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Everything posted by poomoon

  1. they are choosy ... mine doesn't want cyclopeze and spirulina. still 50/50 on dainichi, and likes NLS. and yeah, make sure the pellet size are small enough. the NLS i feed my tailspot is only 0.35mm, but they love nibbling on these, stealing from the blennies, eating them like peanuts
  2. they come out during lights out. so far i caught 4 of these, 3 brownish/green ones and one orange. that orangy one i caught was living inside the skeletal structure of my super sun, though i read that once they grow longer will change color. so far in observing, they seem to really be just scavengers. the above caught 4 are still in isolation, and so far time to time with some corals and LS, i've seen no harm yet. oh yeah, never touch them or handle by hand
  3. wow ... yeah just like being right there in the open reefs
  4. can ask jacky to share ... one bottle 2 year supply lol ...
  5. when my CO wanted this, i said yeah it's cute, but i said need to research first. when stressed, they 'can' already release this toxin which yeah, can kill other fishes, not sure if just in contact, or in the area. not sure what can happen if it just so happened that you put your hand in, maybe with a cut or wound you didn't notice ... anyway, not sure how true this is, but better be safe
  6. noob question : the flowrate of your mce is that strong for you to design it that way bro ?
  7. hehe, now asking why i always log on
  8. not an expert, but typically as i know duncs have longer and pointed tentacles, and aren't they usually branched ? ... if i compare your pic to this majano pic i attached, yours sure looks like a majano ...
  9. better be safe to ask price if no price in menu, specially those with so called 'market price' written. nothing wrong in asking than getting shock of needing to pay $$$$$. i recalled the same issue in Sands months ago.
  10. same same ... but lucky for you ... i like to get firefish, but gf doesn't like
  11. looks like a junior brother of chingchai's tank
  12. sad to hear of your losses bro. i think you need to give us more details on how you cycled your tank, and what do you mean when you say water parameters are normal. and as tiff said, don't add powders yet, even some of the long time reefers here still have some difficulty in these.
  13. your fts looks very sweeeeeet bro rusty's nice !
  14. the couch in front seems to seat 4 ppl, with one already seated, vincc and jacky in, i'll take the other seat ... 3 x 2 x 1.5 ?
  15. 1 inch pods ??? how big is your mandarin ... i don't think those are the pods they like
  16. gotta hand it to you bro ... for scientific / techie toys in reefing, just go to your thread
  17. As above, just curious ... I've seen below sold for $$$ ... Golden Basslet sold for US$8999 Bladefin Basslet sold for US$9999 I recall these were posted in reefbuilders previously.
  18. so you're getting again for your new tank right ...
  19. 6 months tank ? whoa ... very focused and great effort bro. tank looks good
  20. hahaha ... and when they 'bomb', others (or even they themselves) start to feed on them ... hey jacky, remember this discussion ?
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