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Does a Reef Tank Need Carbon?


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  • SRC Member

Just some key paras extracted that convinced me to pay my LFS another visit.

We all need to realize that our reef and fish-only aquariums are NOT miniature slices of the ocean. They may look that way, but bio-chemically they are an ecosystem that is always on the verge of collapse. Activated Carbon’s job is to remove metabolic wastes, or more commonly called organics. You can employ the deepest sand bed or the largest calcium reactor or a humongous circulation pump, but none of these things will have any effect on organics.

When it comes to organics, the world’s oceans maintain a perfect balance of metabolic waste removal through a series of natural recycling systems. Both the volume of water and the immense surface area provides a home for tens of thousands of species of macro and micro organisms that process these wastes. In the home aquarium, just a small fraction of these organisms can survive. Coupled with an extremely high specimen to water ratio, organics tend to accumulate in closed systems, and can reach concentrations orders of magnitude beyond natural ocean levels. Even with aggressive water changes, these organics can never be diluted enough to mimic the natural levels where our livestock has lived for thousands of years.

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How to Tell if Your Organics Levels are High

The tell tale signs of high organics in marine aquariums include (1) Persistent hair algae problems despite low nutrient levels, (2) Some foaming in the sump or in the corners of the tank, (3) An oily film or cloudy layer on the water surface where even a tank overflow cant seem to get rid of all of it, and (4) small growths of Cyanobacteria spotting on rocks and the gravel.

Read: For those of you that have persistent hair algae problems even with low nitrates phosphates and using ro/di water, this could be the reason. I'm currently facing the same issue, will verify if running carbon does eliminate my hair algae in a couple of weeks :)

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  • SRC Member

UV & ozone will break down organics. You do not need to run carbon if you are running either of them. :)

Yup, I was actually researching on Ozone actually when I came across this article. Will consider that in future, the $$ involved still too steep for me now.

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  • Senior Reefer

The use of carbon has always been a topic of discussion everywhere around the world! Some say it's not needed and it's just for a sense of security. Others swear by it. carbon certainly does have it's advantages like removing staining of water, odours etc etc. For me, i use carbon and swear by it. Afterall, doesn't hurt to have some lying around in your sump :)

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How to Tell if Your Organics Levels are High

The tell tale signs of high organics in marine aquariums include (1) Persistent hair algae problems despite low nutrient levels, (2) Some foaming in the sump or in the corners of the tank, (3) An oily film or cloudy layer on the water surface where even a tank overflow can’t seem to get rid of all of it, and (4) small growths of Cyanobacteria spotting on rocks and the gravel.

Read: For those of you that have persistent hair algae problems even with low nitrates phosphates and using ro/di water, this could be the reason. I'm currently facing the same issue, will verify if running carbon does eliminate my hair algae in a couple of weeks :)

Wow i also face the same problem of (1) and (4), althought my nitrate and phosphates are very low, time to run carbon also. =)Thanks for sharing your finding. :eyebrow:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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  • SRC Member

Wow i also face the same problem of (1) and (4), althought my nitrate and phosphates are very low, time to run carbon also. =)Thanks for sharing your finding. :eyebrow:

Do take note that the replacement of carbon has to be regular, and not to the extent when your tank water turns yellow again. The sudden clarity will allow more light to penetrate, which may cause corals to bleach.

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I started using carbon with GFO at the start of March.

So far I see positive results ie. coral growth and clearer water.

So carbon to me now is a must. I am using freshwater Eheim carbon which needs to be hot water activated (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • SRC Member

Do take note that the replacement of carbon has to be regular, and not to the extent when your tank water turns yellow again. The sudden clarity will allow more light to penetrate, which may cause corals to bleach.

Yup to all bros who are convinced and gonna run carbon, take note that contrary to most of the instructions found on the carbon bottles, all reefers on the internet suggest a maximum replacement rate of 2 months. Most recommend 4-6 weeks replacement.

Share your successes here if there are any for others to make their decisions!

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Do take note that the replacement of carbon has to be regular, and not to the extent when your tank water turns yellow again. The sudden clarity will allow more light to penetrate, which may cause corals to bleach.

Ok will take note of this point. Thanks. =)

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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so which brand of carbon do you guys use?

I am using chemipure but friend said RC folks say its crap and more suitable for freshwater.

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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HLLE and Activated Carbon: Looking for a Link

Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE) is a chronic, often progressive problem affecting captive fishes. Starting as small pits around the fish’s eyes, light-colored lesions develop bilaterally along the fish’s lateral line system, a sense organ that can be seen on many species as a line running down both sides of the animal.

Although rarely fatal, it causes disfigurement, making the fish less suitable for display. At least 13 families of fish have been identified as having developed HLLE in captivity. Not all species of fish show the same symptoms, and they do not always develop lesions to the same degree (Hemdal 2006). Many causes and cures have been suggested over the years, but controlled studies are lacking. The Toledo Zoo study will examine the use of activated carbon and how it coincides with the development of HLLE lesions.

For more details:


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  • SRC Member

I am using chemipure but friend said RC folks say its crap and more suitable for freshwater.

i have used chemipure b4 for my nano...whether i use or dun use carbon...i still have brown algae or diatoms...so eventually i dun use at all...

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  • SRC Member

Wah I was gonna get chemipure later actually... Ask Seet for his recommendation ba. Got a feeling he will recommend rowacarbon.

try zeovit coralsnow or enzmyme...ask seet for his recommendation on zeovit to reduce your diatoms...carbon will absorb your trace elements...u need to dose more additives to make up for it...and every 2-3 months u have to replace...looking at your recurring cost..must well just get a bottle of zeovit coralsnow...

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  • SRC Member

try zeovit coralsnow or enzmyme...ask seet for his recommendation on zeovit to reduce your diatoms...carbon will absorb your trace elements...u need to dose more additives to make up for it...and every 2-3 months u have to replace...looking at your recurring cost..must well just get a bottle of zeovit coralsnow...

I wanna reduce my organics. Coz my nutrient levels are all under control le. :( wait he convince me to buy ozone.

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I thought the usage of carbon in a reef tank is a common practice? Been using it since I started reefing...

It seems like it is the carbon dust that causes the skin leision.

Well probably have to wait for the study results at end 2010.

For now, to be safe side, ensure no carbon dust gets into main tank.

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  • SRC Member

carbon + UV + Ozone = Nice Sparkling water.

strong believer of the above. actually, carbon do remove some trace but very minor.

get a tub of 5litre rowacarbon. thats the cheaper way, and rowacarbon very clean. so you no need to rinse ur carbon so siong.

try other brand like aquapharm or those freshwater brands, it seem no matter how i rinse, its still dusty.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

carbon + UV + Ozone = Nice Sparkling water.

strong believer of the above. actually, carbon do remove some trace but very minor.

get a tub of 5litre rowacarbon. thats the cheaper way, and rowacarbon very clean. so you no need to rinse ur carbon so siong.

try other brand like aquapharm or those freshwater brands, it seem no matter how i rinse, its still dusty.

Bro, u should try the Bulk Reef Supply ROX 0.8 which is the holy grail of aquarium carbon. Otherwise the next best one is Bulk Reef Supply Lignite carbon. According to Bertoni and Boomer from Reef Central, these two will outperform any aquarium carbon currently in the market. And according to Bertoni, RowaCarbon is crap. :eyebrow:

My Setup:

3x2x2 tank with IOS

Equipment List:

Chiller: Artica 1/5HP

Chiller Pump: Sicce 4000

Return Pump: OR3500

Skimmer: Deltec APF600

Wavemaker: Tunze Wavebox/2x Hydor K2/SCWD wavemaker

Lights: DElighting 2x150W MH + 2x 39W T5 Atinic

FR: Skimz

FR Pump: Atman AT-104

Tubby ATO, Kalkweisser Reactor with magnetic stirrer.

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