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Ok, now anemone problem...


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Now I have another problem. One of the anemone i bought 2 mths ago became white. The tomato that is residing in it is now turning to a healthier one.

Wat could be the problem? the zooxanthellae dying in it? It keeps moving to the shade, not wanting the light. Its okay, except the brown pigment is gone.

Thanks for all your help

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Could it be the temperature? I heard from my LFS that zooxanthelles cant tolerate high tmp >28 degrees? Anyone can verify? Then I buy fan liao. He says too that the anemone can survive, juz need to feed solid food.... cos zooxanthelles are extra only...

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iangan Posted on Dec 28 2003, 09:31 AM

  Could it be the temperature? I heard from my LFS that zooxanthelles cant tolerate high tmp >28 degrees? Anyone can verify? Then I buy fan liao. He says too that the anemone can survive, juz need to feed solid food.... cos zooxanthelles are extra only... 

there is a difference between survive and flourish.

zooxanthelle is symbiotic to anemones...

they provide food for the anemone by converting light,

kinda like chlorophyll for plants..

its true you can feed your anemone and it will survive,

but once it expels its 'zoo', it loses its colour....

you get a dull drab brown, hence the term bleach.

i'm not so sure about the 28C though.

but EVERYTHING that LFS owners say,

only trust 20%....knowledge is still your best defense...

you won't beleive the 'lies'/half-truths i've heard over the years <_<

being able to keep anemones from bleaching in FL/PL lights is one of them ;)

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Anemones are one of the easiest creature to keep in a reef tank. The main difficulty with keeping one alive is usually due their roaming nature(usually the bubble tips)..moving towards powerhead or overflow and getting killed! with proper water attributes(NH4=0, NO2=0, NO3=larger tolerance, temp 25-30).

I'm not sure about this, but IME, never buy a white anemone. They are usually bleached ones with nice purple or pink tips! they look nice, but they are 1 step towards deathbed if not given proper attention.

i had 2 anemones. 1 green carpet and 1 pink tip bubble tip. The green carpet has been living for 3-4yrs..1.5 yrs in my fren's tank and another 2.5 in mine! it has survived 2-3 tank crashes and it has grown 3 times in size! The bubble tip survived 1 tank crash and was put into my new tank with only a PL light for 2 mths!! guess wat it bleached and turn exactly into the nice white anemone with purple tip you guys pay extra for at LFS!! it looked damn pretty but i know it is dying! it used to grab onto food fast..but it wasn't grabbing on tied while being bleached. i assumed it will be a gonna within another month or 2!..then i installed my mh lights.. within a night, it moved to the top of the rockworks right underneath 2 X 150w..a mth later it return back to it's healthy color of brown and pink!

So the main cure for anemone bleaching is light!!get more FLs/PLs or even MH and put it right underneath the strong light..it will recover! mine did!

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Hey, you might like to feed your anemone with a small piece of fish or shrimp as it help for it to recover, I feed my anemone about twice a week and it became healthy once again, regaining its color, now it is about half year with me, and my only lonely clown..

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Think PL = PC just that singapore LFS refer to them as PL dunno what it stands for PC = Powercompact.

It would help a great deal if you could tell us what type of anemone you are keeping Bubble tip? Carpet? Condy? How many watts of PCs you have over your tank? Tank specs?

I have 3 bubble tip anemones and 1 carpet anemone doing great in my 4 footer. Feed them with chopped shrimp.

And IMO anemones are NOT hard to keep. Haven't had any deaths. ALl fluorishing! haha

Oh and BTW the about the algae, It will not bother the coral. I have a carnation tree coral that also has algae grwoing at the bottom. Just make sure the algae is not smothering the coral.

Live and Let Live

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