though...

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More ricordea and zoos... this time under normal light... see blood shrimp behind? and yellow tubeworm under ricordea?

one of the nicest 2ft tank..!!

btw, is that a yuma or ric..?

I tik its a yuma.. from here. (my pc) B)

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  • SRC Member
How long have you keep your clam? I afraid PC light is not sufficient for clam. :erm:

I have the clam for four months... it's doing very well....

10000k Power Compact Lights 36 watts

10000k Actinic Blue Light 36 watts...

So far the clam is ok...

Why Jun Hong? You hoping I give the clam up so I can pass it to u instead? :lol::D:lol:

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