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Everything posted by honkit

  1. Hello, I moved to Sengkang more than a year ago and set up a reef tank recently - I suppose it's a little late for me to post in this thread but better late than never, eh?
  2. If you have a dosing pump, I would be interested.
  3. Its depends on the location. Anecdoctal hearsay states that Sembawang has the lowest TDS readings and thus the best tap water quality. However, it is my firm belief that one of the best investments one can make for his or her reef tank is to purchase a quality RO/DI unit or get a supply of distilled water from a drinking water supply company. Many algae outbreak occurences in reef tanks have their origins in tap water being used.
  4. Sea fishes can certainly be kept in artificial saltwater made with tap water. However, tap water is usually the cause of algae outbreaks (dino, diatoms, cyano, hair, etc) as the dissolved solids in tap water fuels its growth.
  5. This is an interesting setup with the modular LED units. Do post an update or two regarding its performance over the next several weeks/months on its aesthetics and how its effects on your livestock.
  6. The mandarin orange, AOI and sunflower zoas have all opened up nicely in my tank after a short period of acclimation. Currently, they are the only living inhabitants in my tank besides the chaeto in my sump tank and a few tiny brittlestars that came along with the chaeto. So they look kind of tiny relatively speaking when compared to the emptiness of my tank. Here's hoping they propogate themselves and spread sooner rather than later. Excellent corals and I am happy with the purchase.
  7. Hello Cedric, Sent you a PM on the zoas I wish to purchase. Cheers.
  8. I reckon the "golden age" of reefing in Singapore (i.e. most number of reefers and height of interest) was in the 2003-2007 period which started shortly after the Finding Nemo movie which sparked the craze. I distinctly remembered the early morning crowd outside of Paradiz Reef at Balastier Road (now closed) waiting for the doors to open and cheong Fiji SPS corals - note: Paradiz Reef was the only source of Fiji SPS corals at that time. Not to mention the sifus like Scarab, Reefplayer, Linkinpark, Achilles Tang (Conrad the former owner of sgreefclub), Danano, Vanquish (RAV-65), etc who were the SPS kings of that period. Like all hobbies, there will always be an initial fad period and eventually only the truly interested and dedicated ones will hang on. In my case, I gave up the hobby years ago and very recently am back into it.
  9. The skimmer was bought last week. I went to Aquamarin and swapped both the defective skimmer pumps for new ones - the new ones work fine now.
  10. It's an in-sump skimmer so obviously it was run wet.
  11. I do at times but have no clue as to the proper methods of preparing it besides pouring hot water on tea leaves in a teapot. On the other hand, I wouldn't associate chinese tea drinking with you
  12. This skimmer comes with two needlewheel pumps. When I tried to fire up the skimmer today for its maiden skim, both pumps were not working although they were warm when I touched them after dismantling the skimmer body. Has anyone encountered the same problem with this model or with any Skimz skimmer pumps?
  13. I am interested but my new tank will only be arriving this week and in addition, the obligatory one month cycling period. Unfortunate situation for me.
  14. From what I have noticed amongst the various LFSs, only Coral Farm cures its live rocks in the best manner possible i.e. suspended above a tub under a spray bar where all pests and hitchhikers can drop off to the bottom.
  15. LOL. You don't comprehend English too well, do you? It's eudaceous's tank that is being skimmed by a Tunze skimmer, not mine! The only one yakking nonsense here is you!!
  16. Now your shooting from the hip has crossed to outright accusations without any grounding in facts. We are here to share information, not to incite verbal battles. I think the mods ought to take a close look at this thread.
  17. This is the true test of the protein skimmer. Since it has helped to maintain eudaceous's tank at very low nutrient levels, I guess that answers all the doubters.
  18. Your statements are totally unfounded. Why is wet skimmate inferior to dry skimmate? I don't own a Tunze skimmer but please refrain from posting unsubstantiated remarks.
  19. When you sit your skimmer on the sump floor, do you use the suction cups provided or just rest the unit minus the cups on the floor?
  20. Hehe that SPS loving LFS owner is going to bring in some exotic SPS corals very soon. I am gonna drive all the way from KL to Penang just to pick some of these beauties up.
  21. Unless the rules have changed, LFSs can import stony corals into Thailand provided they are CITES. Otherwise, trading stony corals is illegal in Thailand. Similar situation with Malaysia.
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