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How to Set up a marine saltwater aquarium tank  ?

How to Set up a marine saltwater aquarium tank ?

Looking to set up your first saltwater aquarium but don’t know where to start ? You might have come to the right place, as the Singapore reef club is the first saltwater aquarium reefing community that aim to provide you with one-stop information that helps make your reefing journey enjoyable and easy one. Our reefing […]Read More

Fish diseases and how to Diagnosing a Sick Fish

Fish diseases and how to Diagnosing a Sick Fish

Nobody likes to see their fish sick. But once it happens, everyone will try to look for a cure. But first you need to diagnose the fish first in order to find a suitable treatment or medicine for it. You can also check out out marine fish diseases discussion section HERE where members share their […]Read More

A guide to Dragonets mandarin fish (Synchiropus)

A guide to Dragonets mandarin fish (Synchiropus)

Dragonets Often, aquarists will come across threads on forums talking about the difficulty of keeping mandarins. Yet despite the inherent difficulty in keeping them, it is hardly surprising that many aquarists have been enticed into doing so. Especially where green mandarins are concerned, their vivid colouration is unlike any other fish. Given the interest which […]Read More

Basic equipment in a marine tank setup that you might not see in a freshwater setup.

Basic equipment in a marine tank setup that you might not see in a freshwater setup.

Are you a freshwater person that is starting a reef tank and wondering about the different equipment use between a freshwater and marine tank? Today we will talk about some of the products that you might not see in a freshwater setup. (Most simplified term) Protein skimmer is one of the most common pcs of […]Read More

Water clarity in a reef tank

Water clarity in a reef tank

Hi ,Today I would like to share about the clarity of the water in a reef aquarium, and what may be the causes of it and what we can do to make your water crystal clear. The benefit of a crystal clear tank: Visually happy – Who doesn’t like coming back home and see a […]Read More
