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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. The host coral preferably needs to be alive if not the worms are likely to get smothered with algae or affected by other rock boring organisms. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/9/inverts With the amounts of invertebrate food in the market now it is definitely easier but still challenging (due to frequent phytoplankton feeding) to keep them. The worms can live for >10 years if maintained properly.
  2. Finally you posted. I'm working on your next order of coldwater stuff.
  3. Some better photos of giant christmas tree worms. Many comes with coral hermit crabs, paguritta sp.
  4. Double post. For more information on christmas tree rock (the big worm species) can read about them here. http://reefbuilders.com/2013/07/02/xmas-tree-worm-rock-porites-corals-due-comeback/
  5. Super high quality shipment available at Iwarna tmrw morning onwards. Yellow branching hammers. Gorgeous large christmas tree rocks (Thai quality).FCFS limited pcs only! Not forgetting gorgeous micromussas.
  6. Use together with FM Reef Vitality, your color elements dose can cut by up to half. Will last much longer.
  7. Best alternative either Reef Nutrition Arctipods, Dr G's Copepod Max or Dr G's frozen cyclops.
  8. Great stuff available from Iwarna on Friday morning: Yellow hammers, echinophyllia, micromussa, gorgeous Christmas Tree rocks!
  9. Just to set records straight. Pee/vinegar does not work for internal envenomation via urchin/lionfish/stonefish. Only sensible treatment is hot water. Only use pee/vinegar if sting is external, i.e jellyfish stings.
  10. You have to crowd them, as in you have to have a lot of them (not anything less than 10pcs). If not they will just kill each other. Alternatively have a really big tank.
  11. Cebu tomorrow noon at Iwarna: Green chromis, algae blenny, cleaner wrasse, springeri damsel, 6line wrasse, scooter blenny, ruby dragonets, hector goby, green dragonets, blue stripe pipefish, yellow belly coelestis damsel, wheeleri goby with shrimp, splendid goby with shrimp, fire gobies, hawkfish, pink streak wrasse, suttonia, bellus female, emperor adult, carpenter fairy wrasse, severnsi pencil wrasse, copperbands, variola louti, coral beauty, scopas tangs, inimicus sinensis, scorpaena sp., purple queen anthias, white stonefish, spider crabs, lollipop crabs, abalones, linckia laevigata, yellow and purple tubeworms, bubble tip anemones, black brittlestars, orange spot filefish, harlequin shrimp pairs, cleaner shrimp, etc.
  12. Bali cultured SPS at iwarna. Cebu stocklist for tmrw will update tonight.
  13. You have to add an ammonia source & bacteria source to start cycling. After cycling for 3-4 weeks test for nitrates and perform water changes to bring down the nitrates.
  14. Some pics. Rare leopard wrasse only 1pc available @ $300. Size 1cm+. Fastest offer secures. other fishes: uncommon cyanoguttatus leopard wrasse.
  15. Mauritius shipment today at Iwarna 2pm. Flameback angelfish, special coral beauty, Pseudanthias cooperi, Evansi anthias, Midas blenny, blackburni butterfly, Chaetodon madagascariensis, Chaetodon mitratus, Chromis vanderbilti, bodianus perditio, Anampses lineatus, Halichoeres comestus, radiant wrasse, Halichoeres pelicieri, macrophargynodon lapillus, macrophargynodon cyanoguttatus, macrophargynodon bipartitus, pseudocheilinus dispilus, thalassoma genivittatum
  16. Not sure if the same variety as yours, mine was from Germany. Want to trade? Fast pulsing variety too.
  17. http://www.ifmn.net/zuchtberichte/krustentiere/garnelen/28-lysmata-amboinensis-und-lysmata-debelius.html 5 months to raise cleaner shrimp, 50+ days for fire shrimp. Forget about holidays.
  18. Shipment at Iwarna tomorrow morning onwards: Royal grammas, small rock beauties, large queen angels, liopropoma carmabi pairs (pre-ordered, more info: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/10/fish), prognathodes guyanensis (2nd pc brought in, pre-ordered, more info: http://reefbuilders.com/2009/12/04/french-butterflyfish-prognathodes-guyanensis-time-liveaquarias-divers-den/), decodon puellaris (Rare hogfish, collected by submarine in Curacao).
  19. Shipment tmrw morning 10am at Iwarna: Lemon peel hybrids, royal grammas, walking longnose batfish, springeri dottyback, black neon dottyback, sankeyi dottyback, gumdrop velvetfish, flame hawks, striped burrfish, achilles tang, cook island scotts XL, thalassoma lucasanum.
  20. Hawaii shipment from Rufus Kimura @ 10am @ Iwarma. Yellow tangs, flame angels, potter angels, potter leopard wrasse, christmas wrasse (ornatissimus), declives small and medium, bandit small and large, crosshatch trigger 4" pair,goldflake juveniles, vanderbilt chromis, Yellow margin moray, whitemouth moray, Kole tang, chevron tangs, scopas x black tang hybrid,
  21. Thursday morning 10am @ Iwarna: Aussie shipment: SPS, LPS, Fish, etc. Carribean shipment: Rock flower anemones, snow bass (reserved), serranus luciopercanus (reserved), decodon puellaris (reserved), blue angel large, queen angel large,parablennius marmoreus, Atlantic blue tangs, royal grammas, argi angels, liopropoma eukrines, liopropoma rubre, serranus annularis. *Future orders for reserved items possible, please enquire.
  22. Lol..most of the main players are just operating the marine trade as their hobby, they can afford not to continue if they choose to. If it's their sole business close down long ago already. Can't even secure land lease, how to plan business expansion?
  23. Small blotchy anthias and small 3-4cm golden angels at Pinnacle.
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