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Alvin Tan

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Everything posted by Alvin Tan

  1. u bought it from a LFS.....n the other bro mention he saw it at a farm... so u didnt get rip off..u paid for the service.....who noes tt shop provide quarantine service b4 they sell u?......so its a worth $3 u spend on..
  2. n high calcium level...too strong lightings may also be the cause..
  3. i feed my fishes at most twice a day....using formula 2 and vita diet pellets... i will feed frozen brine occasionally about twice a month..
  4. i have been using this for more than 2yrs!....gd food i muz sae...
  5. i use tropic marin and so far i still trust this brand...
  6. CL 650 u will find the chiller abit loud when it kicks in....the power consumption os also high...... between a teco n a hailea.....i rather u to get a teco..more reliable....
  7. noted...will keep on a close watch on the kH... ps: jus added 2 barlett anthias...
  8. yes they do....if nt the colouration wun be so intense....it will turn pale IMO...
  9. some people will use the sealab trace elements to help maintain the tank condition when they dun even wish to do a water change...
  10. jus brought my kH level to 9 jus now.....wonder will it drop again...
  11. update at WAKAI... long nose hawk fish fire goby candy hogfish six line wrasse clown tang powder black tang L mimic tang yellow tang (feeding on pellets) purple tang (feeding on pellets) square anthias dispar anthias (very nice colouration) flame angels (feeding on pellets) Blue tang (feeding on pellets) Sailfin Tang S
  12. it is not important IMO.....reefers use a FR for running their phosphate remover or carbon.... unless ur PO4 is skyhigh...no need to use it...
  13. update at WAKAI powder brown tang yellow tang sohal tang saifin tang purple tang asfur angel flame angel moorish idol long nose butterfly n lots of nice corals..
  14. aiya...jus placed him into a tank full of dead anemones...
  15. leave the bio balls there...its perfectly alrite......but of cuz....u need to cover it wif a piece of filter wool on top.....cover the area completely so tt those dirt will nt get clog in the bio ball chamber.... oh ya....i realise that the bio balls are filled right to the top.....remove 10% of it so as not to resist the flow through that chamber...
  16. hmmz....base on the IOS....if the space for the pump is nt big enough.....can try fitting in an aquabee 5000lph.. use it solely for the return...
  17. jus test my water parameters...here are the readings base on tropic marin testkits.. Calcium - 480ppm (same as before,didnt dose any calcium..could be the salt tt is replenishing it) Magnesium - 1280ppm Nitrate - 1mg Phosphate - 0.3mg KH - 6...(got to drip in reef builder soon) Salinity - 1.022(using seatest hydrometer) will concentrate on bringing up the carbonate hardness this week..
  18. hey bro.....u posted in the wrong topic...it shld be at the sell off/pasar malam forum....
  19. it is very important to have all these readings tested.... when u get all those accurate readings, those bad parameters can be improve.. if u never test, u will not know wad went wrong in ur tank.. wad do u mean by ur salinity is 26-28??.. ..it should be around 1.022-1.024
  20. is the PBT feeding on the pellets u feed it?...if yes...u can give the seaweed a miss... those normal seaweeds they sell in markets will do...
  21. hi bro...here are some points you need to take note off.. 1) the pic u posted abt your sump, i realise that u place those coral chips at both the gaps, take note that by doing this, it will restrict the flow and corals chips are not recommended because it will discharge sand that will cause nitrate probs n follow by phosphate. u can replace it with sinter glass rings but again i suggest not to place your filter media in between the gaps. 2)i believe your tank thickess is 6-8mm, be extra careful when you add in more rocks or corals, doing maintenance must be slow n steady because im afraid the tank will crack and it will be a nightmare. 3)since u are using a BK skimmer, plus a no. of pumps running, ur tank temp will naturally shoot up to above 30...lots of fishes cannot tolerate. 4)ur first picture also shows that ur sandbed is quite dirty, y not u go bare bottom or u can spend a great time siphoning those dirt out of ur sand, it will lead to bad water parameters and lastly, in future if u decide to keep corals, ur rockscape will have to improve on it...the current corals cannot accomodate the maximum number of corals u wish to hav in ur tank... also, please state wad kind of return pump are u using.. hope my inputs will help u to improve in the near future..
  22. dun worry..the blastos will recover well!.... anyway...nice zoos u got dere..
  23. if the powder brown dosent feed in the next few days, im afraid that it will be goin up to the lorry too... try to give it seaweed first.....later on den try to throw some pellets in soaked it with garlic..
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