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Everything posted by Mochi

  1. Ups More frags available for the long weekend! Additional: 1 lavender hairy mushroom opens up to 8-9cm++ - $25 pm for pics
  2. all reserved / collected by very nice reefers closed
  3. Prices revised to clear remaining frags Speckled krak 1pp $30 Rainbow infusion 2pp $10
  4. Giving away x2 large turbo snails Can collect tonight. FCFS Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Location: Tampines East
  5. Kamikaze kush and flaming sun found willing to trade for other unique zoas / baby yumas / mushrooms, still have frags available!
  6. I have some sunkist bounce mushroom babies / frags up for sale or trades Willing to trade with other baby unique shrooms / gonio Will consider premium zoas as well! Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Location: Tampines East Mother:
  7. Speckled krak 1pp $35 Rainbow infusion 2pp $15 3pp $20 Vampire slayer 1pp $10 Looking for these zoas / unique ones kamikaze kush pink hallucination flaming sun Self collection only (Tampines East) Whatsapp 91six817sixsix Feel free to PM me for pics of individual frags as well. Mother colonies:
  8. Very pretty zoas, please show your cute flame hawkfish!
  9. I have used the exact same chinese chiller in the picture above and also switched to hailea 28a few months after, ran both on my old 10 gallon nano. One thing I noticed was that the chinese chiller ran for longer periods of time as it took longer to reach the temperature set. Now I've upgraded to a 40 gallon and still continued using the same hailea chiller. TLDR; hailea is a great option if you do have plans to upgrade in near future
  10. Nice tank! Keeping track for updates on your progress
  11. I'm using a 2ft IOS tank (40g) and also a chiller, it isn't a bad idea if you just want a set up that is not too space consuming, but also depends on what you plan to stock the tank with I got my IOS tank custom made at Fresh and Marine if that helps!
  12. Nice! You can also try adding more small rocks or rubble below it for it to slowly grow on multiple rocks
  13. Normally I place another frag plug/rock under the mushroom and hoping it will grow on it. Sometimes it eventually splits, I'm guessing this is probably due to the uneven surfaces.
  14. Very interesting and useful tips, keeping track for more update (:
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