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Everything posted by Guinness

  1. Unless you are going to be finning long distances in the shortest possible timings, whatever fin you use is going to play only a small part of the total effort used. Ultimately, improving your stroke and muscular strength is going to provide a much greater benefit than any fin can possibly give. On saying that, it is important to get a pair that is comfortable
  2. Why have just 1 shop when you can have entire industrial estates????
  3. Got to agree with the 'IN-DEPTH' point of view. A very similar issue was discussed in Australia recently regarding tourist visiting Australia's mangrove and swamps. the tour boats would hang meat on the bow of those boats to lure the gators and crocs to lunge at the meat giving the tourists good pics to bring home. However, it was a matter of time before the crocs learnt that instead of just the meat at the bow of the vessel, there was a whole load of meat sitting further up the boat. Yep... they got the tourist! On the same issue, the next question is "How much interference is too much?". At the other extreme, is that excessive number of divers are infact destroying the very nature they are trying to observe. Every dive trip is bound to include a few less experienced, who with one absent minded kick of their fin wipes out months if not years of coral growth. Those of you who rear corals in this forum should know very well. So how much is too much? I will not even try to answer that.....
  4. You did not mention the size of your tank. I will assume it's not large. Clowns and damsels once established will generally be quite territorial. Unless u have sufficient tank or hiding space, it sounds like you are around the limit. By doctor fish, i am assume u mean the cleaner wrasse. That little one was probably doomed from the moment it left the ocean. 90% will never survive in an aquarium. WHEN THE BUYING STOPS, THEN THE KILLING STOPS.
  5. Yep.... Dead Man Inc. is back on the road.
  6. Wanna ask.... isit mud or sand they are using? Seems very red. I have seen these sand sculpturers use some kind of wax or sealant on their works for those competitions.
  7. I think their conversation whould go something like ..... "Who u calling ugly frog face!" " U ! you hairly lump of mould!" ______________ What kinda blenny is that? very interesting.... ugly but adorable ______________ Frog fish looks like it's humping the star.
  8. Aiyo.... so cruel ah.... Next time just use as fish food mah... at least recycle the bugger. Let your fishes try 'predator meat'.
  9. Awesome! The amount of concentration and work involved especially at the top ..... Thing is, these ppl use sand cos its not an easy medium to work with. Same as those who sculpture ice. The satisfaction of completing the work for these artists is paramount.
  10. Saw a few of these beautiful creatures at a shop. Read that they feed nearly exclusively on starfish. What do you guys feed your Harlequins?
  11. Just checked, for leisure diving most (dun dare to say all, there is always the exception) insurers do not impose any loading. If you have medical insurance that covers hospitalisation, than any hyparbaric treatment is also inclusive. For those with doubts probably best to consult your individual insurer.
  12. Probably eating something when u are not looking. As far as I know no tropical fish 'fast'.
  13. Even the guy with the 20ft coral tank has quite a few Angels in there. But i think for the sake of kiasuism and the fact that many enthusiast spends thousands on their set up.... maybe better to be safe than sorry.....
  14. Just remembered to watch the vid after d/ling yesterday..... got to say after ther first 3 mins it got a bit BORING ...... Someone in Sg has an 11ft tank. not marine though....
  15. Patrick123, I recently suffered the same dilema as you. My final solution was to use a commercial unit with a DIY/custom mount for my tank. The mount is still under design. All depends on your tank and where you can mount. Visiting Ikea can be quite inspirational
  16. If i am not mistaken, it is a purple anthias, or 'Pseudanthias tuka' in FEMALE mode.
  17. In theory, each time any engine starts, wear is at it's greatest. However, in practice it really is minimal. Can you imagine the guy who owns a Ferrari and will not switch off his engine for fear of greater wear??? _____________________ I null vote for the topic cos, i off pumps when i target feed my inverts but the fishies have to chase their meal as it is pushed around (more fun to watch )
  18. Yah man... so many cute huskies there.... Lucky for them the weather was not too got. Otherwise i think they suffer man. Who or what is 'your Barkus'?
  19. From a neutral standpoint, asking for opinions of 'the best' of any particular item is bound to generate way too many opinions. Even by branding, there are often times when a reputable brand comes out with something really crap or not good value. Over time, opinions and general ideas may also change (eg: At one time, skimmers were not even considered an essential piece of equiptment to some aquarists). Advancement in technology also will affect percieved values. Probably best way is to set a budget and minimum capacity required and then shop around.
  20. I believe you are talking about 'Hammerite'. Tried that with my freshwater stand. Works. Not tried this Reefez thing, how much does this cost?
  21. I donate the fishie to friends who have larger fishies in their tanks.
  22. Ahh... another variant of the photoshopus editia !!!! jd, the ich idea is plain cruel.
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