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  1. don't understand the question Is it monthly budget for reef keeping, or what is my gross income ?
  2. discussed here http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...l=mangrove&st=0
  3. precisely what I am getting at. To achieve a single digit by changing water: 50% require 4 changes (50, 25, 12.5, 6.3) 30% require 7 changes (70, 49, 34.3, 24, 16.8, 11.8, 8.2) 20% require 11 changes (80, 64, 51.2, 41, 32.8, 26.2, 21, 16.8, 13.4, 10.7, 8.6) changing water is a necessary evil. Of course, it has all the benefits. And frequent water change is definitely recommended. But From the calculation above, this will also make the salt sellers very happy.
  4. simple reasoning: First water change, gives you 50 ppm = 100/2 Second water change, gives you 25ppm = 50/2 Third water change, gives you 12.5ppm = 25/2 Fourth water change, gives you 6.25ppm = 12.5/2 Assumption: No additional NO3 add-in and build-up. What is your targetted NO3 level? Do you have enough salt mix ?
  5. problem is : How to prevent it from eating pallet food ? may be can outsource to you to train to enjoy eating algae once again. a back to nature camp.
  6. ok...it does consume algae... haha... just not fast enough for my liking... It does eat pallet food... Yes, its a lawnmower blenny.
  7. mine nibbling here and there. Hardworking but not consuming much algae. It also feed on pallet food.
  8. Agree, mangrove grow too slow to be efficient nutrient export. Surviving would not be easy (possible?) without strong light. I keep them just to add some diversity to my tank. Probably cheapest thingy in my tank & survising the longest... haha...
  9. Bro nivlac, do you sill having any surviving mangrove? how big does it grow? do you do any pruning? Bro joachimsim, taking public property from state owned land is pretty sure not legal. maybe needing to get certain licence. Go buy from the shops if you want to sleep easier.
  10. Bro thc, I try to understand the pics at http://www.arofanatics.com/members/nitro/diy2/ Can understand the first 2 pics are for a one way check valve. 3rd and 4th pic: INJECTOR HOUSING. What is it for? Looks complicated
  11. I have a bottle. Use it once or twice only. Don't notice any benefit. You want to try it out ?
  12. Have tried numerous methods, but not able to push the skimmer any better. This is the summary: 1. Using a more powerful pump. Result: Bigger size bubbles. In fact, I just change from SICCE to an IDRA. Smaller sized bubbles, not much different in result. 2. Using airpump to add air into the venturi air inlet. Have adjust to different air input strength Result: Bigger sized bubbles. Maybe slightly decrease in efficiency. 3. Add an airstone in the inner tube. Result: Water level fluctuated on top. Most the additional air bubbles are forced out of the return tube, never make it to the cup. 4. Remove the venturi valve all together. Connect the pump output directly to the skimmer using a flexi hose. Connect the venturi to the pump inlet hope to get the pump impeller to chop up those air. Result: Very little bubbles were generated. The pump needs to be place high up, as high as return tube to get any bubbles. No go, been there, try that, not any better. Maybe I have missed out something...Let me know if your method is better. BTW, don't forget to post some pics.
  13. also want to know how and where to put the air stone. IME, adding airstone does not make weipro skimmer more efficient, may even be worse. Bubbles from airstone increase turbulence, water level on top moving up and down. Most of the bubbles will be sucked out to the return tube, not floating back to the cup. Anyone want to show some pics to prove otherwise ?
  14. $105 = 1.2m (L) 150mm diameter 3mm thickness. expensive ?
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