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Everything posted by nleong

  1. its weird for me to park my car n walk to the MRT......
  2. Yazid, Did you sign any pink color card ? If not chances are its not been sent to PADI yet. Do it quick if you have not.
  3. erm... kel, r g, i can't find your number in my handphone... can pm me ? sorry ah....
  4. kel, i will go there after 1 to collect my ppb... come we meet have kopi...
  5. r g, what time u all goin down ? I want to go down collect my PPB card. Maybe can have a chat with you guys too.
  6. haha.... i can't count my empty canister Me me!! Canon (Non-Digital) ....
  7. Correction. Depending on which time of the day you go. There are lots of bird life there. And they normally active in the morning and late in the afternoon when they feed. Be there early like 7am-8am. You can see the pacific swallow flying aroun the jetty and also some white throated kingfishers. Also the crimson sunbirds on the tree next to where all the taxi(van) park. Further into the island, well u gotta explore abit with your bicycle, some disused quarry (u gotta figure out how to cross the fence ) u might be able to spot some raptors at the far end of the quarry. Also, not forgetting the oriental piped hornbills if you are lucky. Dun bother if u wake up late n go in the afternoon or midday. u will most likely see only the oversized chickens and ducks. And the island can be quite devoid of sounds in the afternoon. So good luck
  8. i almost have head on collision with an egret the other day on a expressway travelling in excess of 80kph. Lucky the bird pull upin time.... if not... not only my windscreen crack, the bird would properly be not bird anymore.... bottom line, just excercise caution when driving. save your life and others too be it human or non-human. have a suggestion for you. Tell your boss u r in trauma n need a day off .
  9. this is not new. you can always see people there scooping and hawling during low tide. But give the time of the year now, low tide normally occurs very early in the morning. Come early next year, expect more of such thing when low tide occur during gte evening period. Anyhow, that area is a protected area. if u r caugth be prepared to empty your pocket. Oh one more thing, the water there not so clean hor....however, I did hear sightings of dolphin there....
  10. I tend to disagree. Ask yourself, how fast were you travelling at that time ? IS it a neighbourhood road or expressway? And what would cat do on a expressway ? You spoke of another car tailgating, would you have avoided the accident if you have initially give way ? Or if you have time to give way? Anyhow, it has happened. Just treat it as a lesson and learn something from there. Move on mate.
  11. haha.... after this weekend u will be able to avoid the rocks
  12. jalan bahar is before LCK road. LCK road is the long stretch of road use for emergency aircraft landing. then go in further is sungei gedong camp. u will see lane 6 on your right. the sign is hidden until u almost reach the turn, so slow down after lane5. if you turn left when travelling towards the end of LCK road which is a coast guard post, u will hit the jungle or some construction And if you are talking abt coming from LCK110. You make 5 right turns starting from Lane3.
  13. from LCK road. Turn right to Lane 6. Then turn left into Lane6?. Then turn right into lane 6?. Go all the way, u will see CF in no time.
  14. http://web.icq.com/friendship/swf/0,,7946_rs,00.swf
  15. staghorns u say? The one i want got or not ?
  16. Dino, try redirecting the PH away.... dun blow direct....n see how. also lighting.. need to acclimitize one... if all else fail then think of selling. u r selling too early. Dun give up too soon. SPS are very nice corals
  17. dun lah... what done cannot be undone. You already apologise. At least you bother to.... so just move on. And u r sensible enough to how to budget .... not so bad already lo.... Live within your means.
  18. what give u the idea that SE is half the wattage of DE ?
  19. i agree on you. The person say no $ must wait till end of month. Ok I wait. End of month come, he say still no $ ask me find another buyer. What the XXXX!!!! the when i put up my things for sales, so many enquiries. I took the trouble to reply the PMs and only a few bother to return a courtesy message to say whether they still want or not. Altho' i still manage to sell my stuff to an honourable buyer. So, its no use debating here whos right or wrong. It will still happen. All just have to look out for your own ######. I also encounter ridiculosly bid for some sales. This is no charity. If you can't afford, save up for it for later. Not as if u gonna die without the intended stuff. Anyhow, stop pondering over such, move on
  20. Robe, Buy already. So use first. Until later when I need another bulb then I will go hunt for those ballast thanks! Lesson learnt!!! So won't explode hor hee....
  21. Ok gusy. Sorry. Decided withdraw the sale. Rather it explode on myself then you. Thanks for the intersted and enquiry. If really won't explode, then i let u all know where to buy Of cos for those who like to DIY lah.
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